He seems to be holding other positions in multiple Mahindra group companies. Like he is the MD of Mahindra Agri Solutions Limited as well.
I had attended the AGM and have prepared the notes. I have tried to catch hold of everything the management said. I hope it is helpful
disclosure: invested from lower levels
results declared by the company
Was reading the concall transcript of H1. A must read for all the people invested gives a good idea as to what is going on in the industry.
Am attaching a few interesting things that caught my eye.
this is what the company expects from the industry going fwd
Disc: Invested from lower levels. Views may be biased.
Promoter reputation is the strongest moat of this company. However it seems promoters are unloading shares every few years.
Thats not share reduction, its impact of ESOPs.
“Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited Q2 FY-22 Earnings
Conference Call”
29" October, 2021
MahindraEPC.pdf (874.7 KB)