Avanti Feeds

I am an aggressive risk-taker. I take calculated bets. In Avanti Feeds, I reckon the odds for cyclones/natural climate disasters and/or a new diseas/EMS outbreak as a remote black swan event.

If that happens well - I have to be ready to take the rap for it. So allocations can not be too high - even though I may consider say a good-to-great performance from Avanti this year, as a no-brainer.

I see very strong visibility for Rs 60-70 EPS for FY14E, and I reckon based on the performance (and adjusting for all the risks/perceptions that abound about the industry and Avanti Feeds) a 5x earnings valuation for the business should prevail - or Rs 300-350 in 6-9 months, if it is business as usual.

If it is not business as usual - international prices falling to $3 or a black swan event as above, these projections can go horribly wrong, so yes - again as Rudra mentions - those with good margin of safety - can still sit pretty.

Good Margin of Safety - is always the bottomline. Never chase a stock! There might be opportunities to add on declines - the whole market can as easily swing the other way - from the way it is behaving now :slight_smile:

Superb teamwork by Team Hyderabad & excellent presentation by Donald & Kiran with projections. Thanks to all of you.

The main risk I see in this counter is disease. How do investorā€™s calculate the probability of such an event? The way I see it, either itā€™s 0 or 100 - as in if disease strikes itā€™ll spread pretty much everywhere - even if not, atleast enough scare to earn a countrywide exports ban/restriction for a good time & hit such illiquid stock price to basement levels.

Otherwise nothing happens if nothing happens.

This factor alone is stopping me from allocating more than 8-10% in this counter. Iā€™ve had my fill at 100s & maybe some more at 120s.

I know everyone has a diff risk appetite but just interested to learn how would veterans here approach to put some number against these kind of risks.

Yes, it is a risk and that is the reason why the stock has been getting very low valuationsā€¦the PE ratio has been just 4-5 despite 40-50% CAGR over last few years, good dividends, good ROCE etc.

Some food for thought on the risk of disease - if one studies the international markets of the white shrimps - vannamei had almost a decade of disease free environment. Its only last year that EMS was reported and within a year, it seems solution has been found.


PS: My views may be biased please take your own call.

There are risks/challenges.

To those more informed than the average investor in the market - Currently, Disease is the lesser of the risks in this business in india - as per the couple of shrimp processors we have met. The bigger REAL risk is in international processed shrimp prices and shrimp feed raw material prices.

More than 10% allocation in a business of this nature - with additional risks (that others donā€™t; more things that CAN go wrong, more variables) - is not advisable - especially if this is the first year of familiarity of the business. Take a good bite that you are comfortable with - stay with the business - see how things go - one will always get opportunities for further allocations, down the line if the business keeps performing. There is not a single business in ValuePickr Portfolio that (have kept performing, and) we have not made additional allocations every year at the least!!


Good bottomline. ** :))

Most of the valuepickr stocks Avanti, Pi, Shilpa, Polymedicure are being chased making it hard/tricky to allocate fresh capital.Its heartening to see the influence & responsibility valuepickr community commandsā€¦Congrats :slight_smile:

Avantiā€™s results out. Q2 EPS at 20.45.


Looks like we are on track to Rs.55-60, instead of Rs.60-70 for the year. Letā€™s see. Letā€™s dig deeper.

Fantastic Set OF Results !!!

Sales Up By 51% From 187.6 Cr To 297 Cr

Net Profit Up Almost 65% From 11.1 Cr To 18.57 Cr ā€¦

Good result by the company!

The sales numbers for Q2FY14 were broadly in line with our projections (lower than projected shrimp processing sales being compensated by higher than projected feed sales). The net profits were lower than projected on account of lower net profit margins. (6.1% [A] vs. 9.37% [P]).

TTM EPS already 48.6,P/E<5!!
Two more quarters to goā€¦looks good for 55 EPS.Giving what the market has given it so far: 5.5X takes it to 270 & 6X takes it to around 300.Thatā€™s a neat 25%,even from here.Good going.

As hinted earlier, looks like Avanti hasn't been able to scale up processing sales as well as we all expected (hint earlier: Processing is very labor-intensive, and in this season of huge demand for shrimp, finding labor would have been very difficult at reasonable prices).

Anyway. Look at the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
2013 2014E 2014E 2014E
Shrimp Feed(in MT) 103393 120000 120000 120000
Shrimp Processing (in MT) 2551 3000 4000 5000
Feed Price (per MT) 48,540 53394.04 53394.04 53394.04
Processing Price (per MT) 563,583 619,941 619,941 619,941
Feed Sales (in cr.) 501.87 640.73 640.73 640.73
Processing Sales (in cr.) 143.77 185.98 247.98 309.97
Feed Sales NM 5.1% 7.2% 7.2% 7.2%
Processing Sales NM 13.2% 12.8% 12.8% 12.8%
Profit before Tax 44.73 70.21 78.16 86.10
Profit after Tax 31.31 49.15 54.71 60.27
EPS 34.48 54.13 60.25 66.38

If Avanti could do processing of 2500MT last year, at the bare minimum, in the face of increased capacities, it will most probably do atleast 3000MT this year.
I have assumed the realization on processing to be 10% higher than last year (given the high prices in the markets for the better part of the year, seems reasonable).
Even with these assumptions, and at a bare min. of 3000MT, Avanti is going to do an EPS of atleast Rs.54, if not more. It may not look as high as Rs. 65 or Rs. 73 as projected earlier, but is high enough compared to last year.
I am still betting on Rs.55-Rs.60 (Rs.60 being more probable) than my earlier estimate of Rs. 60-Rs.65 (again Rs. 60 was more probable).
P/E multiple is of course a function of the markets and personal preferences.
Disc: Invested. My views may be biased. Caveat emptor.


We have had incremental learnings over past few weeks/months since publishing of Management Q&A, ValuePickr Portfolio recommendation, and the Field Report. As each week passes we are getting to learn more on intricacies/challenges/complexity in managing the business. Obviously we had more ground to cover, needed more homework done to reach any verdict.

My views currently on Shrimp Industry/Avanti business:

1). There are lot more variables in this business - many things can go wrong - as we have seen in past month or so - threat of cyclones, flooding, temperatures dropping, white-spot disease emerging - et al. None have impacted any significantly so far, but who is to say it will not - next month or next quarter!

Its very difficult, nay impossible, to call the ODDS on this.

2). Avanti is set to do 50-55-60 Rs EPS for FY14, which means stock trades at ~4x currently which is still attractive:). There isnā€™t much danger of Avanti Feeds falling short on that front - not withstanding the dull performance on processing front.

3). So the real quandary is on Capital Allocation, NOT on attractiveness/sustainability of the business per se. Those with less than 2% allocations should sit pretty - no quandary there.

4). Those with 5-10% allocations SHOULD give this a good think as I am doing! It is NOT good enough to justify saying - ā€œthere are too many variables in this business that can go wrong yes - but thatā€™s why it gets the low valuation!ā€

5). IF something/anything DOES go wrong then Mr Market will not look at the 55 Rs EPS and justify, Mr Market will panic and given the poor liquidity, the returns that we see today will not sustain.

We are trying to rectify the situation by plugging the loopholesa) esp. on establishing what all CAN and DO go wrong all the time (albeit limited scale) and b) processing industry dynamics/competitive activity/labour shortage/poaching - region-wise and company/factory locality wise.

I took an aggressive risk (biased with incomplete homework done). I am certainly looking at paring down the allocation to less than 5% levels as the higher risks in this business, (despite all the positives) prohibit aggressive allocation. I will continue to hold at sub 5% allocation.

Should the industry/Avanti Feeds sail through without any untoward incident, as most Avanti Feeds veterans opine, the stock will continue to do well. However is it a NO-BRAINER situation - that allows us to bet heavily like in many others - certainly NOT!

Since I thought so before and must have conveyed the same impression to ValuePickr readership, please note our revised views. Regret the errors in our judgement - its a personal learning for me! The above is for those who have accumulated from 160-200 levels onwards.

There is one CAVEAT - those holding from Rs 100-130 levels can merrily continue to hold at aggressive 10%+ allocations - that much higher Margin of Safety builds in all the cushion you need :slight_smile:


I am not available till 12th Nov.

Request Ayush and Omprakash to update readers in case of follow-up queries. newsflow, etc

Key points from below articles:

1.US imports of Vietnamese shrimp in September were 8,235 metric tons, up a 130.73% year-on-year.Imports from India also continued to grow, hitting 11,519t, up 34.59% y-o-y. US buyers imported 6,925t from Thailand, down 43.03% y-o-y.

2.Shortage has triggered an upswing in the price ofvannamei shrimpwhich is much in demand. ā€œThe price of 30 count stock of vannamei has doubled to $10 a kg. It is mainly going to the US, South East Asia and Europe. The winter purchases for Christmas and New Year are getting over,ā€

3.Depreciation ofrupeetoo has aided seafood export.

4.The USā€™ final decision not to impose countervailing duty on Indian shrimps after the Coalition of Gulf Shrimp Industries filed a petition complaining that subsidies in India enabled the exporters to sell shrimp at lower prices, may give a further boost to exports to the US.

5.The US continues to be the largest buyer with 32% share. If the current growth is sustained, then Indian marine products export may surpass its target of $4.3 billion



Cyclonic storm ā€˜Helenā€™ to cross AP coast tomorrow afternoon



The storm has faded away!

All those who are tracking this closely, look at this news-


Is this something serious?


This looks ominous on the face of it. Can we have a feedback from on the ground in AP?

Thanks. I will also make some calls tomorrow.

There have been some misinterpretations in various print and electronic media with regard to the crop holiday mentioned as a measure being adopted in India to prevent and control the spread of EMS to India which has been posted on the MPEDA website. http://www.mpeda.com/Aquaculture/EMS1.pdf It is unfortunate that some seafood business news websites have wrongly interpreted this as Ć¢MPEDA to halt all shrimp farming in India by end of February 2014Ć¢. Hence it is further clarified and reiterated that MPEDA is NOT going to halt shrimp farming in India by end of February 2014. In fact the crop holiday from December 2013 to February 2014 is to be viewed as making preparation for a bumper crop in 2014.

So nothing to worry for Avanti ??

Feed will continue even in holidays. No?

http://www.mpeda.com/Aquaculture/EMS1.pdf Link: http://www.mpeda.com/Aquaculture/EMS1.pdf