$10Bn Semiconductor sector Investment/Incentive outlay


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These rapid announcements may likely result in some concrete action on the ground in the coming months…

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Interesting news, I think Vedanta has no experience so far in electronics.

Does this signify that in semiconductor manufacturing, any Infra/capital goods/mining company can enter with required tie ups with those who bring technology?

If that is the case, it will be very difficult to predict the outcome in terms of business beneficiaries, particularly listed ones and also I can forsee intense competetion as most old generation heavy pocket infra companies/business groups/houses would want to venture into this new opportunity.

It may throw some turnaround opportunities of otherwise beleaguered infra companies who wish to foray and execute well.

Also, I checked charts of the Vedanta partner Foxconn…its share price has done nothing since 2009. With digital boom and semiconductor shortage around the world, why there is no growth in its share price…insights welcome!



Excellent progress.

Interesting article profiling the companies that had made applications under PLI scheme for semicon. Quick read of list, the names do not inspire too much confidence. None of the global majors figure in the list, neither on the design side, nor on the manufacturing side. None of the applicants seem to have any collaboration either with any of the global biggies. I hope these are just early days in the process, and as the process picks pace, hopefully we will see more credible names throwing their weight in.

Details in the article below.

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Article delivers some great insights into the history of Semicon industry in India. Looks like India was doing well, but fell far behind in past few decades. Worth a read.


Word on the thought process, plans and execution status of the India Semicon industry push, straight from the horses mouth. Slightly long at 54 minutes, but provides a complete view into how the government has gone about the task, and also includes Q & A from industry participants. To the all important question (around 42:00 mark in the video) - Whether we will see one of the global biggies (TSMC, Samsung, Intel) be present in India for setting up a Fab (direct, JV or tech transfer), his answer is “Yes we will”.

The intent from the government is pretty strong, as we have already seen from a slew of announcements and activities in the past 4 months. Its the execution where typically things fall between the cracks. From this discussion, things look more solid and promising this time around.

Full details in the video below

Good one


There is a lot of talks and discussion by several countries with Taiwanese manufacturers including the US. The competition is tough as the whole world wants to woo these players. India will have to significantly up the game for these fab manufacturing plants to even remotely consider India as a manufacturing base. I will remain a sceptic till I actually see manufacturing start

regulators now get power to cut off chinese companies from usa supply chain. More details…

USA action is no more only about AI and HPC. this is about other semi equipment also


I think a lot is falling in place (or by design) for india to step up and play its role in semi space.


Modern Manufacturing India (MMI) Sept - Oct 2022 Edition.pdf (3.1 MB)

Very interesting reason for lack of semiconductor supply for automotive/others in 2021. Daniel nenni. Creator of semiwiki.

capability to supply demand was there. In 2020, manufacturers shutdown machines. Utilization went to 60% from above 90%. To bring that back online takes time. In the meantime. WFH sped up demand and people were also buying cars while wfh. which was surprising but was due to “people cannot fly”. And auto parts manufacturers were caught offguard by sudden spike in demand when they had stopped machines. More reasons as to why cars lagged industry. chips got to modules and then to the car. This is extra step for cars. Do watch…


The semiconductor ecosystem has been simplified in this blog.

If anyone is interested we could discuss and figure out the profit pool in the ecosystem.


Hi All,
For Semiconductor industry ultrapure water is a very critical element…Are people following this company? Currently they are going through heavy capex and their Green segment is showing increased order flow