Ayush Mittal-Pratyush MIttal: Killer Combo that keeps delivering more for VP and larger Investing Community

100-bagger return in 6 years! Lucknow lads prove their mettle on D-Street

Over the past decade, the Mittal brothers developed a flair for spotting value bets.

Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 20.16.06
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2017, 03.12 PM IST

NEW DELHI: For years, these two Lucknow men burnt their fingers in the stock market; they picked wrong companies in their desperate hunt for multibagger returns, and the ones on which they got it right, they sold out too early!

Today, the Mittal brothers laugh when they talk about that phase; they look at it as learning. Over time, they have grown as investors and made far more money than what they lost back then.

Ayush Mittal is just 33 and his brother Pratyush Mittal, 29. Over the past decade or so, they have developed a flair for spotting potential value bets among smaller companies and made big money on them.

Their father SP Mittal, now 60, has been a full-time stock investor since 1980s.

Based in Lucknow, a hot bed for Mughlai cuisine consisting of dishes developed in Medieval India at the centre of the Mughal Empire, the Mittal brothers picked sea food manufacturing company Avanti Feeds in 2011 at Rs 7 (adjusted price). Today, that stock trades at Rs 1,700, indicating a 24,185 per cent rise in just six years. And it is still part of their portfolio.

Mittals believe collaborative research can guarantee extraordinary returns in the stock market. Anyone with investing discipline and hard work can generate good returns on Dalal Street, they claim.

The two have since created a tool, named www.screener.in, for investors to do their own research before betting on a stock.

Their father S P Mittal himself made it big in his heydays: picking Cipla in 1985 and DLF in the 1990s. He sold DLF in 2007 after its listing on BSE but still holds Cipla in his portfolio.

Ayush and Pratyush are CA by qualification. They have been investing in stocks since their early 20s.

Besides Avanti Feeds, their portfolio consists of stocks like Ajanta Pharma, Poly Medicure, Shilpa Medicare, Oriental Carbon and others (see table).

They invested in Astral Poly at about Rs 25 in 2011 and exited it a few months back at about Rs 425. Today, the stock trades at over Rs 600. The company is a leader in CPVC plumbing pipes and has been a big beneficiary of the switch from GI pipes to CPVC pipes.

ETMarkets.com could not independently verify Mittal brothers’ holdings at present or back then.

Investment strategy
Mittal brothers say they prefer midcap and smallcap companies. They burn midnight oil, trying to identify stocks that can grow at above-normal pace and multiply wealth over time. Usually, such names are not very popular, they claim.

For investors looking for quality business, fundamentals and past track record are important, says Ayush Mittal.

“One has to do some bit of homework, and it is possible to come across promising companies run by some fantastic entrepreneurs,” he said.

And to spot multibaggers, it is essential to understand the underlying business model of a company.

“An investor should look at them like a part owner and try to understand the business and the unique proposition that can drive the company to success,” Ayush said.

Sometimes it is possible to get a quality company at throwaway price due to wrong perception or bad mood of the market, he smirks.

Multibagger returns
The Mittal brothers claim a number of stocks delivered them multibagger returns over the years. Here is a list of stocks that they are still holding in their portfolio.

Advice for new investors
The stock market is like an ocean; it will give you what you seek, says Ayush Mittal.

“You can seek quick money by trading or you can create a lot of wealth by focusing on the longer term and partnering with good companies early. Doing the latter is easier, more knowledgeable and more rewarding,” he insists.

He has a simple tip for new investors. Look around you; most of the products you are using are sold by listed companies. A look at their long-term price charts would tell you that they are massive wealth creators. Look at Maruti Suzuki, Hero MotoCorp, Jockey (Page Industries), Eicher (Royal Enfield) and HDFC Bank – names they grew bigger right in front of you.

“Try to observe good products, businesses around you, check out their financials and if it makes sense, become a part owner when things are in your favour,” says he.

“Don’t come to market with the intention of buying today and selling in a few days, weeks or months. Try to invest in companies for years,” advises Ayush Mittal.

Mittal brothers believe big wealth creation happens when a small or mid-sized company transitions into its next phase. Usually, it happens due to a differentiated business model, focused management and high growth rates. This all can lead to huge re-rating in valuations and create multibagger returns.

One crucial element to look out for is cash flow. Participate in companies that throw out cash. The Mittals prefer companies that have a smaller equity base, do not raise capital from market and have low debt-equity ratios.

For new investors, they strongly recommend Prof Sanjay Bakshi’s blogs at https://fundooprofessor.wordpress.com/

Lessons from failure
They say they met with failure early in life for picking wrong companies that looked great in terms of various valuation ratios, but all of that turned out to be fraudulent or manipulated.

Not allocating enough capital to a stock was another mistake we kept on making in many instances. “In some cases, we sold some excellent ideas too early,” Ayush recalls.


Ayush has always been my favourite ValuePickr; and Pratyush comes a close second.

Ayush has been instrumental in transforming my investment journey in every possible way. He was the one who coined & implanted the most important Mental Model (probably) - Business in Transition - firmly in my naive (theoretical) investing mind. Flush with some initial success at finding a Mayur Uniquoter, I was on a mission :slight_smile:; and after 6 months of futile search for Mayur-like clones (textbook ROIC 50%+, Growing Margins, Growing Sales, growing FCF, dream combo), Ayush gently prompted me Donald - you need to lower your thresholds - Companies don’t start great, they go from good to better; improve margins, improve working capital, improve asset turns, and in 2-3-4 years the business starts looking very different; its important to recognise this business-in-transition characteristics, and do our best to establish if this is becoming stable: his favourite phrase was - what if this becomes sustainable - imagine the kind of Cash this business will throw up; exactly the recipe for the first 100-bagger (actually 200 bigger, went upto 3200 or so) multibagger specialist VP is proud to have with us since the start.

Ayush was also responsible for energising me to do Stock Stories - he came up one day, Donald you can go anywhere on the net and get ratios/numbers (think Moneycontrol, Rediff of those days) but you cant go anywhere to familiarise yourself quickly with the “business” behind the numbers. A one-pager that introduces the product segments, customers, entry barriers for business, positive and negative arguments …and so was born the structured side of ValuePickr - Stock Stories, and Management Q&As that we studiously did for 30-35 solid businesses we did extensive work on in the first 3-4 years. Ayush would always be there for every Management interview we arranged. I still remember how we landed up at Raichur one AGM day in 2012 (we were the only 2 outsider shareholders present) - and literally blocked the MD form leaving after the meeting and requested fervently for 15 minutes of his time - to understand the business. We had sent our questions beforehand. MD had answered some of our questions in his address - about the journey, how they settled on Oncology ahead of others, the transition form intermediates to API to formulations vision; how they learned form the best and developed ambitions for the next milestone, and stuff like that. MD politely said I have answered what we could Donald, now if you will…I moved away, but not Ayush, he just wouldn’t budge - so passionate was his quest to know more about the business. MD relented and said, alright what time are you leaving, and we said midnight by Rajdhani. He smiled and said come visit the plant, have lunch and I will give you 15 minutes, no more…and the rest as they say is history!!

I will be amiss if I don’t mention the softer qualities that make Ayush the master investor that he is. He is the most balanced investor I have ever met - He can talk on both positives and negatives of his business with almost equal emphasis. Completely open and willing to listen to everyone, to every disconfirming evidence. He collaborates literally with 100s of investors; show him some hard work and he is appreciatively there by your side guiding, and egging you on; haven’t come across a better human being. He is the one who is equally appreciative of everyones hard work - its almost as if he doesn’t have filters in his mind about investment work/learning; but his stock-picking filters are among the finest in India. In any market, he will always give you 5 workable ideas; I am very choosy - so he will pause and say you don’t like these (?), okay consider these 5 then!! Amazing sixer-hitter guys at VP next to Ayush, there is HItesh, and now we have an Abhishek Basumullick emerging with his quants-inspired workable ideas - who is trying to give a good fight to them on investible pipelines.

Now the other brother - sometimes I can’t decide - who’s is more valuable to VP, among the two. Without Pratyush, VP Forums would collapse in a day. Pratyush is a CA, and absolutely no IT technical training - until one day he decided to become good at screening - good at technology and self-tutored himself completely on the web - learning python by the night, and competing with dad and bhaiyya during the day on stock-picks; the latent brilliance blossomed not just on technology finesse, but brilliant on simplicity of UI design. I don’t know where VP would be without Pratyush - his single-minded devotion to solving our complex requirements so VP Forums phase 2 launch in new Discourse avatar in 2015 - again simple, elegant, brilliant solution. Keeping up with the stupendous traffic growth - from 5000 users to over 38000 (registered) and 60000-70000 (not logged-in) users has been engineered so smoothly, we hardly ever notice any blips. He simplified and automated the user registration process so elegantly, today we process even 250 registrations in a day or two, max!! VP will be forever indebted to his dedication and tech brilliance. Hope he develops some clones, soon just as we want clones for Hitesh and Ayush coming up. Just like his trend-setting brother, Pratyush is an amazingly humble and open guy for all his brilliance and achievements - at such an young age!

Requesting @ayushmit and @pratyushmittal for some words encouraging us on the journey for next decade 2020-2030, and how they would like to see VP Community progressing and flourishing.

PS: Guys/Gals - as a mark of respect for Ayush/Pratyush, DO NOT like up this post or the previous one. Wait for some words from Ayush and Pratyush - that will be the time for us to celebrate their success, shower the community’s love and blessings, and wish them all the success in all their endeavours.


Hi Donald,

Thanks for your kind words. You have a gift for writing and your love makes an average person like me look smart :slight_smile: The truth remains that I have been lucky to have been surrounded by so many intelligent, hard working and gifted people. I have few small observations/insights on companies but the way many of the VP friends are able to do hard work and connect dots and understand the business quality, its amazing and takes things to the next level.
10 years is an important milestone and when I reflect back, I just feel blessed that so much of value addition/transformation has happened at VP.

It was maybe 2009-10, when I came across a detailed in-depth report written by Donald, it was published on seeking alpha. Impressed with the work, I just wrote to Donald to exchange few thoughts. Given his name and work, I presumed him to be some foreign investor and didn’t expect much of response. To my surprise I got a call and he turned out to be an energetic desi guy :slight_smile: We got engaged in discussions on BKT over email and it became like a challenge to each other. Donald kept asking me questions (which I never thought or didn’t have answers to) and fed up it, I said, I only know so much, you please find answers if you can, as there is no other listed peer. To my surprise, Donald worked super hard and mapped out global players in this space and shared super in-depth and detailed work. My eyes popped out. I never could have imagined that research can be done this way. Infact when we shared the work to BKT management, they were surprised with the details and invited Donald for discussion. That was the start of collaborative research. Donald kept adding more people to the email discussions and the work became more indepth and valuable. Between this 2 important things happened:

  1. We realized the power of collaboration. How 2 minds are equal to 11 and there are lots of brilliant minds and the enormous potential of having complimentary skills.
  2. Donald was clear that he wants to make a difference to wide investing public. Add value to a retail investor rather than sell research to HNIs/fund managers (which could have been a logical monetary thing). We even used to had difference with few people who didn’t want to share the work on public platform and had to drop off few things. But luckily this circle kept expanding and we were joined by brilliant minds like @hitesh2710 @basumallick

The next phase of journey took us to conducting field visits, AGMs, management interviews - this was the most powerful and learning phase. A super shy person like me could have never imagined being able to do this job. We were again joined by several well-wishers who helped us in connecting with people from industry and helping us in these trips. We have been lucky to have people who have been good hearted and honest. Many of them gave up their slots at the VP top contributor meet just because they were not contributing on the platform directly (though their contribution was huge offline). And they could promote new comers who were writing well and making VP a richer platform.

Today it feels special to see some of the top contributors on VP - all of them are really diverse in their way of investing and thoughts and successful yet admire and respect each other. Each one thinks how they can help the other and make the discussions value-added. @desaidhwanil - has a special skill for simplifying things and sticking to relevant areas @ankitgupta - has been one of the most hardworking guy in the group @dd1474 - a very systemic approach and has eye for details, loves going into the history of the companies, @spatel - super skilled guy and keeps surprising us with insights, he speaks the least but is super value-added, @Anant - huge growth and evolution in his style. Super thanks to @manish962 bhai for taking up the toughest job of moderation and saving the platform from abuse. Many of the young additions like @vivek_mashrani @rupeshtatiya @suru27 @deevee @phreakv6 surprise with their IT skills and skills in presenting and extracting data. I’ll miss many of the important names and contributors. But what I want to convey is - for anyone who wants to made a difference to his investing journey, he needs to just work hard on few ideas, take ownership, share your work with peers and get mentorship with some of these special people. It can be a life changing experience. In the next round, you may get a slot here if you have that quest.

I think the thing which helped me learn so much and connect with so many people was a simple push from @pratyushmittal to write more. As I wrote on platform, I used to get positive and negative feedbacks which really helped me think more and avoid mistakes.
In hindsight - the biggest mistakes/losses happened, when I was over-confident or felt I knew too much. Markets give a big thrash. So I would advice people to avoid getting in arguments on platform and just try to give your best and give scope for opposite view points.

What next can we do - perhaps continue doing what we have been doing :slight_smile: There are very few platforms which have survived for so long. Perhaps we just need to do things in a bit better way than before. Few thoughts:

  1. Many of the threads have become long - can we de-clutter them?
  2. Stock stories or something on that line seems to be a good idea to me
  3. As we have evolved in the quality of work and discussions, Donald is right in putting efforts of tapping industry experts. We should focus more on this.

Thank you everyone for your love and support.


Hi Bhaiya,

Thanks a lot for the gracious appreciation.

ValuePickr is very dear to me. It has shaped my investing mind. I remember going on the first company visits with you to OCCL. I also remember the first plant visits with you. The way you talked with people on factory floors was inspiring. It taught me what to look at and what to ask. I saw you do your homework by reaching out to your school friends and meeting people of every field. I saw how you then asked questions to management. I read about scuttlebutt from Philip Phisher, but saw it in practice through you.

Though I haven’t been able to write much on VP, it provided me more servers to play. I tried out some of the latest technologies on it. I got a chance to setup email servers, configure Discourse, develop Wordpress plugins and create my own themes. But most importantly, it provided me access to annual VP meets.

Annual VP meets have changed and developed how I think about investments. The presentations and conversations have stayed inside. This is where I have learned so many investing styles, data points and how to interpret different things. These insights have helped me make Screener.

Insights from @hitesh2710 Bhai helped me optimise charts. He came and shared about bugs on touch devices which were faced by many others. @rohitbalakrish_ helped me in designing peer comparison. @dd1474 Bhai provided insights which we included in “pros and cons.” @sandeep bhai showed how to see and play with numbers. @suru27 and @phreakv6 opened the gates to export / import data. @manish962 bhai shared how to run successful family businesses. Sandeep bhaiya’s shared about “winning losers game” and “bowling alley” concept in Crossing the Chasm which helped me structure and think about operational parts. @desaidhwanil bhaiya gave confidence that we were doing something right.

Each VP meet is like reading and absorbing many different books. The guest speakers have been masters. Sumit, Hiren, Prof Bakshi and Vinay - all shared frameworks on to think about different things.

Thanks everyone and forgive me those whom I have missed.

Preparing for next decade:

  • Have more hands in development: working with @vml and @jagbir was a joy. Dad says that 1 and 1 is not 2 but 11. That is what VP has always been. It reduces errors and opens gate to do more things.
  • Migrate from Wordpress to something Wiki like: Have a wiki like page for each company. Provide ability to everyone to create new pages and enrich them over years. Compared to forums, Wiki requires facts instead of opinions. We have excellent moderators who can drive that. Wiki can be a wonderful addition to forum.

@ayushmit is one the most humble, smart and good looking investors you will find. :wink: Though he is nowadays trying to compete with me on the weight side!!!

One very important thing I learnt from Ayush was to have a long-term portfolio. That is, have small stakes in companies where research is still i progress or where I like some aspect but not enough to have a full allocation. Once it’s in the portfolio, keeping track of the performance has been easier and scaling up as well.

I know of no other person who knows as much about Indian small caps. He knows more about companies which I or most people would not have ever heard of. Hats off to Ayush for that.

@pratyushmittal is the only person I know who is a technophile and who has been able to successfully transition back to a “dumb” phone. I have been intending to, but never managed the courage to. Being a self taught techie, Pratyush does such a phenomenal job with both screener and VP that it continues to amaze me. I been a fan of screener from day 1 and the way it has democratized fundamental research in India along with it super duper excel download feature.

Last but not the least both the brothers are the epitome of the Lucknowi tehzeeb - super humble and respectful always and amazing human beings.

It has been a pleasure to have been able to share this great journey with them.


Ayush has been a VP favorite across investors. And for a number of reasons. He exemplifies Peter Lynch’s advice of turning over a lot of stones to uncover big winnners. The kind of width he has in terms of knowing about a lot of companies is amazing. And he backs it up with a lot of hard work. As Donald mentioned, ask him at any point in market cycle about few actionable ideas and he will always have some at his fingertips. He has carried his father’s illustrious legacy in the world of investment.

Its rare to find a combination of great stock picking, soft spokenness, humility and handsome good looks ( :grinning: always helps). He is always ready to listen to and acknowledge the other side of the story patiently which is again rare in long term investors.

Personally we share a friendship dating back to 2010 from the time we met and its a matter of great pride and joy to see someone so young carry such a mature head on his shoulders. He is a person who has great balance in most walks of life. Most of the top contributors have seen this on display when we attend the annual VP conferences. Along with Dhwanil he has been instrumental in organising especially the last two Vp conferences and both of these conferences have been great events both in terms of learning and having fun.

The blindspot I see in Ayush is that sometimes in the zeal to be a long term investor, he cannot take a course correction even when things go awry and that sometimes causes missing timely exits even when the writing is on the wall. But this trait often cuts both ways and he has managed to stick on to great stories for long periods of time. Being a very straightforward and trusting guy he often gets carried away by management’s version of the story.

If Ayush is softspoken, Pratyush is even more so. By qualification a CA, he has moved on to his passion of software and platforms and has been instrumental in creating screener and is the backbone of valuepickr backend. He is a person of few words but that doesn’t hide the huge intellect and hardworking attitude he possesses.

The biggest blessing of joining and being of VP is the kind of friends I have made over the years and Ayush and Pratyush are shining examples of the same.

Keep going guys and god bless.


Hitesh brought out beautifully more of Ayush’s qualities. But since Ayush has been uncharacteristically super modest (he is always modest), let me bring out a few other (known, to some) under-appreciated facets of this specially talented long-term investor amongst us.

He/his dad have the very uncommon habit of nurturing a loooong tail of niche micro & small businesses, sometimes tracking over 5-7-10 years through numerous ups & downs of the business, still believing that this is is in the nature of niche micro/small enterprises, as long as the niche gets bigger, and the firm survives!

Along the way, there are relationships built with the firm - and that comes in very very handy when Ayush decides to handover a baby to us - when there is a certain track record established, there are good signs of an uptrend stabilising in sales and margins, and the like; with these tell-tale signs in place, Team VP usually finds it judicious then to spend time in serious scuttlebutt in a bid to prepare to meet Management and do a 360 degree kind of dissection, that we are known for.

Incase you are still wondering whats all this hullabaloo about …think Poly Medicare …probably nurtured for 7-8 years …before taking Donald along to visit factory and meet middle management; think Shilpa Medicare…already recounted some of that story; think Oriental Carbon; think Atul Auto …I was just NOT going to be convinced…but it was Ayush and his gentle persistence …bringing up numbers graph…and jumping up at every sighting of an Atul Auto tempo …on our numerous field visits in Gujarat, in Kerala, in Faridabad on the way to Poly Medicure …his typical Lynch style spotting success from the numbers on the streets…that finally made me sit up…and the famous VP 2012 road trip in Gujarat happened with Hitesh, Ayush, Gaurav Sud, Ankit Gupta, Dhwanil, Vinod MS…we covered 500 kms one way from Baroda to Rajkot, got bowled over by the earnest management, automated paint shop, and answers to every probing query of ours …and was born the fastest 10 bagger in VP history in a year plus time!! Not to forget Avanti Feeds…again completely Ayush and his follow-up over multiple years before the tide turned in 2009, and it was Ayush’s CONVICTION that finally wore down most skeptics view of the industry and in the prospects of a fast rising very promising aggressive player making all the right moves. It was only the intimate knowledge of the businesses, the industry’s twists and turns, track of the Management’s consistent actions through that journey - that’s invaluable rich history - acting as a guide for Ayush’s well-honed Antenna’s to stick up and say Hey Donald, I think its time we make an Avanti Feeds Management meet happen. It’s his unrelenting resolve that finally led us to be able to meet the Managements of Poly Medicure, Shilpa Medicare, Oriental Carbon, Avanti Feeds…to name just a few that are part of his singular, spectacularly big contributions to VP.

I can say with utmost honesty - that 70-80% of all my long term big winners - have sprung from the generosity of Ayush and family, their relentless R&D in the long tail of micro businesses in India. My investing journey transformation couldn’t have happened without Ayush by my side. So this a formal bow to you Ayush, Your dad Shri SP Mittal (and his genes :slight_smile:), and Pratyush from and on behalf of the entire VP Community.

I can also inform with complete honesty - many such Managements agreed to meet us - ONLY because of the relationship Ayush & family had built up over the years. Such micro and small businesses are too busy running their show - normally have no interest/don’t meet Analysts. But they just couldn’t say no to repeated requests from an earnest Ayush or that occasional road-block at AGM :slight_smile:

For us to celebrate better - would request @ayushmit to put up his Presentation he had once shared with us and Prof Bakshi (zapped as we were by the style) - how to read clues in small business from Annual Reports reading over the years, and many small small handy tricks that go into long-tail-research in micro/small business in India.


Ayush is the most charming & lovable person in the VP community I have interacted with. I first met him around 10 yrs ago when he was 25 or 26 yrs old. I was amazed with the kind of investing wisdom he had at that time & first thought that come to my mind was that this guy has a very bright future ahead & he will scale pinnacle of investing. And here we have my thoughts converted into reality much ahead of the time frame I had in my mind.

Ayush has a great thirst in terms of knowing incubating businesses very early. He is very soft spoken & humble and talks no-nonsense. He has a very wide investing bandwidth.

Pratyush, as Hitesh mentioned, is more humble among the siblings. His contribution in developing VP platform is most valuable. Screener has been amazing for the investors which has made the life of investors easy & big thanks to Pratyush on behalf of all the users.

It is great blessing to have lovely friends like you. All the best for a very bright future.


We are new and less active in the VP. We are from Econophysics Background, and doing research in econophysics physics.

Recently I wrote Ayush Mittal-Pratyush Mittal for screener data. During the interaction, we found them so interactive that our research group is very impressed. Thank you both of you. Thank you for your help to the VP community.


Ayush Ji,
Your single most contribution is screener to the Indian Investor. I have heard a lot about you and couple of times interacted over email and then gtalk chat .
Your passion and pick of mid and small caps has been a folklore in 2000 -2015 investor circle.
Wishing you all the very best as well as the administrator Donald and all top guns of this forum


can we have a link for that presentation on how to read annual reports?


Yes , Eagerly awaiting the annual report link

1 Like

@ayushmit Request you to put up the Presentation

@hitesh2710 - thanks for your lovely msg and your observation/feedback. Yes, I keep doing this mistake of trying to be a long term investor in small/mid cap space even when things seem to be going wrong or thesis not playing out or its a wrong call. Need to improve this.

@manish962 - you have been a keen observer and well-wisher. Your principals of life, simplicity and acumen are inspiring. thank you

Guys, sorry I don’t have the presentation donald mentioned. I think we did a live case kind of thing where we had opened several tabs on screener and snapshots of annual reports to connect dots and show few things.



Would it be possible for you to share some pointers off hand that you remember as that will be useful to many amateurs like me ?

One can go through the presentation by @ayushmit where he talks about how he observed changes in the company’s fundamentals by reading minute details in company’s balance sheet. I think @pratyushmittal had presented about reading balance sheets few years back in Goa meet.


Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach him to fish, and you feed him for life. The biggest contribution a human can make to life of another, is to help them evolve to a higher level in any aspect of life.

Worldwide, one can find thousands of investors who are inspired by Warren Buffet, follow his philosophy and investing style and have been immensely successful. Similarly, RJ has been a legend in India for over a decade now, inspiring a whole generation of astute investors. I guess we are extremely, extremely blessed to have @ayushmit in our midst, sharing their wonderful investing process so generously and kindly, massively influencing the next generation of investors.

@pratyushmittal and @ayushmit 's contribution to democratisation of fundamental research (in form of Screener.in) has been probably unparalleled. Along with all the titans of VP, @Donald, @hitesh2710, @basumallick (and others who I may not be familiar with, as yet) – this whole group has raised the level of art and science of investing to a different league, especially in a data dark country of ours.

As with students passing out of a school, taught by an illustrious teacher / guru, the real impact of your work may not be visible right now, but in a decade from now, the land will bloom with a thousand bright flowers.

Personally, being part of VP has made a massive shift in my thinking process, and I cannot thank the community enough for it.

Thanks to all for sharing a part of your goodness with everyone through VP. May you all continue to spread the learning, grace and abundance.


@ayushmit @pratyushmittal

Pls check…


I am not sure if it is official. Fan may be…

Hi Gautam,

It is not an official one. We don’t support it.

It displays ad and just wraps the website in a browser window.


Hi Pratyush, Ayush,

Just curious. Why don’t you monetise screener more? It is an amazing resource and a lot of people using it for free might be willing to pay if you start charging some money for normal users also…

You are giving away such a great tool for free to most people. Hence asking. BTW Many thanks for doing this :smile: