BFBV course presentation (Sanjay Bakshi)


In total there are 28 presentations covering various topics right frombehavioralfinance to Moats, Special situations, distress investing value traps etc.

Download the presentations from here

To believing that one that make money only in high growth stocks which can grow at 20-25% and not in any others is exactly what Charlie Munger said “To a man with hammer everything looks like nail”. As prof Sanjay Bakshi says in the beginning one should explore various investment styles and then can settle which ever suits one personality.


Thanks Anil Kumar.

You are right, we at ValuePickr are pretty myopic when it comes to preferred styles:).

We have already initiated course correction measures through trying to build a core group of users with Large cap/Bluechip expertise. Similarly we hope to encourage other styles especially Special Situations, with help from thought leaders like you!



Looks like that link for presentation is not working… is there any way i can get those presentation?

@Suyog_Patil Looks like there have been modifications since then, check this out : BFBV V12 - Prof. Sanjay Bakshi


Visit new website: BFBV V14