Ajanta Pharma

Manish Madnani, I didn’t know you are the jsk over at TED. I follow your technical posts on TED. Request you to post more frequently here.

Nopes, I am too small guy to take things seriously. I don’t think anyone need/should be afraid of anyone else (may be except Donald/Admin saab :P).

As I want to reiterate, I wanted started a discussion on technical analysis, to understand it better. I am still a skeptics of TA, but some of the things Nooresh wrote rings a bell inside me. May be need to read some stuff on it.

Having skeptics is an essential requirement of any vibrant forum. All we need to make sure is that the discussion remains non-emotional, data driven to get the max out of it.

Hats off to your spirit.

As Hitesh mentioned, you need to read seriously into TA and may be then your views would be different.


That’s why valuepickr is a hit blog from the day one.

Donald, Manish, H.G.,

Thank you for your kind appreciation.


any revisions to your earnings estimates post the stellar q3 fy 13 earnings for ajanta?


Can anyone help me by giving me the link to TED. There is a lot of talk here. So please assist me to connect there please.

Tony - here you go


Hi Tony:theequitydesk.com - Forum is managed by Basant Maheshwari.

Our very own Hitesh bhai is hit2710 on TED. I would also like to know more abt TED - some must read threads maybe and if some members here can identify their TED handles, coz it’s clear a lot of gurus here are coming from TED. Maybe they are active there too. I don’t know, I’m not a regular there - just browse occasionally.


Certainly called for.

Will revise after the Management Update that we will take up in a few days. Just waiting for the usual rush of analyst calls to them to get over - for quality time:). A little more time should see the stock stabilise at the next level too.


thanks guys. TED nomenclature is taken from another site. TED Talks are well known, so got mixed up.

Hitesh bhai/Seniors,

One big question from my side. At what price should one start accumulating ajanta again?

Ideal answer would be at the price from which stock price starts moving up.

More seriously, I think below 600 one can start accumulating at every 20 rs drop and keep provisions till fall to 500 odd levels.

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Hitesh/Donald/Ayush/Hemant/Manish/senior members

Here is an update by the management of ajanta pharma posted by Nirmal Bang post quarter 3 results…

If we can get some guidance on the future of the company from it…

The file size is 200 KB… Not getting uploaded…

Can someone guide on this please…

You can upload it on dropbox or scribd and share the link…

Thanks Abhishek…

till the time i saw your reply I had already converted it into a word file.

Attaching it… Request board members to have a look if we can get any idea regarding companies growth prospects/future…

Ajanta-Pharma-Nirmal-Bang-update.docx (11.4 KB)

Thank You Maverick,

Would like to hear Hitesh Bhai’s views on the negatives mentioned in the concall - FY14 exports to have a lower growth of 15% and a possible margin contraction due to lower exports, less favorable currency levels and even new debt for expansion.

Was the management always conservative?



I earlier went through the report.

I think even with these concerns company will comfortably keep growing at 20% cagr for next 3=4 yrs.

Ajanta down about 3% to 548…Any views on entry point??

i bought in at 550 and planning to buy in the 500-550 range expecting fy13 eps to be 50,would buy in stages with every 10rs drop between these price ranges.Would also look for advice from Hitesh and the technical experts

Does anyone have access to the AIOCD AWACS reports? Here is an article in the Hindu about pharma sales in India having rebounded in Jan 2013 quoting the source.

This seems to be a good resource to keep monthly tabs in the domestic sales.


Ajanta sales have grown by 22.4 % in Jan 13.