Centum Electronics

Centum Electronics is trading at a market capitalization of INR 1,900 CRORE (approx.) at a P/E of 143 times. The stock is very expensive and doesn’t offer a good entry point at the current levels in my opinion.

Key points:

  • Management expects EBITDA to be around 10% for FY24 and around 13-15% over the next few years, meaning that it is not going to generate SIGNIFICANT PROFITS and the stock would remain expensive unless it corrects atleast 30-40% from here.
  • Management expects EV / Cleantech to be growth drivers of the future
  • EMS business is growing well, on the back of China + 1 strategy with a lot of businesses looking to de-leverage their supply chains.
  • BTS is a high margin segment (20% margins) but has a long execution period (>2 years). Margins from EMS hover around 9-12% with project execution of 6-12 months. R&D is lagging behind due to loss making subsidiaries, management expects margins from R&D segment to be 10-11% in the long term with project execution of 6 months.
  • Order book is INR 1,548 CRORE as at 30 September 2023.
  • In general management has not given detailed breakdown of order book, clients, growth drivers, new initiatives / deals. No comment on deals with Indra OR Rafael, apart from the fact that they are in progress and such deals take time to come to fruition.

I’ve done a detailed breakdown in this article - Betting on Space [Part 2]: Centum Electronics and MTAR Technologies

Disclosure: Tracking, would invest only if the stock correct atleast 30% from the current levels

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