Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd - The Enzyme company

Here are some facts ascertained by pure googling…will be happy to be corrected. The two Rathi brothers apparently had some disagreement (and that is not for the first time that two brothers have split the business in India ;)).

C L Rathi the front of Advanced Enzyme Tech, suddenly disappeared from the scene with his Son and possibly with the largest US based client and a lot of other clients as well to form a direct competing firm called “Advanced Vital Enzyme Technologies Pvt ltd” !! The Abbreviation used is Advenza.

Take a look for yourself at Advenza - Advanced Vital Enzymes

Some marque client names ( US & India) figure on their list and they have an R&D centre in Thane.

So the above explains a lot about stagnation in some areas and loss of customers as well…with time the Palm Oil Enzyme may pop up there as well !

Hope this is of help to anyone tracking this one.

Discl: Not Invested…Just curious for now