Yes bank

You have to check what was the market price when they had the board approval for 10% dilution. Stock has corrected a lot, maybe when they took the approval they thought 10% dilution would have been enough to get the required funds.

So finally RG and board got some sense back (falling stock prices do tend to have that effect) and they have decided to issue another 150 crore shares. At what price remains to be seen. I wish they do it at 100 Rs and raise 15,000 crores but even at 60 Rs a piece, they will get 9,000 crores. Along with the 2,000 crores raised in QIP recently, the bank balance sheet will look much healthier and hopefully after making all provisions, they will still be left with enough growth capital. The real challenge for RG and new team is to raise this money now.


Who will pay 100Rs per share when itā€™s available in the market for Rs. 60?

Getting Capital into the bank smoothly by end of Q3 would be ideal than thinking/worrying/demanding about ā€œat what priceā€. If they canā€™t get Capital on time then the time value of lost growth would go to whoever is fit and steady to lend by taking over the opportunities and pipeline of Yes. At this hour, thinking about getting expensive valuation for the capital raising is not going to happen and Bank and Board knows it very well, So they have approved fund raising as the starting point and next set of approvals from RBI and finding new investors can happen in parallel.


They almost gave loans to every company which went dud. It surprises me how they come up with new bad loans each quarter. Seriously, only Rana Kapoor can do this - 16% of their advances are BB and below. Cannot be worse.

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Hoping Yes is still holding Eveready stocks. Duracell in advanced talk to buyout Eveready.


this Durcell deals seems to be bad for investors. How yes bank benefits from this deal?

Does anyone know, for how much loan eveready shares were pledged?

Today Eveready closed in LC

Some good news for those who are still hanging on:

Loans taken by Eveready against the pledged shares has to be paid back to banks before selling the part business of Eveready to Duracell. So Ideally, Banks will get the payment in full. If Yes still holds shares, I doubt the value matters at this point as Banks are the lenders in this case and not investors. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Diamonds lost its shine may be:


This counter is completely surrounded by whole lot of speculative news,Stay away.

Huh! Bigger leaking boat trying to save lesser leaking boat. The irony drowned in the river in the meantime.


Sept 2018

Diamonds once, now Rana Kapoor saying Paytm Karoā€¦:grinning:


Looks like Yes Bank is keeping us busy :slight_smile: Any guess on top three technology firms. Is it Amazon?

My bet would be Softbank.

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A stake sale to a global minority technology company ā€œis close to being a done dealā€ but he cannot reveal the name just yet. ā€œIn addition, two very large Indian family officesā€¦ a European and an American PE firm have also expressed interestā€¦ā€ .

If he cannot disclose fully, why is he revealing even this much? Sounding just like an ordinary reporter. Terrible.


For what its worth with this news, tomorrow stock could go 20% but then, go down same in couple of weeks. It is hard to see this as a serious investment currently with all this speculation.

I would only start tracking this, if the bank is raising funds for fueling growth. Otherwise, there are other well corrected quality companies out thereā€¦

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Friends, Please think before posting. Thread is full of one line posts one after another, lower circuit upper circuit etc etc. How does it add value? @adminph2 Please look into this thread