: Create customized screeners

I witnessed very good movement in stocks filtered out from your screener specifically in ‘Long Term Reversal’ and ‘Waiting for history to repeat’. Kindly let me know what is the criteria to add the stocks under ‘Waiting for history to repeat’ screener beside relative gains. Is there any fundamental reversal coming in these stocks or only technical reversal is seen? Further, kindly add the date of Long Term Reversal stocks, if possible so that early entry can be taken. However, you have provided a very good screener to the investors community. Thanks :blush:

Hi @vml I wanted to inquire where do youll get GSEC 5 Year Index’s historical price from?


@akk_07 : Sorry for the delayed response. I dont visit this forum often

  • Waiting for history to repeat - This screener compares the current bull run (2013 onwards) to the 2003-2008 bull run. For instance, if a stock went up 100x between 2003 to 2006, but has moved up only 2x from 2013, then the ratio (100/2 = 50) is used to rank the stock. So that way you can find stocks that did well in that bull run but are yet to perform now. I have been using this screener since 2017 to build my own portfolio.
  • Long Term trend reversal - This screener is based on long term averages of the 200-day RSI. For uptrend, it calculates the 200-day RSI over the entire pricing history of the stock, and if the current value if greater than 90% of all such values then it marks the stock as trending upwards. Similarly for downtrend, if the current value is in the bottom 20% of all 200-day RSI values for that stock then mark it as downtrend.

All the screeners use only pricing history, and price data is updated every weekend.

For catching trends early, I added Stock and sector trends. The first chart is interactive - you can click on a sector the pie chart and it will show matching stocks in “Recent trending stocks”. You could also subscribe to my Telegram channel.

But there is no perfect method - if you catch a trend too early you end up stuck with an underperforming stock and if you enter late then you miss the initial jump in prices. I have found better luck with identifying trending sectors and finding other underpriced stocks in that sector.

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@valorem The GSEC data is from NiftyIndices. The other raw data (PE, P/B, Div Yield) for the “Market Health” charts are also from the same site.

The charts are updated automatically every weekend.


@vml you are doing a great job. More power to you.

Is there a way to identify stocks with a certain market cap (like 1000 to 3000cr) that have an ROCE > 20%? Or whose profit is growing by 20% over previous year?

Queries look straightforward, Screener will work here.

Works on, but not able to download the list of companies.

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@visuarchie Sorry, but no financial data is available, only stock prices.

@vml any way to use the Market health data to find tops in the market?

Like how we can use the Equity/Bond vs Dividend Yield chart to find bottoms in the market?

@valorem: The Long-term trend reversal screener can show sector-wise trends. Currently it shows a downtrend in IT & consumption, and an uptrend in capex related stocks.

I think tops and bottoms are only clear in hindsight, and no method can pinpoint an exact top or bottom. Even the Equity/Bond vs Dividend Yield chart - if you look at the bottoms in early 2000s or in 2009, the Equity/Bond fell far lower than Div Yield.

While the current market looks overvalued on a lot of charts, markets can remain overvalued (or undervalued) for extended periods of time. Also, we are heading towards lower interest rates and if Trump wins in the US then that could spell the end of the Russia war.

TLDR: I have no clue on identifying tops or bottoms but some charts may give a warning sign that you should then check with the real world.

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@vml thanks a lot!

Could you share the method you use to try to spot the next hot sector using


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To identify trends,

  • The Stock and Sector trends page has a few charts that shows both recent trends and top performers over different time scales.
  • The Telegram channel has a weekly ranking of stocks and sectors by new orders. It also tracks changes in trending stocks, as well as updates on portfolios of some big investors and MFs.
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Sir what do you mean by new orders if possible?


When companies get new orders they annouce it to stock exchanges (NSE and BSE). The site identifies these announcements and once a week the stocks with the most such announcements are posted on the channel.

For example, last Saturday’s post on the Telegram channel had RVNL on top. This is what their announcements look like - winning some LoA and signing some MoUs.

Also, please don’t call me Sir. I am just another fellow investor


Hi @vml

Where are you getting this data from? like shareholding pattern

Its scraped from the stock exchange websites, mostly