Securekloud Technologies Ltd (was 8k Miles Software Ltd), Cloud Computing

I had mentioned my doubts about 8k Miles and provided rationale for my avoiding the stock in the past on June 1 when the stock price was near 600 levels, long before the current big fall. I had mentioned my doubts about the subsidiary accounting couple of times late last year as well when the stock price was around 900 levels. Even the latest post after results was before the stock moved up big on Monday and so had nothing to do with what the stock price is saying.

My first post on Fiberweb was in Sept last year when the stock was at its peak.

In Vakrangee it was when the stock was trading 6-7x higher than current price and in PC Jeweller, I had speculated money laundering due to demonetisation when the price was 5-6x current price. I am appalled by this sort of blanket statement brushing down apprehensions and doubts. I remember that you had the same problem on Vakrangee thread as well in the past back in early Feb. It helps to be open to views when holding a stock and to question one’s belief and not be blindsided by confirmation bias.