Yash Pakka - (Previously Yash Paper) - Rising from ash

Hi, as far as I know there are no restrictions on manufacturing bagasse based tableware. There are already a few players in India and several more in foreign markets doing this. Where Chuk wants to differentiate themselves is in being “naturally backyard decompostable” ie zero harm to environment when discarded. They take this “zero harm” very seriously. Because all the other plates I have come across has a lining of lamination on the contact surface, which is essentially plastic, which is not decompostable - naturally or otherwise. So there is some harm to the environment. How much value one wants to give this is totally upto the consumer. I guess having water-proof, oil proof contact surface without having a lamination layer is where Chuk scores in technology and process of manufacturing. The exception I have come across is http://ecoware.in/, but Yash paper informs that they supply bagasse pulp to this company.

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