How much do you invest each month and how much does it matter?

Good point to consider, let me do the math using 12% growth in annual deposits. All other factors as before. Using starting corpus as 50L

Starting with 50K, in 20 years = 15.72 Cr.
Starting with 50K, in 23 years and 8 months = 26.84 Cr.
Starting with 1L, in 20 years = 26.63 Cr.

So it takes 3 years and 8 months more to reach the same corpus value. Without additional deposits, this time was 3 years and 4 months. A difference of just 4 months.

In the grand scheme of things, that’s not a whole lot of extra time I feel.

The point is not to invest less, not at all. The point is that the difference between 1L and 50K isn’t a whole lot. So investing less on a certain month because you want to splurge a little or take your family on an impulse vacation or treat yourself to a brand new coffee machine wouldn’t matter much in big picture.

As I said before, the “investing addiction” was making me live in a future at the cost of the present. This exercise helped me see the full story.