Avanti Feeds

Hi all,

New to the forum & this is my 1st post.Excited to be here :grinning:

I think kaveri is a great company to invest in even at these levels.But one thing bothers me is - from the annual report 2014-15.On pg no: 76 (under strengths topic of management discussion & analysis) it says

"Presently company’s shrimp feed plants are operating at 100% capacity utilization. In view of future increase in growth of shrimp culture, it is planned to set up shrimp feed manufacturing plant with 1,10,000 MT per annum capacity in Andhra Pradesh. Company is searching for suitable land for the purpose."

Point 1 - means that the plants are already at full capacity meaning no further production growth can be expected.
Point 2 - They are still searching for land means it might take some time for the new plant to set up & production to kick start.

Correct me if I am wrong please…

All though I treat this as a temporary set back still its a worry which can halt the good right.