Hi everyone. I am an investor mostly investing in Index using passive funds. I was watching some finance videos then I came across this video by CNBC.
China’s index/SSE has hardly given any returns in the last 20-30 years if we adjust for inflation. I find it very strange. China’s economy has grown drastically in the last 20-30 years. But their index. Not so much. I know countries can go into a bear market. Like 2008, 2020, etc. But the indices usually return to their ATH and keep growing further. The same can’t be said for China.
I am not an expert but does anyone know why is this the case for their index? And if it’s possible for the Indian market to experience something similar. Talking about long term here. As in how it’s for China’s index i.e. for 20-30 years.
P.S. I do see some people mentioning that China’s govt has some control over their index, or they have made it harder for FIIs to invest and usually FDIs happen in China. So, people will usually invest in something like Tencent over their index. Also, locals there don’t invest in the market and invest more in bonds, fds, etc. and that’s what the government also promote to them. Also, India is a growing economy this might not happen as the index slows down when the companies in it aren’t growing but I find it strange that this happened in China.