Fairchem Organics - Previously "Adi Finechem"

This same report also states something very special about its Aroma business i am copying those lines below

Based on IFRS, for the year ended December 31, 2018 Privi revenue grew 48% to $157 million, net earnings grew 59%
to $6 million, and shareholders’ equity grew 11% to $60 million, generating an ROE of 10%.
This is quite a remarkable result when you consider that on April 26, 2018 there was a major fire at Privi’s main
production facility. While it is fortunate that there were no injuries as a result of the fire, the fire completely gutted
critical production units that impacted all production, all of the raw material and finished goods warehouses and the
administrative offices. The entire plant including the production units that were not affected by the fire had to be
temporarily shut down. However, Privi was able to open the facility and start operating the plants not affected by the
fire in a record time of 29 days. Using third party production facilities in combination with its own production units
unaffected by the fire, Privi was able to start supplying all of its products by June 2018.
Around the same time there were fires in two other plants that produce products similar to Privi’s, resulting in an
acute shortage of certain aroma chemicals and consequently in much higher prices and margins.

Above lines suggests that Q3 profit was a one time affair means this profit wont be possible in future.

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Privi used third party facilities for some of the production. So, this should have reduced some margin. Once the Privi restores the plant, normal margins should come back(like the 2018 March quarter??). BTW, 20 crores has come to the company from insurance in the 4th quarter as per the notes in the last quarterly results


Good results by Fairchem:

Particulars(Crs.) Q4FY19 Q4FY18 Y-0-Y Change% FY19 FY18 Y-0-Y Change%
total income 445 319 39 1346 1055 28
raw materials 266 179 49 924 633 46
employee expense 22 15 47 71 56 27
others expenses 64 33 94 159 105 51
total expenses 375 281 33 1204 976 23
PBEI&T 70 37 89 142 79 80
PBT Margin% 15.7 11.6 36 10.5 7.5 41
exceptional item 19 0 9 0
PBT 90 37 143 151 79 91
Tax expense 37 11 236 57 26 119
PAT 53 26 104 94 53 77
EPS 13.5 6.8 99 24 13.6 76

Fixed assets increased to 489Cr and CWIP of 94Cr.
Receivable increased to 89 days v/s 79 days(fy18).
Inventories increased to 364 cr v/s 234 cr.
Value of assets lost due to fire at Purvi LTD was 73 cr for fy19.
Insurance claim received till now? 81 cr.(How it can be more than 73 cr ?)
Dividend Rs.2.50 for fy19.
Q4 FY19 FAIRCHEM.pdf (526.8 KB)
Discl: invested


One of the key raw materials of the company Crude Sulphate Turpentine Oil has appreciated a lot in terms of both value and volume in the past one year as evident by the price chart below. Company has the largest single CST processing site in Asia, this was also mentioned by the management of the company in last year’s annual report as one of the main reasons for survival of the company. This could be one of the reasons for improved margins by the company as company is self sufficient for this key material.



Two flagship products of the company Dihydromyrcenol and Amber Fleur falls under HS Code 29052290 and HS Code 29142990 category in export data. There must be other chemicals in this category also but following charts give a rough idea about the recent price and volume movements of chemicals in these categories.



Given that there has been substantial increase in price of products, is part of the growth in company and margins temporary? How should one think about cases where substantial change in product prices happen? Cause when they revert…we also see pain in terms of fall in numbers and margins and several erosion happens (eg. Thirumalai, GNFC etc)

Disc: Invested


The key here is pinenes that come from Turpentine - this is where the current dislocation is. It appears to me to be structural rather than cyclical. Privi is backward integrated through its CST (Crude sulphate turpentine) plant and is thus immune to RM price fluctuations. It is enjoying a tailwind at present as it can charge market rates for its products with great margins due to the backward integration. I believe this is here to stay though there might be fluctuations quarter on quarter, the numbers of the past might be irrelevant.

For eg. di-dydro mercenol has apparently softened in price in May. However, it is still significantly higher than where it was a couple of years back.


Disc: Have a trading position from March post flag-breakout


PFA EC documents signaling upcoming expansion. Maybe over the next 1-2 years.

Also, it would be of great help if someone could point out what’s the 95cr Capital Work in Progress pertaining to in the recently released consolidated Balance Sheet. Privi Organics TOR Unit 2 MIDC Mahad Feb 2018.pdf (604.4 KB)
Privi Organics PFR Unit 3 MIDC Mahad Feb 2018.pdf (1.7 MB)
Privi Organics PFR Unit 1 MIDC Mahad Feb 2018.pdf (1.8 MB)

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Most of the revenue growth seems to be from price increase in products rather than growth in production. Power and fuel expenses which roughly reflects the production has not changed much for quarter. For financial year it may be less due to outsourcing of production when Privi unit got fire.

Q4FY19 Q4FY18 Q3FY19 FY19 FY18
Revenue from operations 441 378 315 1310 1039
power and fuel expenses 19.4 19.3 18.7 70.5 69.6
% of revenue 4.4 5.1 5.9 5.4 6.7

Restructuring in the works.


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Fairchem Speciality AR 2019 Notes

These guys don’t give any data or any info regarding the business in AR. A lot of industry information but very limited (and nothing new) data on company. Surprised to see no comment on fire by the management in Management Discussion and Director’s Report, it was mentioned in notes to financial statements. Focus seems to be on setting offices in export markets. They did well in US and UK and now focusing South America and other regions.

Key points

  • Financials
    • India Sale - 42% - Rs. 56,210.64 lac (44,528.13 Fy18)
      Outside India - 58% - Rs. 76,321.15 lac (58,244.71 FY 18)
    • Sales region wise (Rs. in lac). Company showed good growth in US and Europe.
      India 58,314.31 (45,708.69)
      Middle East 9,657.42 (4,697.27)
      North America 23,421.52 (6,482.57)
      South America 3,492.91 (3,522.38)
      United Kingdom 3,573.61 (1,998.19)
      Austrila and New Zealand 51.02 (103.36)
      Africa 3,220.07 15,(777.32)
      Asia (Excluding India) 10,315.97 (13,529.33)
      Europe(excluding UK) 20,500.49 (10,953.73)
    • During the year, 1,452,949 Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares of Rs. 10/- each were converted, as per the terms of their issue, in equal number of Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid.
    • Cash flow from operations were Rs. 20.95 cr which are quite less this year compared to net profit. Main reason was increased requirement of working capital for inventory and debtors. Inventory and debtor were higher due to extra ordinary growth in sales in Q4FY19, this should stabilize going forward.
    • Capex of Rs. 151 cr. done during the year.
    • Total borrowing as on 31.03.2019 is Rs. 490.75 cr. (In FY18 Rs. 329.45 cr). Interest paid during the year 33 cr i.e. 8% on average yearly loan. Total forex loan around 98 cr. which is at reduced rates and working capital loan at 8-9.5% explains the low interest amount.
    • R&D exp at Rs. 6.60 cr in FY19. (Rs. 6.03 cr in FY18).
    • Despite 29% growth in sales, Power Cost was stagnant at Rs. 70.58 cr in FY19 compared to Rs. 69.64 cr in FY18. This indicates stagnancy in volumes and growth coming from price increase. But the biggest plant was closed for few months due to fire and company supplied the materials through Job Work during this time. Job work charges have increased from Rs. 8 cr in FY18 to Rs. 29 cr in FY19. Company gained by both volumes and value in FY19.
    • On April 26, 2018 a major fire broke out at Privi Organics India Limited’s (POIL) Unit 2 Plant located at MIDC, Mahad, Maharashtra. There has been loss to assets comprising of Inventories, Buildings , Plant and Machinery and other Fixed Assets etc. which were adequately insured including coverage towards loss of profit and replacement cost of fixed assets. As per POIL Management`s best estimate, the book value of the assets lost due to fire (including incidental cost of Rs. 299.57 lakhs) is Rs.7,282.27 lakhs for the year ended March 31, 2019, which has been debited to the the statement of profit and loss and disclosed as an Exceptional item. Insurance claim of Rs. 8,187.05 lakhs received from the insurance companies which has been recognised as per the requirement of the accounting standards and netted off with the Exceptional items. The final settlement is still pending with the insurance company.
  • Aroma Chemical
    In the aroma chemicals space, some large Indian players are Privi Organics India Limited and Eternis. For both these players, the majority of the revenue is contributed by exports. This is common across most scaled up Indian players.
  • Your Company is now a leading producer globally in two of its flagship products - Dihydromyrcenol and Amber Fleur, which are important ingredients in the manufacture of Fragrances. This will help the Company to increase its market share not only for its key products but also for the new products as its key customers would prefer to buy a basket of products from one stop shop.
  • Your company continues to be the largest single CST processing site in Asia, which is invariably the reason for survival and growth under the current volatile situation in respect of raw materials. CST also allows us to be selfsufficient on Key Raw Materials.
  • Your company has been investing and will continue to invest in forward looking technologies (like biotechnology) for future from the point of view of expanding into other industry segments.
  • Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH): Your Company has registered 12 products and will be registering 3 more products under REACH. Your Company has already pre- registered all the products. This would provide an advantage to the Company over its competitors for sale in Europe.
  • Your Company has exported its first consignment of Terpene-4-OL TO BASF which would be used in the production of Herbicides, which going forward would add a lot of value to the Top Line as well as Bottom line of the company.
  • Your Company has moved ahead on the path of expanding its global presence by way of setting up own office in Netherlands, which is a valuable step forward from strategic point of view for future growth.
  • Establishing an office in South American region.
  • Your Company has made inroads into the developing markets (Nigeria, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan, South Africa) by seeking more and more customers
  • Your Company has started to sell value added products from backward integrated feedstocks, thus contributing to enhance the revenues.
  • Your company continues to establish strategic long-term business relations with global leading companies in F&F industry, like Givaudan, Firmenich, IFF and with well-known global leading FMCG producers, like P&G, Henkel, Colgate and the latest acquisition of Reckitt Benckiser as a customer that has the potential to contribute to an approximate topline revenue of USD 40 million going forward.
  • Nutraceutical
    The Company is mainly in the business of (natural) Tocopherols and Sterols – intermediate nutraceuticals and they are exclusively exported. Tocopherols have anti-oxidant properties. Tocopherols, after they are further concentrated by customers, are then used in (a) Pet Food, (b) food as it prevents rancidity. Tocopherols when converted into Natural Vitamin E finds the application in Pharmaceutical, cosmetic etc… Sterols after they are further concentrated, finds its use in making of Cortico Steroids and as food additive. During the F.Y. 2019-20, the Company has planned to focus on this segment. It has carried out lab trials for achieving higher concentration of tocopherols and as a result thereof obtain separate stream of sterols which can further be processed for getting highly concentrated sterols.
    *** Oleo Chemicals**
    • Fatty Acids, methyl esters and fatty alcohols are major oleo chemicals manufactured in India. The Company is mainly in the business of Fatty Acids which is one of the largest segments in Oleo Chemicals. Dimer Acid, Linoleic Acid / Soya Fatty Acid, other Distilled Fatty Acids are the main products of the Company in Oleo Chemical segment.
    • Responding to the demand pull of Dimer Acid, the Company had increased its dimerizing capacity before the commencement of financial year 2017-18. The Company achieved a marked volume growth of about 35 % in sale of Dimer Acid during F.Y. 2017-18, inter alia, capturing a dominant share of Dimer Acid market in India. The Company was able to maintain the said volume during F.Y. 2018-19 which indicates that the quality of Company’s Dimer Acid is well accepted by one and all in India. During F.Y. 2018-19, the Company has made a small beginning of exporting Dimer Acid to nearby country also.
    • Linoleic Acid / Soya Fatty Acid : While Dimer Acid was the focused product during F.Y. 2017-18, during F.Y. 2018-19, the Company worked on improvement in quality of Soya Fatty Acid and a result was able to push the sales of said product. Linoleic Acid is a better product compared to Soya Fatty Acid and is preferred when premium / decorative grade paint is needed.
  • The growth is driven by the following major factors
    • Developing countries are witnessing growth of 13% in this category compared to the global growth of 4%. Large global players traditionally from developed countries are now targeting these geographies and expanding the market.
    • Higher consumer willingness to experiment with new flavours and fragrances.
    • A shift in perception of fragrance from being a nonessential attribute to an indispensable part of personal care: Global market growth is primarily driven by Asian markets. These markets are expected to grow at 6.5% over the next 5 years, constituting ~ 30% of the global market by 2020.
    • Rural Penetration of FMCG: Marketing by FMCG companies has created demand for categories like deodorants, room fresheners and perfumed soaps in rural markets.
    • Premiumisation: As Indian consumers graduate from using basic soaps and detergents to higher end products such as skin creams, lotions, hair gels and other specialized cosmetics products, the quality and value of the flavors and fragrances used in these products is expected to increase. The air care market in India is expected to grow at 40% p.a.
    • Moving up the value chain: Most of the Indian ingredient providers are suppliers of oleoresins or aroma chemicals to the Flavours& Fragrances houses in India or exporters of the same. Many of the synthetic aroma chemicals are not differentiated and as a result there is stiff price competition in this space. Some natural extracts and oleoresins may command a premium; however, they are seasonal in nature and are beginning to face price competition from the Chinese. As a result, manufacturers of bulk aroma chemicals or oleoresins typically experience relatively low margins (15-25% gross margins) compared to the global Flavours& Fragrances houses which have much higher profitability. Moving up the value chain may not be an urgent imperative for Indian ingredient manufacturers, but may be a key differentiator in the long term.
    • Building barriers to entry: There are no significant technology barriers in the space. However, established players have a critical advantage in terms of client relationships.
  • Fragrances are an important part of FMCG products. Despite constituting less than 1% of a product’s volume and under 10% of its total cost of production, fragrances are instrumental in creating a distinct product association with the consumers.
  • Currently the Indian consumption of naturals is very small due to price sensitivity of the Indian consumer. Natural ingredients may cost anywhere between 10-100 times that of their synthetic counterparts. Due to consumer demand for more healthy products, some natural-like products (refer to the next section for details) are entering the market. However, we expect synthetics to continue to dominate the segment in the near future.

Harshit Goel

Disclosure: Invested


Another interesting point to add is only 5.8% of outstanding shares is held in quantities less than 10,000 shares category and only 1.71% of shareholders hold 1-500 shares (that forms total 5,850 in count). Indicating low float and high institution + HNI + NRI holding (which is in a way good for retail shareholders).

Observation from working capital: Revenues have increased YoY by ~30% but trade receivables on BS has increased by ~40% which needs to be monitored.

Consolidated cashflow statement shows 25 cr receipt from insurance company for fire, any idea about remaining amount’s accounting entry? In note 33, they have mentioned “Stock lost by fire of ~27 cr” but unable to tie back with their statement below:


Interesting snippet about Privi’s competitor.

Anthea Aromatics Pvt. Ltd. (AAPL) was founded by Dr. Vincent Paul in 1991 for manufacturing of chemical intermediaries used in Flavor and fragrances. AAPL has its in-house research and development center located in Rabale, Navi Mumbai which is headed by Dr. Vincent Paul. Through its in-house R&D and tie-ups with various research organizations, AAPL has been able to develop processes for a large basket of synthetic chemicals which find its applications in flavor & fragrances, Pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals. AAPL has its manufacturing plant for Shanol, Trycyclodecane ketone, Ethyl Methyl Pentenoate, and other chemicals with total in-house manufacturing capacity of 120 MTPA; while other chemicals such as Anthember, Dihydromyrcenol, Piperonal etc. are manufactured by group companies DRT-Anthea Aroma Pvt. Ltd. (50-50 JV between AAAPL and DRT (France))and Crown Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (JV between AAAPL and DRT (France)).



Disc: Not invested or have any tracking positions.


2019 annual report is a good read. There has been considerable growth and progress by Privi and its exciting to see that it has a kind of “differentiated model” wherein their feed-stock is from processing of paper waste - CST vs GTO and perhaps this gives them edge over competitors.
It’s also good to see that the company talks about growth from value-added products going forward and has some of the biggest MNCs as their clients. So it seems to be a very sticky business. They seem to have been able to add new clients like Reckitt and scale the same.
There is additional CWIP of close to 95 Cr as on 31st March 2019, which seems to be further expansion of capacity.

Here are some of the nos of Privi for last few years (collected from presentation etc):

Revenue 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020E
Domestic 137 153 172 189 195 231 340
Growth 12% 12% 10% 3% 18% 47%
Export 287 361 375 427 407 556 737
Growth 26% 4% 14% -5% 37% 33%
Total 424 514 547 616 602 787 1077 1400
Growth% 21% 6% 13% -2% 31% 37% 30%
EBITDA 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
in Rs Cr 50 61 74 86 80 113 177
in % 12% 12% 14% 14% 13% 14% 16%
PAT 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
in Rs Cr 7 12 13 17 17 36 72
in % 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 5% 7%
Revenue Contribution (in Cr) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Pinene 241 277 292 342 294
Citral 85 96 123 123 136
Speciality 67 86 72 83 99
Phenol 31 55 60 68 73
Total 424 514 547 616 602 787
Sale Qty (T) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Pinene 6146 7233 9058 10699 11031
Citral 1298 1282 1488 1507 1626
Speciality 633 768 668 773 931
Phenol 1653 2629 2892 3324 3868
Total 9730 11912 14106 16303 17456 21471
Growth% 22% 18% 16% 7%
Realizations/Tonne 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Pinene 392 383 322 320 267
Citral 655 749 827 816 836
Speciality 1058 1120 1078 1074 1063
Phenol 188 209 207 205 189
Aveg Realisation 436 431 388 378 345 367

Negative - a part of the recent growth seems to have been due to price increase in end product prices and margins were also above average in recent quarters.

Disc: Invested


Some demerger or restructuring planned as per merger and acquisition critique magazine

Available at magzster

I have read the annual reports of last 5 years and here are some of my observations.

1)Long term relationship of more than 10 years with world’s leading companies (F&F industry - Givaudan, Firmenich, IFF, Symrise, Takasago and in FMCG industry - P&G, Henkel, Colgate) speaks volumes about the quality of the company’s products. Recently they added Reckitt Benckiser also as a customer.
2)Company is moving up the value chain through R&D initiatives by adding new value-added products and cross-selling them to existing customers. Key clients prefer to buy a basket of chemicals from one stop shop. They can expand into Biotechnology in future.
3)Backward integration leads to low cost of production which thereby improve the margins.
4)Capacity utilisation which is currently at 54% will improve with growing demand from customers. It has a very long runway of growth.

I think the company is still in nascent stage and with strong support of Fairfax, they can scale up the business over the next 5 years.
As it’s in chemical industry, we need to monitor demand-supply scenario and margins. But it seems to be a sustainable growth business to me.

Disclosure: Invested. I started buying from 350 and my average buy price is 426.


Found good article for Industry Insight…Worth to read…

img_5b0bfd40a208c6.79276568_Avendus_Report_081017.pdf (1.8 MB)

Below is my detailed note on Fairchem Speciality Chemicals. It’s basically summary of the information that I obtained from AR, Investor presentation and rating reports etc.

Fairchem Speciality Ltd (FSL), a Fairfax investment company, is a speciality chemicals company formed by the merger of Adi Finechem Ltd and Privi Organics India Ltd.

Adi Finechem:
It manufactures -

  1. Oleochemicals (high grade fatty acids) and
  2. Nutraceuticals (tocopherols)
    by processing the waste generated during refining of soft vegetable oils like soya, sunflower oils.

Uses of products:
Resins, paints, inks, adhesive, cosmetics & natural vitamin E.

Oleochemicals - Asian Paints, Arkema, Micro Inks etc.
Nutraceuticals - BASF (USA), Cargill (USA), ADM (USA), AOMC (Argentina) etc.

1)Adi has expanded capacity from 8,000 MT in 2010 to 45,000 MT in 2015 from internal accruals only.
2)In 2018, it de-bottlenecked its operation and optimized the production process which increased installed capacity from 45,000 to 72,000 metric tons per annum (MTPA) of raw material that can be processed at its plant located at Sanand, Ahmedabad.
3)Capacity utilisation was 54%, giving considerable room to grow.

Competitive Advantages:
1)Low cost of raw material and efficient manufacturing process enables Adi to be highly cost competitive vis a vis global peers
2)Enjoys leadership position in the industry due to high barriers to entry
3)Uses by-products of refined vegetable oils, giving it a price advantage
4)10+ years relationship with key raw material suppliers
5)Favourable competence to pass on the fluctuation in the raw material prices

Management commentary:
• It is India’s only manufacturer of Dimer acid which is growing at a very good rate.
• Nutraceuticals (Tocopherol) market is very volatile and inherently not growing. It is used in formulating Natural Vitamin-E.

Future Growth Prospects:
• In all the major products - market is growing 10-15% , we will grow at 15-20% mainly by gaining market share from others and through new products.
• It has also initiated two capital expenditure projects. Both will be financed by a mix of term borrowings and internal accruals and are expected to enter production in 2020.
• a plant to manufacture sterols and higher concentration tocopherols and
• a plant to manufacture bio-diesel using three by-products of its manufacturing process: palmitic acid, monomer acid and residue.

Privi Organics:
It manufactures aroma chemicals. It started with 2 products in 1992 and now manufactures 50 different products which are used to make fragrances, in turn used in day to day products like soaps, detergents,shampoos, perfumes etc.

F&F industry - Givaudan, Firmenich, IFF, Symrise, Takasago
FMCG industry - P&G, Henkel, Colgate

Total capacity - 22,000 tonnes across 4 manufacturing plants. Privi’s 3 manufacturing plants are located at Mahad, district Raigad in Maharashtra and one plant is located in Jhagadia, near Ankleshwar, Gujarat.

Competitive Advantages:
1)It has the largest and the only plant in Asia which manufactures aroma chemicals from the waste of paper mills - Crude Sulphate Turpentine (CST) rather than Gum Turpentine Oil (GTO). The price of GTO is very volatile while CST is less volatile.
2)As it has backward integration with the CST, there is cost advantage and visibility of raw material cost.
3)Entry barrier - Only 4 companies in world have assured supply of CST, including Privi. 60% raw material (RM) is imported from over 30 paper mills in Europe, US & Canada. Long term 2-3 year contracts with paper mills to source RM. Fairfax has invested in Pulp mills in Canada and can help source RM.
4)Privi’s main competitors are international companies. Being based in India, it gets the benefit of lower employee and overhead costs.
5)Privi makes over 50 products – widest product range in the industry. Thus it is one stop shop for many customers – this provides inter-product support.
6)Privi is trusted supplier for over 10 years to all of the top 10 fragrance companies, which control about 80% of the global fragrance market.

Management commentary:
• Company is a leader in Amber Fleur and Dihydromyrcenol. Both these are major products in the Aroma chemicals market. Also looking to get leadership in one more product
• They have the capability to custom-design and manufacture aroma chemical molecules, as per the specific requirement of customers. So, it will be able to further strengthen bond with customers for a long time to come.
• Have 2 R&D labs. One R&D lab is completely focused on developing green products in technical collaboration with UICT, Mumbai through biotechnology.
• In collaboration with UICT, it set up Biorefinery pilot plant to convert the bio waste to value added products like Xylitol, Vanillin by natural fermentation processes. Published 3 international patents.
• In a 4 way collaboration between Privi, ICT, Fraunhofer Institute and Atech Innovation from Germany, a novel 2G Bio Butanol manufacturing process is scaled up.
• Lots of R&D has been done for which benefits will accrue over 2-3 years.
• Have signed Reckitt Benckiser as a new customer.
• 70% export sales. Gross margins typically 24-26%
• 20 year average annual growth - 18%.
• 2018 was a great year for privi, despite a fire incident that gutted the largest factory at Mahad MIDC on April 26, 2018. Company was able to restart production in a record 29 days - using third party outsourcing to maintain customer continuity.

Future Growth Prospects:
1)Average capex is 75 to 100 Crores - to be largely financed through internal accruals at the existing manufacturing facility at Mahad MIDC in Raigad district.
2)Entering flavours segment using byproducts from existing chemicals. Lab scale trials done, large scale production within 2-3 years. 50-70 cr capex required for flavours. Infra, land in place. Expect 300 cr incremental revenues by FY21 and further 150-200 cr revenues from new biopesticide product.

Future growth comprises of -
i) developing, manufacturing and supplying additional (newer) aroma chemicals to the same set of customers,
ii) making value added products from by-products made in manufacturing of aroma chemicals and
iii) strengthening margins by increasing the backward integration capacities.

Fairfax commentary:
1)FairFax is RoI obsessed, in no rush to close deals/ acquire new companies.
2)We will aim to be the best if not largest specialty chemical company in India.
3)Will not provide any targets on scale and deals to be made as this will create unnecessary pressure and precipitate errors.
4)Will always sacrifice short term performance for long term.

Market size and opportunity:
The Indian market size of aroma chemicals currently stands at $200 mn (3.85% of global market) and is expected to grow at 15% over the next few years owing to increasing per capita income, growing urban population share, deeper penetration of FMCG products in rural areas and expansion of organized retail in tier II & III cities.

Global demand for flavor and fragrance — including demand for flavor and fragrance blends, essential oils and natural extracts, and aroma chemicals—is expected to rise 5.5 % a year. The top 10 players account for 80% of world total flavor and fragrance market share. The global oleochemicals market value is expected to grow at ~ 6% CAGR from around $20 billion in 2015 to $27 billion by 2020.

1)ROE and ROCE and Operating cash flow is improving. Need to see what happens in case of any downturn in the chemical industry.
2)The products manufactured by it find application in high growth consumer goods industries like nutraceuticals, paints, printing ink, adhesives, soap manufacturing, etc. which are expected to grow steadily due to factors such as rising population, increase in disposable income, increase in penetration of e-commerce and increasing spending on healthcare and nutrition products.

1)Impact on margins due to decrease in the prices of key products because of demand-supply dynamics and competition.
2)Global economic slowdown.


@dhavaldeolasi It would be great if you could share some sources or links for the information you have provided.

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Thanks for detail info…