ValuePickr 2.0: Time to Review 2010-2019, and set Roadmap for the next Decade

@Donald Welcome back Donald. We needed your push to take this forum to the next level.

Few of the top contributors have remained in hibernation post annual meet. They need to be reminded of their duty to contribute on this forum. In future, the past legacy should not be considered while selecting top contributors so that they remain on their toes to write/contribute on the forum.

Regarding moderation, it is heartening that few of the seniors have raised their hands. We can certainly increase no. of moderators. We need to keep our forum free for expression of views provided they write in a disciplined manner without any malintent. So main objective of moderators is to maintain discipline, remove clutter/spam, identify intent & take action if any malintent detected. Flagging posts by the fellow members is the best way to remove clutter/spam & I must say our fellow members are very vigilant & makes our job easy.


@desaidhwanil, @hitesh2710, @ayushmit, @ankitgupta
Thank you so much Dhwanil, Hitesh, Ayush and Ankit for your encouraging words and affection. Coupled with the VP Community energetic participation/feedback, this has been such a huge energy-boost for me. Quite keen to get back to active collaboration of old - with all your help and other VP members who are raising their hands for various initiatives.

Great to hear that. Yes would like nothing more to bring back that rigour to the collaborative work that we excelled in. Let’s prioritise a few promising businesses that need further digging. Will need your help majorly. Will call you (next week when I am back in Bangalore), Ankit and Ayush to take this further.

Quite right Hitesh. Rupesh’s thought-triggering post on BQ thread already needs answering on multiple fronts including Investor Psychology, Portfolio Construction & Maintenance, Capital Allocation. Will need help from you, Ayush, and other senior VP Members/Top Contributors to add energy/experience sharing/and structured responses to these important aspects in the Investors Learning Curve.

:slight_smile: Time to pull up our socks!
I actually see many contrarian opportunities today, where there is no consensus and there are puzzles to solve - like you used to say - Donald, this is a story misunderstood (reminds me of Ajanta Pharma and Avanti till they became consensus :wink:). Solving the puzzles, require the kind of focused work Dhwanil and Ankit are talking about - where by sheer dint of our passionate detailed work, we have more insights early into the real nature of issues facing the business - and therefore, the opportunity and our competitive edge!

Yes Ayush. Stock Stories will be a good thing to prioritise for some of our most promising new businesses that we have encountered recently/ or participated in. That is sure to energise more folks to get their hands dirty. Will need your help to prioritise a set for the next set of stock stories and involve more folks in the exercise. Will call next week when I am back.

Well you are right Ankit. This IS the most satisfying part for me too, along with scuttlebutt work on industry/business/competition. This is at the heart of our competitive edge. Would need your help; love to take this further in a more focused manner, and get everyone excited and energetic again on due process :slight_smile:

Btw, I think there is a very nice interesting puzzle in your own backyard - Alembic Pharma. It is very interestingly poised, doing very well currently, yet no one is sure of the sustainability of the base business, and will always consider any good results due one-offs :slight_smile:. I think great opportunity for us to work towards solving a very interesting puzzle that could be very promising too. More importantly, this is OUR strength area!

Will call next week - Gujarat trip pehle banta dikh raha hain :slight_smile:


It’s just a question of bringing back the old passion. We are setting the ball rolling most probably from Gujarat soon - we aim to do exemplary work and present that back at VP for everyones benefit. That will draw in the others who might have taken a backseat (like me) for various individual reasons.

I am meeting @basumallick in a couple of days. We will discuss actionables here, and will request Abhishek to take the lead in structuring this more formally.


any thoughts on creating a new VP Public Portfolio(2020-2025 ) or some such ?


Hi Bhaiya, we missed you! Welcome back!!!

Over ValuePickr 2.0

  • Discourse is developing well. It doesn’t require much work apart from monthly maintenance.
  • Emails servers are also performing well.
  • The homepage at might need a refresh. We can plan it out on a whiteboard whenever convenient for you :+1:.

Thanks a lot for gracious mentions :blush: .


We are fortunate to have someone of your zeal, tech brilliance and ability to devise simple solutions to our demands - e.g. still remember how urgently we wanted to address a Reputation System for VP relaunch in 2015 - so much so that I had sat down to write a first level spec document. And you brought us to Discourse - majorly responsible for the free-flowing interactive VP platform of today.

Especially interested to educate myself on following:

Not only does this hopefully make life generally easier for Discourse moderators, it also opens the door to category specific moderators , who can now dip into the review queue for just the categories they’re in charge of.

Discourse isn’t just a place for discussion; it’s also a tool for getting things done! We’ve enhanced the Assign plugin to make it easier to manage your assigned topics, across both private PMs and public topics.

Please send me link(s) via PM for further reading on this.

Would love to. Stock Stories and Management Q&As need to urgently come back to VP centerstage - was already thinking of troubling you. Please schedule sometime anyday next week post 4pm, at your convenience and PM.

You fully deserve all the accolades that come your way. Sometimes we just forget to properly acknowledge the tech brains (too much limelight on our hot shots :wink:)


@pratyushmittal @Donald My day job involves backend software development, setting up servers and managing deployments. If you need help in these areas then I can volunteer. I can spare 4-5 hours per week for this.


One of the rich forum I ever came across. I always spend time to read the quality knowledge and information share by all stalwarts people in this forum. I really love to participate the team gathering of team is planning to do so.


Welcome back @Donald ! Was missing the Devil’s advocate hat that you often wear during discussions. :slight_smile: and Thanks for providing us such a wonderful platform !


Thanks a lot for all the love and affection showered by the community towards the promise of our new initiatives. We are humbled and further energised to deliver on these promises.

Really Happy to see that some of the planned initiatives are taking hold. VP is extremely lucky to have attracted a diverse bunch of talented smart folks with hugely successful track records. That they are taking out time to educate us, despite so many constraints and very busy schedules - huge respect for that. Your active (thoughtful) participation in these enriching discussions to extract the best out of them will energise them, and the community even further.

I need to step back a bit, and devote time to speed up my own learning curve - which has been stagnant over last 2 years. Only then can I even hope to match up. As I spend more time in my own deep-dives, I will take time to come up with impactful actionable shares. So do not be surprised at drop in frequency of my shares. There are other smarter folks taking over :slight_smile:. and more hands will be going up, if we keep the positivity cycle going.

Thanks again for letting the community know that these initiatives are much needed and value-additive for you. Feel free to point out what is missing and needs to be prioritised better - we are keenly listening!

Also do believe in this positivity cycle. The more we ALL will individually give back to the community, the more we will grow ourselves! No contribution is big or small in a Team, every one us brings diverse complimentary strengths to the table as we have all understood in the last 10 years of collaborative efforts. The next ten have to be much smarter and more focused. If we are SINCERE in our wish of ensuring VP as a community continues to strive to do better every year, each of us can and will find our own individual small role to play. Inshallah!


Dear Donald and Hi friends,
I’m Hari a novice investor interested to contribute in any way I can. And I feel it would be helpful to learn under the of a professional like you so that we all can grow as a team. I can also chip in with some contributions.

Thank you
Dr hari

Donald Sir… Consider adding Search function within a particular post. The available search function searches all the posts.

Also add a function where I can see replies given only by originator of post … Or replies with having minimum likes of 10 likes to find relevant replies or links.

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You can search within a topic as shown above.

At the bottom on the first post in any thread, you will find a button that summarises the thread.


That was helpful. But I was looking for…example like how many times the keyword 'toulene" appearing in GNFC topic.

The search result will show toulene appearing in GNFC posts but won’t show me how many times the word toulene appeared. And also if it’s possible to scroll down to exact spot everytime the word toulene appears… Just like how we use searching for keywords in telegram channel.

Anyway it’s just an idea. If it can work…exploring will become even more interesting.

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