Best value-investing magazines

Hello fellow investors,

I’m looking to compile a list of the best value-investing magazines, and I need your help! Please share your recommendations for magazines that excel in:

  1. Educational Content: In-depth articles on value investing principles and strategies.
  2. Future Outlook: Insightful analyses and forecasts on market trends and economic conditions.
  3. Market Trends: Latest updates on market movements and emerging opportunities.

Your input will help us all as a community to find the top resources for learning, staying informed, and making better investment decisions.

Thank you for your suggestions in advance!:slight_smile:

PS: Also share the links to the magazines if possible

Warm regards,
Shubham Maheshwari


Capital Market one of the most trusted magazine about India investing.


My bet is on only 2 - Wealth Insight and MoneyLife.
Both are simple, straightforward and no-nonsense magazines.
It is also relatively very cheap for the online version.

I hope this helps you.



Any perspective on these two?