Ranvir's Portfolio


The use of PE as a matrix to measure mkt’s valuation, without looking at Global / Indian bond yeilds is a flawed way of thinking…thats my belief.

Eg - if one can get a risk free return on govt backed FDs ( Like the Kisan Vikas Patras that used to give 15 pc annual return in early 1990s , 1980s ) …then even a 15 PE on the Nifty may look expensive. On the other hand, today one cant get anything ablove 6 pc on bank FDs. So…a 30 PE may not be all that expensive.

Now…look at the bond yeilds / FD rates in developed world. You cant get anything beyond 1 pc. So…theoretically MKT PEs should remain streatched for a long long time.

And this is what is playing out…thats my firm opinion.

However, I must concede that this way of thinking is a little counter intutive. I think a lot of mkt participants dont seem to recognise this.

However…I am skeptical of Banks ( due moratorium book and the real fear of another NPA cycle ) and expensive consumer Durable stocks which may see a prolonged slowdown.

@babu44b…sorry boss, I havent studied Kotak Mahindra Bank off late. So, wont be able to comment. KMB and HDFC are a class apart…thats all I know.

Ranvir Dehal


Hello Mr. Ranvir ,
I glanced first time your portfolio , your thoughts and sharing of good information.
It takes lot of guts to share your PF in public domain. Hats off to you.



Some notes on Bajaj Finserv -

Bajaj Finserv holds 52 pc stake in Bajaj Finance and 74 pc each in Bajaj Allianz General Insurance and Bajaj Allianz Life insurance…both unlisted.

Bajaj Finance is widely discussed on this forum. So, I ll try and highlight some imp performance parameters of the Insurance companies.

GWP, AUM and PAT reported by Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance from FY 16 to 20 are as follows -

    FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20

GWP…5897…6183…7578…8857… 9600
( Rs Cr )

AUM… 44107… 49270… 51970… 56620…56085
( Investments )

PAT … 879 cr … 826 cr… 716. cr … 501 cr … 450 cr

Figures for Bajaj Allianz General Insurance company are as follows -

     FY 16   FY 17   FY 18   FY 19   FY 20

GWP … 5900… 7687… 9486… 11097… 12780

AUM … 9211… 10829… 14822… 17236… 18745
( Investments )

PAT… 564 cr… 727 cr… 921 cr… 779 cr… 998 cr

Covid impact on Insurance companies -

Since the insurance companies hold investments in listed stocks, the sudden drop in Indian Stock Mkts due Covid-19 has led to insurance companies realise MTM pre tax losses of 768 cr.

There has been in rebound in the performance of the two insurance companies, as is evident from Q1 results.

    GWP(growth)      AUM(gr)      PAT( gr )

BAGIC… 2289(- 19 pc)… 19611(12pc)… 394(88pc)
( Rs Cr )

BALIC… 1699 (-7pc) … 60968 (5pc) … 130(111pc)

Clearly, when it comes to profitability…both the insurance subsidaries are showing a recovery post the MTM losses due to the Mkt meltdown in Q4.

Key things to monitor - recovery in the Bajaj Allianz life Insurance business.

Will keep posting more info, as I keep studying the company.

Disc : invested.


Are we saying it is better to invest in bajaj finserve than Bajaj finance…

It appears to me Bajaj finserve is more diversified business with the best of both the world’s …NBFC & Insurance…
… where as Bajaj finance is only NBFC

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I would only say that I kind of like Bajaj Finserv.

Bajaj Allianz geneneral insurance can be compared to ICICI lombard.
BAGIC clocked PAT of aprox 1000 cr vs 1194 cr for Icici Lombard for the FY ending Mar 2020.
In FY 16, BAGIC’s PAT was 564 cr vs 505 cr for Icici Lombard.
In Q1 FY 21 BAGIC has reported a PAT of 394 cr vs 398 cr for Icici Lombard.

I ll post separately about other parameters like solvency ratios, combined ratios etc.

Now Icici lombard is valued @ 45 times its FY 20 earnings.

Valuing BAGIC at 45 times would make it a 45000 cr company with Bajaj Finserv’s 74 pc stake valued at 33000 cr.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company reported a PAT of 450 cr for FY ending Mar 2020.

Sbi Life is valued at 60 PE, HDFC life at 90 PE.

Even if one were to give a 30 times earnings multiple to BALIC, it would be valued at 13500 cr with Bajaj Finserv’s 74 pc stake at 10000 cr.

Adding the two - 43000 cr.

Plus the 52 pc stake in Bajaj Finance at current mkt price- Rs 114000 cr.

Combined value - Rs 157000 cr vs current Mkt cap of Rs 104000.

So…there is some discount here.

Also, going fwd…the profitability of the two insurance companies is likely to improve as the COVID related one offs are not likely to be repeated. The same is evident from the Q1 results as well.

Plus the spreading of risk due to the cushion provided by the non lending Insurance arms.

So…its an interesting story, I would say.

Disc: invested.

Will add more on corrections / improvement in performance of BALIC.



Yes, the story of Bajaj finserve seems to be an intersting story. By buying into this stock , you are literally investing in 3 business - General insurance, life insurance and NBFC…
The only difference perhaps could be that Insurance products of Icici or HDFC life are distributed through the bank branches , but I am not sure how the insurance products of Bajajfinserv are distributed…though online channel is always there for all…
By the way, last year I bought an international travel insurance on line from bajaj alliance as it was mandated by Gernan Embassy for applying German visa…
The website was user friendly and within seconds I had got the policy in my mail box…it was fully automated without any human interface.
Not sure if they also deal with health insurance policy…
Discl: under watch list…

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Portfolio update -

Sold all my Gold ETF holdings.

Converted to -

Bajaj Finserv
Abbott India
Natco Pharma
V Guard industries
Alembic Pharma

Today’s mkt fall was tempting but I had no cash. Therefore, liquidated the Gold ETFs.

This is only a disclosure, not a buy/sell recommendation.


What about bajaj holdings. It owns around 40 per bajaj finserv and 30 per bajaj auto. 1 more variable.

Thanks for sharing
But , dont you think that Vguard faces competition from Havells and many other such players ? whats your view on high growth prospects ?

Interesting you chose to add on an Abbott when today there was opportunity in pure API players (Laurus, Aarti drugs and granules) as well. Is it to spread risk or fully invested in API players?

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@A_shah…I think its a large market with a large unorganised component.

I think players like Havells, Crompton, V Guard etc should have a huge runway ahead. In my opinion, all can keep growing for the foreseeable futue ( provided the economy starts to perform )

Valuations are not cheap…thats a factor. But…thats been the case throughout the COVID crisis as the stock refused to fall below 150 levels.

I had a tracking position in the stock. Today’s fall lured me to dive in.

I had no cash, therefore I liquidated my Gold ETF holdings. I am not negative on Gold, but falling stocks are more lucrative…any day.

@Investor_No_1…correct observation. I wanted to spread the risk. Also, my holdings in API / CRAMS players were already descent. ( Laurus, Aarti Drugs, Granules, Divis )

Ranvir Dehal


Notes from AJANTA PHARMA’s latest AR -

  1. Despite Capex of 240 cr in FY 2020, the company generated operating free cash flow of Rs 235cr in FY 19-20.

  2. This yr saw conclusion of major Capex cycle for the company spread over 6 yrs wherein the company invested 1600 cr - including three new greenfield manufacturing facilities - Dahej, Guwahati, Pithampur and expansion of new R&D center. All this- funded from internal accruals. Op cash flow expected to signifigantly improve from next yr onwards.

  3. Branded generics - 70 pc of business grew 17 pc. Rest of the business - US generics, Africa institutional. Going fwd, a growth in low teens should continue. India branded business grew 13 pc vs IPM growth of 11 pc. Launched 18 new branded generics in India out of which 07 were first to mkt. Branded generics in emerging mkts of Asia, Africa grew 22 pc.

  4. Competitive edge - on ground presence in these emerging Mkts and customised product portfolio. Anti Malarial institutional sales de grew 25 pc, expected to remain volatile in near future. US business- grew 82 pc on the back of 7 new launches. Management is very optimistic on this business, should grow in high teens in next couple of yrs on the back of 10-12 new products per yr.

  5. Consolidated sales - 2588 cr, up 26 pc. EBITDA margin at 26 pc as the operating cost of new plants continue to be charged to P&L whereas their utilization levels are low. As utilization improves, company expects the EBITDA margins to improve further !!! NP up 21 pc at 468 cr.

  6. New plants expected to cater to demands for next 5 yrs. Free cash flow to start improving from now on.

  7. Total manufacturing facilities -08. R&D spends - 6 pc of sales.

  8. Sales break up -
    India- 30 pc
    USA- 20 pc
    Africa- 24 pc
    Asia- 26 pc

  9. Company started building the US business 5 yrs ago. Ramp up takes time and investments. Hence the return ratios were subdued for last few yrs. Improvement in all return ratios should now start happening.

  10. Growth in India - 13 pc, Asia - 27 pc, Africa - 14 pc, US- 82 pc.

  11. Present size of global pharma mkt - $ 1.2 Trillion. Size of emerging mkts ( China + India + Brazil + Russia Others ) - $ 0.35 Trillion.
    Indian Pharma mkt size- $ 22 billion. 2014-19 CAGR at 9.5 pc for IPM.

  12. Fixed assets - 1677 cr vs 1516 cr last yr…after adjusting for Capex ( of 230 cr at Pithampur and Guwahati ) and Depreciation. Current assets - 1642 cr vs 1180 cr due jump in trade recievables ( 111 days vs 83 days ) due expanding US business. Inventories - at 79 days of sales vs 71 days last yr.

  13. Dividend - 116 cr. Trade payables - 606 cr vs 378 cr due expanding US business. Cash and cash equivalents at end of FY 19-20 at Rs 202 cr.

Disc : invested, small portion of portfolio.

Ranvir Dehal


Alkem Labratories - Notes from AR FY 19-20 -

  1. Its the 5th largest Pharma company in India ( domestic ) in terms of mkt share. Has 21 mfg facilities and 6 R&D centers across India and US. R&D spends at 472cr - 5.7 pc of sales.

  2. India Anti-Infective rank- 01, Gastro -03, Analgesic therapries -03. 10 brands in India with sales > 100 cr. 07 brands in the top 100 brands in India. India sales- aprox 5600 cr.

Company’s 10 brands feature in top 2 brands in their respective categories. 09 of them belong to the GI, Anti Infective category, 01 is a multivitamin.
Company’s growth in fast growing areas of derma, diabetology, cardio - at 1.5 to 2 times that of Mkt growth in last FY.

Rank in Neuro / CNS - 07, Vitamins/Minerals/ Nutrients - 04.

  1. US revenues - aprox 2200 cr ( 26 pc of total revenue ). 06 USFDA approved facilities in India and US. US facilities at California ( APIs ) and St Louis ( formulations ). Cummulative ANDAs filed - 144, 89 approvals ( 02 NDAs ). Approved NDAs include - Marinol which the company had acquired. Its used to treat nausea and vomitings during Chemotherapy.

USFDA EIR recieved in 2019-20 for formulations facilities at - St Louis, Baddi, Daman and API facilities at California, Mandva, Ankleshwar

  1. Other Intl Mkts - Sales - 538 cr.( 6.4 pc of total ). Company has presence in over 40 countries. Key Mkts- Australia , Philipines, Chile, Khazakstan. Yearly growth for this yr- 8.4 pc.

  2. Subsidary - Enzene Biosciences ( acquired in 2011 ) opened its first fully connected continious biologics mfg facility in Pune in Nov 19.

  3. Key Financials -

Sales - 8344 cr, up 13.4 pc. India sales up 12.9 pc, US sales up 15.9 pc. FY 16-20 sales CAGR of 13.4 pc.

EBITDA - 1473 cr, up 14.6 pc. FY 16-20 EBITDA growth at 14.6 pc. In FY 20, EBITDA margins up 250 bps to 17.7 pc due cost optimization and process improvement.

PAT- 1127 cr, 48.2 pc…due higher contribution of revenues from facilities in tax exempt zones. Dividend payout - 26 pc.

Gross Debt - 1615 cr. Net cash - (-) 189 cr vs 921 cr in FY 16. Company has been in Capex mode in last 4-5 yrs.

  1. Current size of Global Pharma mkt - $ 1.25 trillion. Developed Mkts - $ 821 billion, Emerging mkts - $ 357 billion. RoW - $ 71 billion.

Expected growth over FY 20-24 - 3 to 6 pc.

Speciality drugs used to treat complex conditions like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis etc are the fastest growing fields. Presently they represent 36 pc of global pharma mkt. Speciality care is expected to reach 40 pc of global pharma mkt by 2024.

Drugs expected to go off patent in 2020-24 period @ $ 107 billion ( Conventional plus Biologics ).

  1. IPM -

Current size - $ 22 billion. Expected to grow at CAGR of 8-11 pc over 2020-24. Heathcare sector’s govt spending at - 69000 cr in 2019-20 vs 63000 cr in PY. Of the total spending, spending under Aayushman Bharat - PMJAY at aprox 10 %

AB-PMJAY scheme is being expanded by setting up more hospitals in Tier -2,3 cities under PPP route.

Total exports from India - aprox $ 21 billion. From 2010-19, out of 5768 ANDA approvals granted by USFDA, over 2000 were secured by Indian companies. India also has 700 USFDA approved sites ( formulations and APIs ) - the highest number in the world.

Disc : invested from 2500 levels.



  1. Operations across 5 verticals - animal feed, crop protection, oil palm, dairy and poultry and processed foods.

  2. Animal feed -

Volume growth for the first 9 months was 7.9 pc led by fish feed and layer feed segments. Fourth qtr saw a volume decline of 11.3 pc, leading to 12 month growth moderating to 2.9 pc. Shrimp feed volumes also grew in the current yr after a decline in last 4 yrs ( led by change in product formulation ).

Segment revenues grew 20.1 pc driven by price hikes. Segment results were up 19.2 pc. These could have been higher but for degrowth in q4 and firm input prices in first 9 months.

Bangladesh JV ( with ACI Bangladesh ) saw sales and PAT grow by 57 pc and 340 pc- strong vol growth on poultry, cattle and aqua feed.

Strategy of deeper mkt penetration, R&D backed products yeilding good results in last 2 yrs.

  1. Crop protection -

A number of product launches like - Hitweed Maxx ( controls all major weeds in the cotton crop ), Hanabi ( in-licensed from Nissan Chem Corp - Japan, used for tea plantations ), Bloxit, Veteran, Prudens and Rohelus.

Segment revenues and results - Plus 3.3 pc and Minus 3.9 pc. Due - lower volumes, erratic kharif season, COVID disruptions in March.

Astec life ( subsidary ) - sales and PBT up - 21 pc each. Growth witnessed across domestic and contract mfg business.

  1. Oil Palm Business -

Segment revenues and results - lower by 1 pc and 21 pc mainly on account of lower Palm oil and Palm Kerner Oil prices.

Prices now showing an upward trend ( post Dec 19 ).

  1. Dairy Business -

Performance impacted due higher milk procurement prices.

Share of value added products like- shakes, buttermilk, cold coffee, icecreams etc increasing- now at 29 pc. It was 24 pc two yrs ago. Value added products grew in Mid Teens.

  1. Poultry and Processed foods -

It was a difficult year for poultry business due supply glut and high input costs. Due to spread of rumours in Feb, Mar - Chicken prices collapsed by upto 70 pc. They started recovering after Apr.

  1. Financial performance -

Consolidated revenues - 6964 cr vs 5917 cr
EBITDA - 535cr vs 508 cr
PAT - 300 cr vs 350 cr
EPS- 15.94 vs 16.99
Debt / Equity - 0.26 vs 0.18
OPM - 5.56 pc vs 6.94 pc
NPM- 4.32 pc vs 5.90 pc ( due huge losses suffered by Godrej Tyson Foods )

Disc : invested


Portfolio update - reduced my Colgate Palmolive holdings.

Increased - Sun Pharma, Divis Labs, Bajaj Finserv.

In the pharma pack, I feel the rally in Sun Pharma is yet to play out.

I am hoping for to see an improvement in their Speciality products in the coming Qts. And if that plays out, we may be in for some fun.

Just a disc, not a buy / sell rec.


Colgate, nestle, p&g hygiene, britannia are one of very few FMCG firms which did not launch any “me too” product for pandemic period and still posted decent returns. This shows me the resilience and relevance of their existing portfolios. Colgate is like a company which has sold same product a 200 years back and might sell just the same many years later as well. This is a company which I do not hold and want to add. Don’t you think these dips are excellent times to add such companies. I am aware in momentum plays you can generate more profits and can always buy back Colgate at same price few months from now…but honestly how many are able to do that? A Colgate buyer always buys a Colgate and a momentum buyer looks for the next momentum buy. The one who can do both is probably … @ranvir you! :grinning:


Highlights form 2019-20 AR - AARTI INDUSTRIES -

  1. Company’s motto - Innovation + Sustainability - to discover the newest and the most efficient processes to manufacture customised Chemicals and APIs. Company has 04 R&D centers at Navi Mumbai, 02 at Vapi and Dombivali to innovate on new speciality chemicals and APIs. Have set ambitious tgts of reducing energy and water requirements, reducing health hazards due exposure to chemicals, dust and on site accidents.

  2. Revenues - 4641cr down 2 pc yoy, Ebitda - 986 cr up 2 pc, PAT - 536 cr up 9 pc yoy, EBITDA margins- 21.3%

Margin expansion in speciality chemical business due - increased share of high margin products. ( Sp Chem revenues at 75 pc of the total )

Shortage of Nitric acid, largely used in making speciality chemicals impacted the margins.

Pharma revenues up - 4pc. Gross margin expansion - 250 bps.

  1. Started in 1984 with 02 products and 01 plant. Today makes myriad products used in India and exported to over 60 countries. Company is strong in Benzene based chemistry and has also diversified across other derivative chains.

Total products - 200+
Indian customers - 700+
Global customers - 400 +
Mfg Plants - 17
USFDA approved API plants - 02
Employees - 5200 +

Company’s products are used in Industries like - Agrochemicals, Pharma, Polymers and additives, Fuel additives, FMCG, Dyes and Pigments, Printing Indks, other spl chemicals.

  1. Company specializes in the following processes ( in organic chemistry ) -

Chlorination - world rank -03
Nitration - world rank -03
Hydrogenation - world rank -02
Ammonolysis - world rank - 02
Helix Chemistry - only player in India

  1. Inorganic Chemistry-

Sulphuric Acid value chain
SSP ( single super phosphate )
Export grade calcium chloride granules - used for oil exploration and de-icing

Key competitive advantages -

Leadership postns in key products and processes

Integrated ops across the Benzene and Toulene chains

Ability to effectively use co-products and generate value added products

Diversification across - multi products, Industries, Customers, Countries

  1. APIs -

Anti - Hypertensives
Anti - Asthmatics
Anti - Cancers
Anti - Thalassaemic
APIs for CNS
APIs for Skin Care
De - Congestants

Company has own backward integrated intermediaries for most of the APIs that it makes. APIs are exported to regulated mkts across the globe like - US, Japan, EU

  1. Company aslo has Custom Synthesis division to make pharmaceutical intermediates ( Pre API intermediates ) for various customers. The company makes Intermediates for over 40 APIs

  2. Xanthine derivatives -

Xanthine derivatives are synthetic compounds that resemble naturally occuring xanthines like caffine, theobromines etc. They are used for their mild stimulating effects like in treatment of asthma, influenza etc. They also increase the alertness of CNS and stimulate responses. Hence they are aslo added to various beverages and energy drinks.

  1. Company aslo has CRO and CMO divisions for APIs and intermediates.

  2. Exports breakdown -

North America - 26 pc
China - 8 pc
EU - 28 pc
Japan - 9 pc
RoW- 29 pc

  1. China, which accounts for 20 pc of global speciality chemical revenues has seen closures of about 50 chemical manufacturing clusters due environmental concerns. COVID, increased labour costs - other problems in China.

Aarti Industries with its scale, vertical integration and process efficiencies is an ideal alternative partner for global players for multiple opportunities.

14 out of 17 mfg plants have achieved zero liquid discharge status.

Hired 140 Enigineering graduates this year.

  1. Industry wise breakdown of Speciality products made by the company -

25-30 pc - Agrochemicals
25-30 pc - Pharma
15-20 pc - Polymers
15-20 pc - Dyes and pigments
10-20 pc - fmcg and fuel additives

  1. Specialilty Chemicals Industry -

Spl Chem are high value, low volume chemicals known for their performance enhancing applications.

Total Global chemicals mkt value at $ 3.7 trillion ( in 2017 ) - including basic chemicals, industrial gases, petrochemicals and speciality chemicals. Speciality chemiclas - at aprox $ 850 billion in 2020. Expected to grow to $ 1 trillion by 2023.

Speciality chemicals find the greatest applications in agrochemicals and fertilizers.

Growth drivers -

Urbanization and rising middle class in Asia Pacific
Increased R&D - leading to discovery of better products
Higher import substitution in India
IPR protection in India - India rank at 55 vs 59 for China. In legal terms too, India ranks 71 vs 77 for China

  1. Company Overview -

One of the most competitive benzene based speciality chemicals company in the world.

Rare company to focus on - process chemistry competence and scaled up engineering competence.

Ranks amongst top 5 globally for 75 pc of its products.

De-risked portfolio of 200 plus products.

Revenue break up - Sp Chems - 84 pc, Pharma - 16 pc

Domestic vs Export sales - 58 pc vs 42 pc

Company is the only manufacturer of Nitro Flouro Aromatics using Halex process and Phlyenediamines ( PDA ) in India

No single product or customer accounts for more than 8pc of revenues

A high level of forward and backward integration helps the company take advantage of global trends of Vendor consolidation

Company pays a lot of attention to R&D to improve processes and to achieve greater integration. Recently comissioned R&D center at Navi Mumbai has dedicated labs for - process safety, effluent treatment, flow chemistry, Kilo lab, high pressure reactors etc

Company has 5 pharma plants, 02 approved by USFDA, 03 by WHO. Company makes - APIs, intermediates and Xanthine derivatives . 02 R&D facilities are dedicated to pharma sector. Company makes intermediates for 35 APIs.

CRAMS division - focusses on intermediates. Its the fastest growing segment

Pharma revenues - 61 pc from APIs, 39 pc from Xanthines. Domestic - 56 pc, rest - exports

Pharma revenues at - 756 cr vs 426 cr in FY 16.
Pharma EBITDA - 18 pc vs 9 pc in FY 16

  1. Current capex - 1150 cr. Major projects under execution include -

VAPI, KUTCH and TATAPUR - various Spl Chems, APIs, intermediates and de-bottlenecking ops

JAGADIA - Clorination, Nitration, Capex for 3rd long term contract

DAHEJ - Capex for 1st and 2nd long term contract

These capex - to drive growth

Disc : holding.

May add more on dips.


ICICI LOMBARD - notes from AR 2019-20 -

  1. Company is a leading private sector insurer in India. Has been present in India for two decades - therefore knows the customer needs and designs products accordingly.

Branches - 273
Partner Garages - 8800
Partner Hospitals - 6536
Total Headcount - 10,600
No of Call centers - 02
Call center executives - 501
Health claim managers - 290
Motor claim managers - 756
Actuarial team - 22

  1. Combined ratio in the last 3 FYs - 100.2, 98.8,100.4

Investment assets in last 3 FYs ( in Rs Billion ) - 181 , 222 , 263

PAT- last 3 FYs ( in Rs Billion ) - 8.62, 10.49, 11.94

Solvency- last 3 FYs - 2.05, 2.24, 2.17

RoE - last 3 FYs - 20.8, 21.3, 20.8

  1. Breakdown of Insurance segments ( revenue wise ) -

Motor - Own Damage - 28 pc
Motor - Third Party - 23 pc
Health and Personal accident - 25 pc
Marine- 4pc
Fire- 12 pc
Others - 8 pc

  1. Mkt share - 7 pc - overall
    Pvt Sec Mkt share - 14.6 pc
    Debt/Equity - 0.08
    Investment leverage - 4.21 times

  2. Latest trends and challenges in the Industry-
    Artificial intelligence, block chain, machine learning - based risk modelling.

Rise of aggregators giving customer access to lowest cost insurer at the click of a button

6. Non life Insurance industry growth from 2001-20 - 16.7 pc CAGR !!!

Growth largely led by - fire, motor - TP, retail health and group health segments.

Private sector’s Mkt share- 48.2 pc of the total gen insurance industry.

  1. Total policies issued by the company in FY 19-20- 2.6 cr, collecting a GDPI of Rs 13,313 cr - a de-growth of 8.1 pc as the company took a concious call to exit the underpriced crop insurance segemnt. Excluding crop insurance, GDPI grew by 10.5 pc.

Percentage of Crop insurance has dropped from 17 pc to zero in FY 19-20 !!!

Percentage of all other segments like Motor - od / tp, Health , Fire, Marine, Others has increased.

Fastest growing segemts -retail health, SME insurance.

Company is the fifth largest general insurance player in India.

  1. Total investments - Rs 26,327 cr with a leverage of 4.21 times. Since inception, company has had no instances of delayed payments / defaults on its debt portfolio. Listed equity makes up 8 pc of company’s investments by carrying value as on 31 Mar. Listed portfolio of the company has returned 23.2 pc CAGR returns since inception !!!

  2. Total new products launced across all verticals ( incl ind, corp and group ) in last FY - 18

Motor insurance OD mkt share - 13.9 pc vs 12.9 pc last yr

Individual Heath Indemnity business grew - 16.6 pc to reach Rs 564 cr

SME - CAGR of over 27.5 pc in last 3 yrs- crossing the Rs 1000 cr premium collection mark. Most SME products also avlb on digital platforms. Key focus of this vertical- 100 pc profitable customer retention. Providing customised options at the time of renewals

NEW COVID-19 product- under group insurance category. Provides 100 pc of sum assured irrespective of hospitalisation expenses

Lombard - Emergency amublance service - avlb in 39 cities

  1. Corporate Solutions-

Fire insurance - Mkt share up to 9.8 pc vs 9.3 pc last yr

Engineering insurance - mkt share at 11.9 pc vs 11.5 pc last yr

Marine insurance - Mkt share at 14.9 pc vs 13.9 pc last yr. Marine segment includes products like - anti theft, anti hijacking, supply chain solutions, marine loss engineering solutions etc

Laibility insurance - mkt share at 15.5 pc vs 14.7 pc last yr

Disc: innvested. Views may be biased.

Hi Ranvir,
Remember you bringing up an idea of investing in a good FMCG company like HUL/NESTLE in the futures section and to keep rolling it as the long term trend has always been up. Did you evaluate the costs of following such a strategy, as a long term investment thesis. Iam keen on investing in Nestle/HUL in the above mode as the bet can be large and i dont see the downside to be high.


I have thought about it in the past…on multiple occasions.

Somehow, could not convince myself to take the plunge from a risk / leverage - management standpoint.

The idea does sound good…but I could never implement it in real world…as I was always unsure of how will it play out in my mind, will I be too fixated on the price, will I end up having a trader mentality, will I be as peaceful as I am now while holding my investments etc etc etc.

So…finally gave it a pass.