Avanti Feeds

Just a random radical thought. US Soybean meal prices seem to be around $400/MT. Indian prices are around 32k/MT or about $500/MT or higher. US is the largest producer of soybean if I am not mistaken and we are the largest producer/exporter of shrimp and US is our biggest shrimp market. That’s a perfect trade relationship there for converting vegetable protein into a more desirable animal protein.

Am certain its not as easy as it sounds, as domestic soybean producers would be up in arms but its just a random thought. Maybe they can work something out so that soybean imported is only used in shrimp feed. There is talk that China might impose tariffs on US soybean imports as retaliatory measure for Steel and Aluminium tariffs - Wouldn’t this plan work out perfectly for shrimp producers if that US soybean ended up here?