Avonmore Capital & Management Services Limited.
The company is primarily engaged in investing in businesses. The investments eventually grow as the business they have invested in grows. The company holds around 58% stake in Almondz Glonal Securities which is listed on stock exchange. So it looks more like an investment/holding company.
Besides the listed entity – they have investments in
Premier Alcobev Pvt Limited : Unit is located in HP. They are manufacturing liquor for companies like Diagio, Pernord Ricard and others. Key franchise brands include DSP Black Label, Romanov Vodka, DSP Green Label, McDowells No.1 Rum, Signature Rare Whiskey, Mcdowels No.1. Whiskey. Besides these they have their own brands as well like Premier Club, Full house, Old sniper, Knight Storm, etc. Someone in HP/North can throw some light on popularity of these brands.
They have grain based distillery with capacity of 85 KLPD ENA and 30 KLPD Ethanol. They plan to increase this to 200 KLPD shortly (May be already done). And they are planning to set up a green field project with similar capacity in Orissa. They generate captive power of 1.5 MW.
Do not have results for the current year, but Avonmore website has mentioned 400 Cr, but that looks too steep to believe going by the available data.
For the year ended 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 31 March 2017
Operating revenue 25,412.18 22,563.54 23,871.30 20,850.78 10,676.55 7,360.07
EBITDA 4,733.40 4,269.74 1,987.35 1,887.05 1,366.38 1,120.38
Profit/loss after tax 2,915.46 2,754.55 577.18 662.10 344.41 167.93
Net profit/loss margin 11.46 12.18 2.41 3.17 3.21 2.27
Networth (INR lacs) 10,294.26 7,415.49 4,660.68 4,084.48 3,414.03 2,964.22
ROE 28.32 37.15 12.38 16.21 10.09 5.67
Days receivables 33.00 40.00 27.00 43.00 75.00 51.00
Days payable 18.00 18.00 27.00 32.00 77.00 59.00
Current ratio 1.17 1.13 1.13 1.05 0.86 0.70
Debt/equity ratio 0.55 1.04 1.81 2.24 2.45 2.19
Shareholders data available is as on 31.03.2022 :
Share holder | 31.03.2022 |
Shikha Gupta | 39.63 |
Ashok Bhatia | 0.02 |
North Square Projects P Ltd | 50 |
Classy Investments P Ltd | 10.35 |
Don’t see Avonmore name in the data. May be North Square and/or Classy investment belong to them, need to check.
Almondz Global Infra Consultant Limited (AGICL) : This is another subsidiary and going by their website their client base is impressive. It looks like an asset light consulting company. Will get more information on this later.
Skiffle Healthcare Services : Company is running ten Super-Specialised Centres under the brand “Itek Vision Centre” and provides Cataract, Cornea, Retinal, Glaucoma, Neuro-ophthalmology and other eye related services. Not much information available on this.
The company is trading at Rs 76 against book Value of Rs. 117. And their own business do not look all that rosy, but management seems to be good and investments seem to be monitored closely.
They had done buyback of shares in 2022 @ Rs. 95 which gives some confidence looking at current market price.
This is not an investment advise, and the readings may be biased as I have recently added this to my portfolio based on above info.