Jagran prakashan

Excellent article. Can Jagran and DB Corp copy NYT and WP over the next 15-20 years? They are the biggest hindi newspapers. There is no dearth of tech and product talent in India. The management of both these companies are good.

Another good thing is circulation is still going strong in India and is growing. Most people are misinformed and think this is a dying business. But they fail to understand the strong moat in newspapers. Citizen journalists and shouting matches on TV cannot replace quality journalism. Reading newspapers is a habit. These newspapers are strong household brands. They have a strong distribution and reach. They are almost part of Indian culture.
I am betting on their revival and believe that the market is wrong in giving them a 4 PE valuation. Hope I am right and the markets are wrong.

Invested in both Jagran and DB Corp which together make up 10% of my pf