My Dream Portfolio

Hi Dhirendra,

Sharing my 10 cents. I believe most of the businesses you’ve picked are rock solid market leading franchises and businesses and should do well over the medium and long term. I have not reviewed your allocations though and not much to comment. However, if not done properly it can lead to significant underperformance - easiest to go equal weight.

The main point I want to share with you is to find your own style of investment. That is a journey for most people. It takes time to understand yourself, your psychology, your behaviour under stress, what gives you peace and comfort, etc.

Hence even if you have a 35 stock portfolio right now - or even if it goes up to a 50-60 stock portfolio, it’s alright! Do what you think makes sense and sounds right to you. There are no hard and fast rules that active investors can only make money through concentrated stock portfolio. It’s much easier to identify good businesses than to pick and choose between them and then also identify ideal allocations. All of this is a time consuming process and journey and even I’m learning as we all are.

Anyway, sharing this if it helps - a not so well known investor Walter Schloss was a firm believer in diversification and easily held >75 stocks in his portfolio at most times going up to a hundred.

Walter Schloss on diversification
“Think you can have different mistakes, such as putting more money on a stock that is going down … We didn’t lose money very often, which is why I kind of pushed it out of my mind. We didn’t sometimes buy a lot of stocks. I own 100 stocks most of the time. That way we have a big diversification.”

And for all these people, who come out say such portfolio’s can never beat an index mutual fund, here’s his record:

Walter Schloss was one of Buffett’s Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville. He had an incredible track record of returns over his investing career, achieving a 21.3% CAGR over the period of 28 and a quarter years from 1956 to Q1 1984. And, he did it while keeping his own expenses to a minimum

Don’t just adopt whatever anyone says here or even me for that matter. Find your sweet spot, create yown turf and you shall rule!