3B Blackbio DX Ltd

This interview by Velumani sir is also confirming the same PCR testing is the way forward for Diagnosis

The commentary is a bit confusion but hear him in the interview. It is also very informative for a general person also.


Hi ravish, i cannot locate this error can you please guide me.
In annual report as well it is written as 357 Lacs (Rounded Off).


Hi @ashwinidamani, Screener pulls its data from C-MOTS.
Can you please let us know which amount is not tallying.
As i have also checked and it seems to tally.
I may have missed something so please help me.


Yes i have made mistake in calculating the cash flow so i am editing the post and thank you for the correction…i am happy to know that people do read my posts. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


Is Kilpest going to make it big or not can be argued upon but the way PCR based Testing technology has been advertised in this situation, it will definitely make a positive kick to the journey of this Biotech Company. As per some articles our company has started to produce the COVID test kits and have order in hand. I dont want to speculate here, i have read it on net only. As per the experience talking to the promoters i can say that they talk less and try to do more…havnt given me false hope of growing by leaps and bound but mentioned to grow with north of 20% growth when i talked to them in Feb-20 and there was not anything about covid at that time. Also after this COVID episode we can see that dozens Biotech companies are working in MBD sector and i am very much convinced that the company with most experienced R&D team will be the winner in short and long term.
Their UK supplier as per the info i have read on their Linkin page that they are supplying various Detection Kits in UK to Hospitals and private Labs. This will be a new revenue stream for the subsidiary…i think 3B Black can easily crack 30 crore mark on revenue front for current FY.

Did not find merit to add more to thread so have edited this post (only added this info below)
3B BlackBio has also appliled for registertion for its new product ranges as TRUNGS please find below image

Disc: Holding


UK supplier is their channel partner who is sole distributor in UK for TRUPCR PCR. Further as per the sources UK partner is insisting them to sent Covid kit in UK for validation which can fetch 3 time the price tagged in India. Once the export restriction is lifted by goverment company they will easily able to expand and utilise their full capacity.


Above news in business standard is giving some good insight about the pricing and volume COVID kits and at same time Dubey is trying to give us Annual turnover of Kilpest close to 50 Crore( consolidated as he is saying the may clock Biotech business will be 75% of total revenue its means if i say Kilpest standalone will clock 12 cr as per last year than Biotech will clock 36 crore). Very important for Kilpest. At this stage India can not afford to go with Antibody Test we have go for RT-PCR based testing or we will fail all the efforts made by Locking Down. I am sure that in India we dont accept compliance so in my opinion we will be hit back by second wave of this virus sooner than later. As a Indian after so many years of hammering of missions likes Polio mission , Swatch bharat mission and many more anti corruption activities but we didnt change. This Virus needs many disciplined changes in our daily life and we wont be doing that so be ready to suffer.


Supplied to 8 private labs., that means customers value their products.

Rates are reasonable compared to other cos.

Employees with co since long.

Pro-rata and pending orders augur well for co, but they supplied 150 kits and wanna make total 5000-10000 !!, not easy execution. Watch it carefully. They don’t need heavy asset addition to scale up. Just availability of raw material matters !!

Export approval will come later after covid cooled down.

Kilpest India is expected to become debt-free by next financial year and has no plans to raise fresh funds in near future. Some good dividend expected.

Successfully entered US market as per article then it could be game changer. The company is planning to start a new manufacturing unit soon and will be focusing on scaling up its exports.

Focus should be on (1) Execution abilities (2) After covid plans.

better we say tests,not kit. So what i meant 15000 (5000+10000) tests = (150 kits) have been dispatched. Hope this help.

Or we can assume that the reporter did not know about the difference between kits ans tests. I dont think 150 kits have been produced or sent to labs.
If read this

We see they say tests and when we read Business stnadard article he is quoted 5000 to 10000 kits(means some lakhs of tests). How to clarify it? When i called Mr. Dubey last time on Monday he did not responded to any questions. Only mentioned about the update they given on BSE and told me do not expect to get any other info.

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what does it mean by 75% accuracy kit? Why customer buy a kit with 25% error?

Where did you find 75% accuracy? It was an old attempt by Kilpest and the approved kit is 100% accurate for positive and negative both. There are some more characteristic for a test to be 100% full-proof and that i didnt try to find much…if we will go to find everything about biotech that its better to in that field. Here the story has begun to unfold from a unknown to known expert from India. Which can cater to USA…just think if they are able to Export to UK or USA, you are sitting on a gold mine to explode. Company is trading like its a fake one.

Guess he is talking about 75% in the below Annexure (Concordance among true negative). I think it doesnt mean that accuracy is 75%.

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Bhai its old attempt find the new one also its 100% success.

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Find it here

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Check the 20 number applicant https://twitter.com/IKSmallcaps/status/1245620380573679617/photo/1

Till date, 37 real-time PCR kits have been validated by ICMR validation centres, and the
following were found to be satisfactory:

Currently, 17 institutions are approved by ICMR and manufacturing COVID-19 testing kits, however Kilpest (3BB) is the only listed entity from the lot.

When Kilpest got approval after second attempt on April 02, it was only 2nd indian company amongst total 6 or 7, however ICMR kept validating and approved further kits, totalling now 17. The more kits are approved by ICMR, the more competitive edge will be lost by Kilpest. However, this COVID-19 virus are not going to go away soon, even if vaccines becomes available in future. The virus will be around and so the need of testing and testing kits, like we have seen for dengue or swine flu. So, I think testing kits for COVID-19 has already become an additional future revenue generator for Kilpest.

It should not be unnoticed that how quickly they have turned up with the 100% accurate kit sample, ahead of lot of others, demonstrates their R&D capability, which is one of the most essential trait for any biotech company to be successful.

Disc: Invested, not a buy/sell recommendation

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Could you please post the source of this information (apart from words with somebody in ICMR)? ICMR is only approving the kits, they have not recommended any subset from the approved kits. I did not find any such information in ICMR site or web.

not saying that others are not approved but if somebody has shown 100% accuracy in both positive and negative would be preferred and there is no such recommended list.

For your reference and also sharing the link