SoftTech Engineers Ltd

Some business developments, and opportunities from Annual report –

  • Global Collaboration and Market penetration –
    – SoftTech is now qualified for participating in Singapore Govt. tenders and initiatives.
    – Developments in the Malaysia Market continue to present opportunities and the company expects to get POC’s through and start generating revenue from the region during the year
    – working on opportunities in Australia and Hong Kong.
    – And company made significant inroads by partnering with world leaders in BIM (AutoDesk USA, Dassault Systemes France), GIS (ESRI USA), Construction project management systems (RIB Germany) to penetrate other markets.

  • Recently, the Airport Authority of India has selected SoftTech as its Development Service Partner for the No Objection Certificate Application System (NOCAS). This association charts a new roadmap in the field of permit issuance leveraging GIS and cloud technology for the aviation sector and opens door for opportunities in National Government to size-up the business operations.

  • After establishing independent products in AEC, and delivering great success stories, Company is moving towards providing a platform to connect all the stake holders (Government, Contractors, Builders , Architects and Consultants) and application products through a newly design platform named CIVIT ( A global offering, CIVIT is all set to integrate the Construction industry players like never before.