Ranvir's Portfolio

Is there any link or is it for any membership basis?
He seems to be bullish in lot many companies.

It is very difficult to invest in Pharma, agrichem because of this that not able to identify companies with significant surety, at least for me. I therefore, finally decided to sell out almost all pharma (I had mostly MNC pharma only) and concentrate on sectors/companies I can be better sure of like IT, consumer discretionary and Retail.

Above is just what I am doing because of my incompetence to understand Pharma & Agrichem complexities. I am sure they will create lot of wealth.

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The Webinar was hosted by a guy named - Ishmohit. He runs an online stock investment - learning platform by the name - SOIC.

U can google search the same. On the SOIC website, he provides the link where one can pay and attend the webinars.

The next one will be on APIs…sometime next month. I think, one should definitely attend the same.

On complexity on pharma business - u r right . I have myself done a lot of Hit and Trial over the last one year.

Key learnings -

Generics - specially oral solids is the overcrowded space. So, more than half the companies can be filtered out. ( well…in a way )

APIs - have huge tailwinds due China + 1 factor and Indian manufacturers becoming cost and quality competitive by the day.

CDMO / CRO - similar tailwinds as APIs

Bio- Pharma - emerging sector. Will take time to play out. But the innate biology and chemical skills of India + compliance experience + cost competitiveness make us a strong destination…atleast for outsourcing of research and manufacturing.

Maybe, u can focus ur energies in some of these spaces.

Disc : I am no expert. Just trying to learn as much and as quickly as possible. This looks like the IT story that played out over the last 20 yrs.


Incidentally I was of same opinion back in 2010. Having seen hiccups 2015 onwards I lost conviction. I maybe wrong, I am keeping track.
Few questions that come to mind, if indeed it is the next IT i.e. one of biggest wealth creater for next two decades - why is no big business house in India betting on it? No Ambani, Tata, godrej, Birla, Adani etc. Have any presence in pharma, API etc at all…why this huge growth is seen only by new current generation businessmen that too who have been actual workers only? Big business houses and individual investors are investing in Pharmacy chains etc but not in Pharma…
Secondly, IT flourished not just because of cost arbitrage but now we know for surely because best brains of India worked there…the Chandra’s of the world, the likes who are capable of managing entire Tata group now…even the low end entry levels are the best new brains the country has…the quality and quantity is unmatched globally…the flexibility to nimbly adapt is exemplary… China is no match nor any other country so far with the brains of IT/Tech firms…the mid and higher management capabilities is envious…
Can pharma do that globally in terms of brain, management, manufacturing…is brain, management and manufacturing a moat at all in pharma and if it is, then is it very difficult to replicate elsewhere?
I mean apart from the temporary shift and focus on India for pharma, what talents, moat of India pharma, agrichem industry will make it a long term sustainable leader globally?
It is currently a push towards india, what will make it a pull and finally indispensable?


Ranvir can you give some details on jubile ing, i am interested in this sector but neulend or lauras labs i think so expensive so i wont to…

Among the big business houses only Piramal is currently in this sector. The reason I feel is that the size of opportunity isn’t currently huge. But, in the long term the opportunity is big, and once it becomes substantial any of the big houses can get into that domain by acquiring companies.


Interesting thought @Investor_No_1
Agree with most of your points, however comparison between IT (Tech) vs Pharma is not proper. Mkt cap of TCS is higher than whole pharma pack and so revenue and profit. Same is there internationally, APLE vs whole pharma pack.

However covid may trigger to change lot of things in pharma. Earlier the cycle of vaccine was of 10+ yrs. Covid vaccine is developed in record time and we are observing its benefits. I believe vaccine for HIV and others may get quick approval. If that happened that will change fortune of pharma. Second is bucket change, till date pharma player is generic player who is enjoying easy money. If they upgrade and become innovator that will be interesting to see. E.g. Bharat biotech or cadila - who dare to compete with innovator.

Compare to IT: Except TCS all IT guys are common people decade back before entry of Mahindra and L&T. Reliance is not in IT but they have good presence in pharma. Said so that won’t be much important.


Just posting some info wrt DIVIS Labs …extracted from their corporate brochure.

Flagship APIs of Divis Labratories where the company is world leader -

Naproxen (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug - used for pain management and swelling reduction)

Dextromethorphan ( cough relief caused by common cold, flu or other conditions. Does not cure the underlying condition )

Lavetiracetam ( used to treat epilepsy and seizures )

Gabapentin ( used to treat seizures in adults and children )

Valsartan ( Angeotensin receptor blocker - to alleviate / reduce BP )

Pregabalin ( used to treat epilepsy and generalized anxiety disorder )

Carbidopa ( given to people with Parkinson’s disease )

Phenylephrine ( to decongest stuffy nose / sinus congestion caused by cold, fever or other allergies )

Niacin ( Vitamin - B3 )

Nabumetone ( given to alleviate joint pain in arthritis )

Disc : invested


Disc : resorted to mild trimming in Bajaj Finserv, GCPL, HUL today. ( no plans to exit them…just a rebalancing act )

Added - Cadila Healthcare and Gland Pharma - both for tracking purposes.

Its only a disclosure. No buy/sell recommendation.

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Marico - Information Update for Q4FY10

Very Strong results from Marico.

PAT growth has been dented due severe inflation in Copra prices. As the copra prices correct, PAT may just take off.

Disc : invested from lower levels.


Expenses increased from 52pc to 56… mainly RM price copra …

Invested during March 20 crash… happily holding

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Disc: mild trimming in HUL

Initiated a small tracking position in CCL products

Not an investment advice. Just a disclosure

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1_SE_outcome_of_BM_11052021.pdf (bseindia.com)

GCPL Q4 results

Key observations -

One time manpower remuneration has hit the India EBITDA margins by a massive 400 bps

Gross margins have been hit by lag between input costs and passing them on to consumers

As these two factors reverse by Q1, profits may just show a more than descent Bump Up

Good news - Sudhir Sitapati appointed as MD and CEO !!!

Disc : invested, biased

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Disc :

Trimming in : HUL, Dabur, Asian Paints.

Additions : Neuland Labs, Suven Pharma.

Intend to bring the FMCG wt of the portfolio to around 20 pc and to take up the Pharma ( mainly API and CDMO ) and Chemicals combine wt to around 30-35 pc.

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Recently fall in neuland some serious promoter Concern? Or just disappointing result

Neuland is basically into making Generic APIs and Patent protected APIs under its CDMO operations.

Plus there are various APIs in various stages of development like clinical trials Phase-1/2/3 etc under the CDMO business.

Now …new molecules under development can go into commercial production in any given Qtr and the results can simply be superb. Also the company is not gonna tell anyone of the same ( due client confidentiality terms ). Plus the ones that are already in commercial production …are sold in a lumpy fashion ie on orders placed by clients ( MNC pharma ).

So basically, due to the nature of CDMO business…the results can be lumpy. They can be blockbuster or avg depending on order and development pipeline.

The Q4 results were avg. But that by no means implies that they are going to be avg going fwd. The mkt seems to build in unreal expectations and then over react.

I think, its a good time to add.

Disc : invested, biased, not a buy/sell recc


Interesting…what was your precovid FMCG weight of portfolio? Also your target FMCG plus pharma/chemicals comes to 55%…what would be remaining target 45%?
Regarding pharma, you seem to be building portfolio at current levels so it looks for long term…you have any holding period in mind? 5 years or next decade or more? FMCG I think you have been holding for decade or more if m not wrong so typically you not target just medium term momentum but more…

Hi …

I have been holding FMCG stocks for about 7-8 yrs now. Things were steady till Mar 20 when the pandemic hit us. Till then, I used to maintain an FMCG wt of roughly 35-45 pc in the portfolio. During the pandemic, I increased to 100 pc ( momentarily…by exiting all other stocks and loading up on FMCG only )

Post …May/June 20, I started studying the Pharma stocks again ( I used to own them in 2012 - 2013 but slowly lost track and concentrated more on FMCG )

Over the last 6-9 months, I have studied the ARs and concalls of many pharma companies like - Sun, Cipla, Cadila, Alembic, Alkem,Ajanta, Laurus, Divis, Dr Reddy, Aarti Drugs, Divis etc.

I also made a basket of these stocks ( practically buying all of them with 1-3 pc kind of portfolio wts ). Did this by bringing back the FMCG wt to below 50 pc. As the economy was opening up, also bought some economy facing stocks like Bajaj Finserv, HDFC Bank, Kotak Bank, HDFC AMC, Pidilitte, Asian Paints etc

I tried my best to learn as much as I could by reading, asking questions and by following various webinars / portfolio threads of ppl like - Hitesh Patel and other respected members who are invested into Pharma Sector.

Key learnings ( as I understand ) -

  1. Generic pharma companies ( specially in oral solids and to a lesser extent in Injectables ) have shallow entry barriers. Their India business is far more profitable as India is a branded generic mkt. In regulated mkts…they end up competing on price and various short term demand / supply mismatches in US/EU mkts. Price erosion is a constant overhang…its like running on a tread mill …u have to keep running ( launching new molecules ) just to stay at the same place. In my mind…thats a gruesome business because of hyper competition and little / no product differentiation. In my mind, their golden age is over. Its a cyclical story now…undergoing an up cycle at the moment due easing up of competition in US. That may last another 2-3 yrs.

  2. Making APIs is a little more difficult as u have to set up physical infra for each and every molecule. There are aprox 4000 molecules ( drugs ) in the mkt today . A typical API company ( mid sized ) generally makes 20-40 APIs at a time. On the other hand, a typical formulator is making… say over a hundred formulations at a time. Its less infra and more compliance driven. In APIs, physical infra is a natural entry barrier.

  3. The China +1 model, environmental issues in China and the related costs are for real now. Indian API industry has strong tail winds. Even stronger tail winds are in the CDMO sector. ( one must listen to the webinar by Mr Sajal Kapoor on CDMO sector delivered - mid last yr. Its avlb on Indian Investors Conclave )

  4. In the face of China following the laid down environmental laws, Indian labour being cheaper, good chemistry skills in India…what can stop India from being an API power house ??? China following environmental laws led to a huge bull mkt in Indian spl chem sector. Why will that not happen in API sector ??? I think…its kind of a very high probability event.

Current Portfolio Status -

Exited Sun, Cipla, Dr Reddy, Ajanta, Alkem, Alembic …after making descent gains in all.

Holding onto - Laurus, Aarti Drugs, Divis, Syngene. ( shall keep holding on )

New additions over the last 1-2 months ( that I intend to hold for a long time …say more than 5 yrs ) -

Jubilant Pharmova ( radio pharma + CDMO )
Jubilant Ingrevia ( speciality chemicals )
Neuland ( API + CDMO )
Solara ( API )
Cadila ( vaccines + generics + consumer business )

Now - I intend to take my Pharma portfolio wt to around 30-35 pc. Therefore will keep adding onto these names on dips.

Ranvir Dehal


Over and above the stocks discussed in the previous post, I hold small positions in the following -

Radico Khaitan @ 550
Adani Ports @ 780
Amrutanjan Healthcare @ 570
CCL products @ 300
Havells @ 990
Kajaria Ceramics @ 930

These are tracking positions. All are relatively new ( less than 3 months old )

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That’s really very nicely put on overall pharma sector…can you pls share the portfolio weight percentage for above companies if you are comfortable…thanks for you inputs…they are helping me get a better hang on pharma…I heard and read similar things from various people, including celebrated fund/PMS managers, but hearing it from you has more weightage for me as I have seen your investing style and thought process and admire it…

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Thanks for the kind words …

My actual / target portfolio weights iro API, CDMO, Chemical names are as follows -

Divis - 6 pc / 6 pc
Laurus - 4 pc / 4pc
Solara - 3 pc / 3 pc
Neuland - 3 pc / 2pc
Jubilant Pharmova - 03 pc / 2pc
Aarti Drugs - 03 pc / 2 pc
Cadila - 03 pc / 02 pc
Syngene - 03 pc / 02 pc

Jubilant Ingrevia - 02 pc / 2 pc
Aarti Industries -02 pc / 2 pc

At CMP, I think Divis and Aarti Industries are expensive.

Most others are avlb at fair prices where in one can buy a little and add as prices dip or conviction builds.