Need your suggestions to enhance my knowledge on share market.
Im from engineering background and working in IT for more than 8years and luckily got know about share market from some friends circle and started investing from 2018.
Randomly invested in few stocks from 2018 and many of them are penny and multibaggers and few of them multibaggers -->loss .
I choose Adani green @35rs today it’s 1900. – holding
TTML 5rs now 100+ , 52high 245rs thought of selling but holded. --holding
Yes Bank bought@250 now @13.(big loss I bought this adani same time,all loss covered by adani). --Holding
JSW energy @69 now @200+ holding
Akshoptifiber @7 now @11 sold 50% @14.
Tata motors@180 holding
Suzlon energy-- @
Surana solar/telecom -
I simply bought many more shares and then was not logged into demat for 2years then I saw in 2020 during pandemic though evry1 saying market crash my portfolio was at 40% profit after pandemic it went up to 120% .
Now currently it’s under + 65%.
After all these I decided to start the trading/investing professionally with more cash and got some more losses.
Later relaized that market is not emotional it’s just dynamic and we can’t predict.
Though started investing and trading making decent profits but always confused to sell good return stocks by thinking it may go up more(ex TTML was about sell at 240 but kept then all gone down).
Need your suggestions?
How to learn what to sell/buy what to hold ?
What % of avg profit we can expect?
If stocks giving good return/going up? How to decode/decide to sell or hold??
Please suggest if any books we can read to get some fundamental knowledge to take our own decisions and planning just like our professional or other things we do in day to day life ?So that no regrets after sell/buy?
Stocks you are mentioning are long shots. Few can be kept in the portfolio with small allocation. But one cannot make an investment portfolio out of it. Market timing and broad diversification is required for them. The Valuepickr topics on allocation and investment strategies can provide you some framework to built upon.
I personally also invested in that time frame only.
I was even able to make money out of yes bank by mistake and just see that now as pure luck.
If I see your holding most are just some bets that may and may not play out and even you understand that by there balance sheet that there is atleast one thing fundamentally wrong mostly high debt.
Hope these are not your only investment.
As a case study if you want to read and understand some emotional decision of how to judge when to buy or sell and even have a patience to hold some of my recommendation is stock to riches by parag parik(very small and easy to read book perfectly based on Indian case study will get clean view while staying very short you can easily complete in 1-2 days less then 150 pages).
Other more famous is psychology of money.
These both need to read as will make your mind away from pure speculation to long term view where most money is for a person who is currently earning.
After this as you mentioned you have industry experience of it sector start reading balance sheet of it sector giants to niche player you may or may not invest but get clear idea how and what they are going specially atleast read ceo notes of all it company annual reports.
Also you need to made it clear why you even want to invest ie is money invested is for some goal or retirement or what it will clear few things.
When you need to cash out totally
what will be your view point
how much will you need.
If you do this right over a long term it is not very difficult to generate some alpha over nifty by getting around 16-18% cagr return over 7-10year period.
Thanks for your time on reading my post and sharing your feedback, i read psychology of money book,its worth reading and changing the market approach now