Kiri Industries: Loan reduction and demand surge

Hi Everyone, I went through the whole thread and it has been quite a patience testing journey. There have been some recent positive developments which have been briefly summarised over here so thought of sharing - Special Situation With a 3X Potential - YouTube.

Also have summarised some of my pointers under this thread -

Do reach out to me if some facts have been wrongly stated or any new developments.

Disc : Tracking, planning to enter with a minor 2% stake considering the uncertainty element!
Thank you, Cheers :slight_smile:


The fact that Longsheng is refusing to honour SICC judgement is a massive red flag.
They know Dystar will be put up for auction in a weak global market.

Who will buy these assets? What price will auction fetch?

Not very comfortable with this situation. Too opaque.
What does Longsheng know that we donā€™t?
The market has definitely spoken.

(Disc. Have exited my investment).


And you called it ! This news is further confirmation that Senda cannot find a banker who can fund a USD 600-plus million deal needed for the acquisition of Kiriā€™s shares in the absence of a guarantee from Longsheng. The current macro situation in China will only make it doubly more difficult to secure that kind of money. Net Net, it is going to bring down the high valuation for Kiriā€™s stake, meaning Dystar will be re-valued and most likely way lesser than the original valuation of USD 1.6 billion. Even after this, it will take forever for this deal to fructify given the involvement of Chinese regulators.

Kindly read the above tweet - Apms Investment Fund Ltd is one of the FIIs. Mavi Investment Fund Ltd (now APMS Investment Fund Ltd) and Lotus Global Investment Limited ā€“ found mention in Hindenburg Researchā€™s report on Adani Group. Approx 47% share holding with FIIs? are any of these funds indirectly owned/managed by the promoters?
DISC: Not invested in Kiri. Fellow Valuepickr members - would love ur views, I am tracking the stock. Two Offshore Companies That Invested in Adani Group Were Under Tax Scanner in India: Report. Lotus Global Investments holds 8%

These firms invested in kiri via fccb bonds,which kiri needed to fight the case.It is all in the thread.Plus one can also see that these Fii have holding in other companies as well as nifty 50 company like jsw steel at 1 point and had 1.7% holding in it.

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Any development from singapore related issue?
Saw that stock rallied 20% & closed at UC.

Concall update
Oral judgement may come in a week. Written judgement may take time
Minimum 100 million dollar(820 crore) will be received by March 24, rest will come through auction
Subsidiary for receiving money for investment in Singapore
Kiri has signed MoU for green hydrogen with a German company , that is one sector kiri is looking forward to invest once the money is received

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Singapore International Commercial Court ordered En Bloc Sale of DyStar by
appointing the receiver
18d8ad15-8838-4a0f-91d0-77258d6f83d1.pdf (611.4 KB)

Can we source the latest financial statements of DyStar? Couldnā€™t find it on thier website.
Any update on the fair value of Kiriā€™s stake in DyStar would be helpful to ascertain the final settlement amount.

SICC had already finalized the Dystar stake close to $603 M. That is final and there wonā€™t be any change even if Dystar is sold for more than its value of 37% holding in 2023 verdict. Kiri is entitled for that amount only. Dystar would be valued close to US $2B conservatively.

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This is not for sure, this is what each party agreed, but still the final decision would be of court
Management expect decision in 1-4 month so not necessarily it would happen by March

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I think battle is half won from here also it might take several years to get the money

Excerpt from June 2024 concall -

With regards to the DyStar case, Kiri has recently received a significant judgment on May 20th, 2024 from Singapore International Commercial Court regarding legal proceedings related to the enforcement of a buyout order, issued earlier by SICC. According to the order Kiri is entitled to receive Rs.603.8 million as the priority from the en block sale of entire shareholding of DyStar. The remaining balance from the proceeds of sale of DyStar with go to Senda.
Moreover, the court has ruled that en block sale of DyStar will proceed without any reserve price, and the long-stop date is set for December 31st, 2025. This judgment makes a significant milestone for Kiri to secure Rs.603.8 million after a long journey of litigation against its joint venture partner. Signaling that the end of the tunnel is finally in sight.

Thought it was USD 603.8 million. Isnā€™t this really careless on the part of the company?

Anyways this sums up the latest status as per the litigation.

Now am hunting for promoter credibility and growth triggers to ascertain what could happen of the inflow.

Disclosure: Actively studying the stock

Now am hunting for promoter credibility and growth triggers to ascertain what could happen of the inflow.

Found all the answers and more in the last concall.

Disclosure: Invested