Summit securities holding company of RPG group at discounted among holding companies

While i understand the large value of investments against a small market cap. i am struggling to understand how the shareholders of the company will get benefitted? OfCourse, if the company can decide to sell holdings and distribute cash generated, alternatively it could be taken over. Lastly, the discount of holding company can reduce bringing in some gains.

Other than these scenarios, is there any other lever for either share price increase or value unlocking of the investments horded?

in some case i have seen such companies remain frustratingly slow moving with little or no capital appreciation which i what i am afraid of.

I’m invested in Summit since 16 years.
Revenue has always been wonky; because most of it is reliant on dividends generated by holding cos. Since its history, co has not benefitted shareholders in any way (through dividends, bonus, or anything else) despite operating at healthy margins.
Since its now trading at record prices, my hunch is sell the investment off and invest in cos which have an actual business model!

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