Marksans Pharma- Can it be the next Pharma Biggie?

Excellent Results .

Q3FY24 Financial Highlights
:black_small_square: Operating revenue was Rs. 586.1 cr., up by 22.2% YoY driven by market share gains, new launches, the addition of new customers, an increase in our share with existing customers, and incremental contributions from the acquired Teva facility.
:black_small_square: Gross profit was Rs. 313.3 cr., up by +30.4% YoY with a Gross margin of 53.5%.
:black_small_square: EBITDA was Rs. 133 cr., grew by 73.6% with an EBITDA margin of 22.7%
:black_small_square: EPS grew by 17.8% YoY to Rs. 1.84

Business Highlights
US Market
:black_small_square: US & North America Formulation business reported growth of 15.8% YoY to Rs. 673.1 9MFY24 on account of new product launches and also due to an increase in the share of existing products.

UK and Europe Market
:black_small_square: Revenue of Rs. 710.2 cr. from the UK and Europe Formulation business in 9MFY24 as compared to Rs. 561.3 cr. during last year, registering a growth of 26.5%.

Australia and New Zealand Market
:black_small_square: Australia and New Zealand business reported Rs. 155.5 cr. in 9MFY24, which grew by 6.4% YoY, due to incremental market share.

RoW Market
:black_small_square: RoW business reported Rs. 78.5 cr. in 9MFY24
Other Highlights
:black_small_square: In 9MFY24, the capex incurred was Rs 160.6 cr. Capex investment is in line with plan for scaling the acquired manufacturing unit from Teva Pharma in Goa which will drive future growth.
:black_small_square: Cash Balance at the end of 31st December 2023 is at Rs 688 cr.
:black_small_square: In 9MFY24, Cash from Operations is at Rs 169.0 cr. and Free Cash Flow is at 8.4 cr.

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