ValuePickr is a Equity Investing community.
However most people who participate here today are probably folks that made the transitions from being
“financially literate” to being “Compounding” Aware
Understanding what a huge difference even a 2% Compounding can do over 20-30 years
Understanding the “Criminality” of being locked in low-return instruments like LIC, ULIP Policies over 10-15-20 years
(no matter whether you were ill-advised by well meaning parents/elders or mis-sold by Agents) -
Make the transition to becoming informed-investors by learning about good mutual funds, learning about great well-managed, well-established companies that have zero risk of going down in next 10 years
Start Testing Waters - put some money in a Good Mutual Fund (after doing some howmework)
Start Testing Waters - put some money in a good business - like an HDFC Bank
Eventually as we test the waters based on solid homework, and gain confidence from seeing the effects of smarter compounding, one gets the confidence to do more work and aim for participating in even better compounding instruments in quality small companies like those in VP Portfolio
That’s the Road-Map that many of us (active investors in the market) here have followed.
But it all STARTED from those basic questions when we realised we were financially illiterate (unless we were based to be born in a family like Ayush’s)
So FEEL FREE to start with the most basic of Personal Finance questions you may have here.
We are sure many of us will step up to answer and pay forward what we learned from someone else a few years back !!