About the My Top 5 Picks category

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Name your Top 5 picks - with brief 1 para write-ups here.
The Logic must be made clear - High Conviction, High Undervaluation, Sectoral Tailwind, Others

Many Times these can serve as a good summary check across our most prolific stock pickers.
Don’t forget to check out HitStocks! and you will be amazed to see the genesis of how simply he latched on to Ajanta!

Something i have bought recently. Have looked at them closely and found these companies at decent valuations. Brief logic is explained

Kolte Patil Developers: Real Estate company, but very sound financials like almost zero debt, Crisil rated, Deloitte CA, run by professional management, clean name in market, timely delivery, did sales of 700 cr apporx in 3 days during there nest fest festival, If you go through there investor’s presentation as per it there sales will grow 200% by 2017 from current levels, Asset light model of JV & redevelopment. Operating in Pune mainly also present in Mumbai & Banglore

Engineers India: PSU Navratna, Should benefit big time from Infra spending by govt, very high ROE & ROCE in the past and not bad even currently, also hefty margins since its in consulting business. There turnkey projects verticals have been a drag but not they trying to focus more on consulting.

Still working on smaller cap stocks but looking at there free float and low liquidity dont know if can allocate a decent amount.

Both are High Conviction bets. Not finding much value so just 2 names which i find good potential


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My top picks:

Pidilite - High conviction, Moat, highly ethical management

Dabur - High conviction, Consumption story of India with 130 crores population and still going, early penetration into rural area, low crude oil price, brand values

Other three (AJANTA/SHILPA/KITEX) are well discussed in VP. Conviction level is high.

Emerald finance :Early wage access with some processing fee, I believe, they have opportunity to reach thousands of SME in india and company is already doing same

EFC: Works in co working space and their industry is growing with 35% CAGR and company is already doing good with good future guidance

Sg mart:Apollo group company and working in metal trading,Less inventory days,Negative cash flow and high growth guidance, and also
Achieving them

Few more are there,You can check it out:
One global
Zaggle prepaid services
Ceinsys tech

Mostly the above stocks guidance is good,And already achieving their guidance

Please write your’s five also

@Donald could you please share your top 5 picks please?