Multi-Disciplinary Reading - Book Reviews

@Shubham_Dixit - Nice work on doing the hard work of looking through whole thread to pick the 10s and the 11s. Really appreciate it man. Thanks! The categorisation I feel is way off though. Here’s a broad categorisation I came up with on my own. I still think some of these still fall into more than one category despite the broadness - thats the beauty of books that cross the borders across disciplines

Behavioural Economics
• Thinking, fast and slow
• The Drunkard’s Walk
• Subliminal
• Fortune’s Formula
• The (Mis)behaviour of markets

Health & Fitness
• Breath
• The Dorito effect
• Why we sleep
• The obesity code
• Exercised

Investing, Business & Finance
• Poor Charlie’s almanac
• Fooled by randomness
• Reminiscences of a stock operator
• More money than God
• Against the Gods
• The theory of investment value
• Stocks for the long run
• Lords of Finance
• Romancing the Balance Sheet
• Value migration
• The little book of valuation
• The price of time
• Loonshots
• The idea factory

Science, Math & Rationality
• The selfish gene
• Algorithms to live by
• The model thinker
• The book of why
• A matter of degrees
• Exit, Voice & Loyalty
• 17 equations that changed the world
• The joy of x
• The Beginning of Infinity
• The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
• Alex in Numberland
• Deep simplicity
• Ubiquity
• God’s debris
• The order of time
• Physics and Philosophy
• Euclid’s window
• Thinking in systems
• The Tao of physics

Philosophy & Spirituality
• A search in secret India
• On the shortness of life
• How to change your mind
• The Biology of Belief
• Finite and Infinite Games
• How to fail at almost everything and still win big
• Tao te Ching, Stephen Mitchell
• Between Parent and Child
• Essays in love

History & Geopolitics
• Red Roulette
• Putin’s people
• Prisoners of Geography
• The world for sale
• The silk road
• Early Indians
• The Lessons from History

• The Master Algorithm
• How to create a mind
• Deep medicine

• The shipping man (Shipping)
• Genentech (Biotech)
• Arriving today (Logistics)
• The attention merchants (Media)
• The ten drugs (Pharma)
• Auth n capture (Payments)
• The fish that ate the whale (Fruit)
• The basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains (Cryptos)
• Confessions of an Advertising Man (Advertising)

While its nice to classify and categorize, I would still recommend reading across categories for a balance.