Akshay’s portfolio

Please analyze my portfolio:
Gilt : 10%
Nifty etf: 5%
Itc : 30%
Protean : 5%
SBI life 15%
ICICI Lombard :10 %
Abcapital 10
United spirits 10%
Fang etf 5%
Total portfolio 2 cr

How do you buy gilt otherwise looks well diversified as well as concentrated

Gilt exposure mostly through mutual funds and partly through floating rate bonds directly held

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The portfolio, it seems, is constructed to beat inflation and to avoid huge drawdowns.

I would spice it up with a little bit of metals (gold & silver), as they might perform well in the coming years.

Ques: Could you please share the investment rationale behind “Protean 5%” allocation.

Also, please share you background (age, education, and experience), if possible.

Bala. P

Protean has an amazing execution track record. Good corporate governance and reasonable valuation. I see good future prospects for the sector as government pushes for digital transformation of governance.

I am an actuary and a full stack developer. I have been in market for close to 6 years.


Thanks Akshay for your response.
I have spend a few hours looking at Protean and thought it is overvalued currently. What is your take.

Where do you see revenue and profits in 5 years. (for Protean)

It would be helpful, if you could share your research notes.

Bala. P

It’s always difficult to value such firms. I am looking at the current market cap of 5k crores. I. Next 7-8 years it has a good chance of being in the range of 20-25 k crore market cap

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