Investing Basics - Feel free to ask the most basic questions

  1. Go through these threads.
    Valuation: Measuring & Managing the Value of Companies
    The ART of Valuation
    Guru Mantra 16- Competitive Advantage: Racing for Uniqueness (The Second Part)

  2. Concalls - A Conference Call is the interaction of a Company’s management with Investors and Analysts to discuss the recently announced results of that company.

  3. Balance sheet on its own can’t give you a complete picture on the quality of the management. Management Quality: Refining our thinking on “Great Managements”

I suppose you are completely new to investing, & I strongly suggest you start off by reading Peter Lynch’s ‘One Up on Wall Street’ & Pat Dorsey’s ‘The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing’.

Or you could also pick up Basant Maheshwari’s ‘Thoughtful Investor’. I haven’t read it, but he seems to have covered everything a beginner would need to learn about investing…