Fellow Members:
I have found it is not the profits we make but the losses we don’t make that might take us further.
I am posting this late in the night to see if this thought process holds any value for the members we have today… since I feel, it is an excellent time to post so it’s not noticed
Have posted this link before on another thread but thought lets challenge ourselves… First, the thought in the link which I feel which is an eye opener…
http://www.valuewalk.com/chandrakant-sampat/ It took me a few readings to grasp just about 1% of his thinking.
Now after “really” understanding" the question… is there anything that currently fits the bill?
Rest seems like speculation.
Quoting the CS interview "What is Sampat’s secret to good investing? Pat comes with the answer: Invest in a business you understand, the company should have either zero or very little debt, the share should be available at a P/E ratio of 13 to 14 times the current year’s earnings and lastly, it should be available between 3.5% and 4%. “It is that simple!” he says. This is all he does; he says, no more research. Follow these golden rules, and you can be as good as he can, he concluded."
What can our esteemed and cherished members see? Anything? Or simply stay in cash?
Please, at the cost of sounding silly, may I request only the very special businesses to be put forth? With clear reasons?
If they are great but do not meet the masters thought process… please give respect to the master and leave them for other posts? Which are great by the way! And valued by all. Just not here for sanctity, humble request.
If Chandrakant Sampat looks down to see us remembering him, would he approve? And would he approve the logic?
I am hoping that we can impress his soul and his sage words of advise. Then he may still lives with us.
If there is nothing to comment on today or in a year, we can take his advise and simply wait till the right one appears. A purist thought process.
Would love to see the most cherished ideas here tomorrow or in due time, only when they meet CS’s high standards.
It might be 1-2 days or 1-2 years before we can share with him something special we have seen. He may be watching smiling. Especially, if we can stand for each other just like he did for so many with his wisdom and patience before we share here.
Lets try!