Lakshmi Energy & Foods

Q2FY10 update from CRISIL

Lakshmi Energy and Foods Ltd

Changing grains

Fundamental Grade 3/5 (Good fundamentals)

Valuation Grade 5/5 (CMP has strong upside)

Industry Food Products

Fair Value Rs 130

CMP Rs 71

November 29, 2010

Despite a significant fall in non-basmati rice sales, Lakshmi Energy and Food

Ltdâs (Lakshmiâs) Q4FY10 revenues exceeded CRISIL Equitiesâ expectations

thanks to higher basmati sales. Margins and earnings were lower than

expected due to high advertising and marketing costs, and reduction in

contribution from the high-margin power segment. Decline in non-basmati rice

sales (4% contribution in Q4FY10, lowest historically) remains a concern, but

we retain the positive outlook on prospects of basmati and maintain the

fundamental grade of â3/5â.

Q4FY10 and FY10 results analysis

â Lakshmiâs Q4 revenues grew 112.6% y-o-y (13% q-o-q) to Rs 3,978 mn,

thanks to the three-fold increase in the basmati segment. This was

partially offset by 70.2% y-o-y decline in the non-basmati segment, as

there were no sales to FCI. Revenues for FY10 grew 73.6% y-o-y to Rs

12,048 mn, above our estimate of Rs 10,981.7 mn.

â EBITDA margins declined 1,856 bps y-o-y (up 66 bps q-o-q) to 14.6%. For

FY10, EBITDA margin declined 1,440 bps to 17.2% mainly due to the

38.4% y-o-y revenue decline in the high-margin power segment.

â In line with a decline in EBITDA margin, PAT margin also dropped 1,123

bps y-o-y to 5.9% in Q4FY10. It declined 580 bps y-o-y to 7.4% in FY10.

Earnings estimates revised downwards; introducing FY12 numbers

Due to insignificant contribution from the erstwhile core, non-basmati rice

segment, during Q4FY10, we revise our revenue estimates downwards by

4.3% for FY11. Considering the launch of âLakshmi Foodsâ brand and inventory

costs for basmati, we revise earnings estimates downwards by 9.4% for FY11.

We expect FY12 revenues to increase 20.4% y-o-y to Rs 18,145 mn, EBITDA

margins to dip 60 bps to 17.4% with an EPS of Rs 21.4.

Key development: Lakshmi Foods brand to be launched in Q1FY11

â The company is expected to launch Lakshmi Foods brand in Q1FY11.

â Power sales declined 70% y-o-y to Rs 90 mn in Q4FY10 as heavy rains

during the quarter impacted conveyor belt operations.

â The FCI did not lift damaged stocks lying in godowns in Q4FY10. Hence,

Lakshmi was unable to mill rice for the FCI impacting non-basmati sales.

Valuations: Current market price has strong upside

We have rolled forward our projections by one year and continue to value

Lakshmi based on the sum-of-the-parts method, with a revised fair value of Rs

130 per share (rice â Rs 86; power â Rs 44, based on DCF) from Rs 136. We

use P/E of 5x for the rice business, lower than 6x used earlier, factoring in the

loss of business from FCI and change in preference for basmati rice. We

maintain the valuation grade of â5/5â.


(Rs mn) FY08 FY09 FY10P FY11E FY12E

Operating income 16,050 6,942 12,056 15,067 18,145

EBITDA 3,279 2,195 2,073 2,712 3,153

Adj PAT 1,617 916 886 1,176 1,351

Adj EPS-Rs 25.6 14.5 14.0 18.6 21.4

EPS growth (%) 168.1 (43.4) (3.4) 32.9 14.9

Dividend yield (%) 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

RoCE (%) 29.2 18.6 15.2 18.1 19.1

RoE (%) 30.8 17.8 14.7 16.8 16.5

PE (x) 2.8 4.9 5.1 3.8 3.3

P/BV (x) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5

EV/EBITDA (x) 2.6 4.3 4.0 3.4 3.0

Source: Company, CRISIL Equit ies est imate

CMP: Current Market Price, *Company has September year-ending

this one and pondy oxides is regularly featured in the stock 20:20 segment of CNBC Awaaz.

Trading at 64 today. Good time to average? Everytime you think it can’t get any lower, it keeps forming new bottoms.

Hello Hitesh

I am from chandigarh and I do not trust this management. That is the reason I skipped this. A major part of the sale is to FCI which is not something to my liking!

What are your views on the management? How can you be sure they are having interest of minority shareholder in mind?

to me KRBL is a better bet than LEAF. Though my KRBL study is not complete yet


So, LEAF is quoting around 28-29 levels now, a far cry from when this discussion was started.

The only reason I picked up on this stock right now is this - During my previous analysis, price around Rs. 31/- came as a net current asset bargain. I haven’t had a chance to look at the latest balance sheet (did they release it?), but as per last balance sheet, current prices indicate it’s a NCAV bargain.

Not that many NCAV bargains have worked out in the Indian context (since promoters won’t sell out and the process of liquidation is too cumbersome), but another point of view while investing in this stock at these levels.

Everytime there is a discussion on this stock in Valuepickr forum, the stock price goes further down - probably there is an inverse relationship vaastu here :slight_smile:

Anyway, on a serious note, if anybody has the latest AR of this company, please do post it here. I am not invested as yet, but would be interested if the bargain is worth shooting for.

This is a stock is an AVOID!

As per veterans, no one has ever made money on this stock. Check the 5 year price history chart!

From time to time, things look good, grand plans are announced. Never delivered! Political interfrence in pricing, etc. Management?


Hi donald,

Yes this is an avoid. But I made big bucks on this one. I had bet around 18% of my portfolio between avg prices of around 65-80 and got out at 175. This was due to the froth i saw and sheer luck. More lucky I was not to have any meaningful position when it started going down.

It is one stock which keeps me reminding of being firmly grounded.


Hi All,

i am aware that this is not place to ask portfolio related question, however i need advice on this one fro sure, Iboughtthis stock a year back at around 80 and added few more at 40, my avg buy price is 63 and the CMP is 13.90, i am willing to hold this stock for long term and even can add more now,Anyrecommendationon should i add more or just hold.

The stock is quite consistently going down QOQ.

:frowning: this stock is 10% of my folio :frowning:



Vikrant, my suggestion would be to get out as soon as you get a technical bounce in the stock. From your question, it is apparent that you do not have much conviction in the company. Then the best option is to take your loss and get out. There are a lot of good companies that you can pick up at reasonable valuations - maybe stocks like PI, Astral, Mayur etc…

Hi Vikrant,

Some lessons need to be learnt the hard way!

I learnt my lesson in Lakshmi foods too, about a year and a half back. I had invested at 100, based on a CRISIl report which looked too good. without doing enough homework on the company. I cut my losses after averaging down at 80. by then I had studied more of the company, compared results of 2 qrs, saw the Mangement not walking the talk, and decided to book losses.

Book losses in this one straightaway, or anytime after the next bounce, as Abhishek suggests. It will be a lesson learnt well:)

Employ what you get gainfully in a stock like Mayur Uniquoters.

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As suggested by donald I think you need to exit, take the loss and move on to something better.

The lesson to be learnt is to avoid companies going in for relentless expansion without getting their feet firmly on the ground. Business model on the face of it was great but I think the management fell short in terms of execution of the plan.


Hi Vikrant,

My sincere advice is to get out and take out whatever you can. I also had a huge exposure to it few years back but luckily got out at the right time.I am probably one of the few who made money on this stock.

The story was really good some years back but reality turned out to be very different. I think Mr. Market is right on this company

  • Like Donald mentioned, the management doesn’t walk the talk. I think this is the biggest negative
  • Husk power had lot of promise but I think there were lot of planning and execution issues. They are not generating any power from some time now
  • I think they are in a debt trap and don’t see how they will get out of it



When we look at the details… Ashish Dhawan one of the credit worthy investors had took position in this stock when it was around Rs.50… and now almost around 12 Rs… Should we think Dhawan’s bet was wrong this time… may be he didnt do enough research?

Disc : I hold at around 41/share price.

Hi Raju,

Any bet can go wrong inspite of detailed research. We have to just move on.



:slight_smile: yes… good lesson for me as well… that accumulation should not be quick (in my case)… should take an initial position to watch it carefully before taking big bet… Esp in a kind of commodity type business…

Hi Hitesh,

I know u havent been tracking “lakshmi energy” lately.But,seeing the performance of the company since last 2 qrts,do you think this to be a turnaround story and will retain its past “glory”? Promoters has been constantly buying from the open market and had increased their stake and they have reduced the debt too.

Waiting for your opinion on this.Is this buy on dips ?

Dear Sreeram, Donald, Hitesh et al,

Without getting into details, let me tell you I know this company intimately.

Promoter exemplifies all that is wrong with Indian investment banking. This company does not deserve to be listed. This guy has no qualms about falsifying records. As for creative accounting, there is only creativity, no accounts!

The power project was a BIG mistake. This chap does not take any advice from anyone. Lives in his own world, makes mistakes, then rationalises those mistakes.

So many fund managers have lost money on this one that re-rating chances are close to NIL. With all due respect, Ashish Dhawan has erred on this one.

So please sell. Maybe the stock will bounce, but this company is poorly led, has no org structure to speak of, and has cooked - up books of accounts.


Thanks for quick response Anil.Waiting for a quick bouce to around 40/- during this small rally for selling my small holdings.



Promoters are pumping in money to the company. They are subscribing to the preferential stocks at Rs 17.50 where as the CMP is 17.00. Do you see any signs of growth sprouts ? Or a strict stay away from this management ?

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Hii Manoj,

I just came across this thread. I had never heard of this company before.

I went carefully through all the posts in this thread, specially the ones by Donald bhai & Hitesh bhai & I got to learn a lot from it., viz., the mistakes that we are going to make in our investment journey.
This is acceptable., as it is humane. Most important, is to learn from these mistakes quickly.

Here it is pretty obvious that the management is no way near the mark.

So, in my humble opinion, why partner with the one., who doesnt walk the talk.

There are many ethical & promising managements available in the market. Why not go with a good one ?

