What Should A First Time Investor Do? Where to Start?

Post: How To Start Investing. Buying the First Stocks

Finding good stocks is the work of very very experienced players. Attempting it when you start out is injurious to your financial health.

I personally would recommend investing some money on 1 & 2 and time on 3 and 4.

  1. http://www.moneylife.in/ - Paid
    Moneylife has 3 different stock recommendation stock letters. If possible subscribe to all 3.

  2. http://www.stalwartvalue.com/ - Paid
    Very skilled stock pickers. Highly recommend.

  3. Follow the top contributors on ValuePickr - Free
    The stocks they dig up are pure gold.

  4. https://dolly-bestpicks.blogspot.ae/ - Free
    The blog is under a fake name but the analyst is pure gold.

  5. EDIT: Forgot to add: https://www.prosperotree.com - Free
    Pure Gold