Hitesh portfolio


fdc is a low risk buy at current prices. Trigger for upsides seems elusive. But over a period of time it may come about in form of margin improvement or sales growth or sellout by promoters.

Wyeth I dont track it closely so not much idea.


are you still tracking vardhman industries and vst industries? vardhman is going through a correction, is there sme deterioration of the fundamentals?

Vardhman was a pure cyclical opportunistic bet for me. The way to play cyclicals is to get out once you get your desired returns and not bother about stock still going up. It remains a big textile sector play but I dont know the reason about the correction.

VST Inds will be the steady stock to own. Neither too much downside nor upside. The new Health Minister at the centre seems to be against tobacco consumption of all types. That seems to have a dampening effect on the stock performance. Plus the tinkering of excise duty on cigarettes of various sizes has put the investment thesis of VST on a backfoot.

Hitesh Sir,

is it advisable to enter in tube investment at present levels…

ritesh ranjan,

with the sebi diktat out I wouldnt be able to answer whether u should enter tube inv at current prices or not.

I find it a good company run by able and honest management. At what valuations one is comfortable is one’s own call.

Hitesh bhai,

Its not a portfolio or individual stock related ques.

could you pls give your views on macro situation (US/European markets correction, interest rates etc)? Views on commodity stocks because of weak comm. prices(metal stocks , oil stocks etc)?

Since last month I have been selling my stocks in rallies and am on average 40% invested and 60% cash in last one month.

following is daily FII buy/sell data (provisional) -


Hitesh Bhai,

Yes I understand the SEBI diktat is a problem. But can you provide your view on how should one approach the markets currently. With the exit polls clearly predicting a BJP majority in Maharashtra and Haryana and with Modi at the helm I believe better days are in store for the economy. I have started buying some fundamental strong counters from today…

Would be really interested in knowing your view.



Hitesh Bhai,

Yes I understand the SEBI diktat is a problem. But can you provide your view on how should one approach the markets currently. With the exit polls clearly predicting a BJP majority in Maharashtra and Haryana and with Modi at the helm I believe better days are in store for the economy. I have started buying some fundamental strong counters from today…

Would be really interested in knowing your view.



Hi Hitesh Sir,

You taught us Peter Lynch style of investing in the indian context.
Heartily thanks for being such a good mentor for us.

Would like to know your view on PI Industries at current level as stock has corrected 25-30%.

Hitesh Sir,

I mean to ask, whether the present valuation of Tube looks reasonable to you for a long term investment… Regards

Hi Hitesh

Tube Investment story looks interesting, Please help me understand following.

a) Your conviction on a scale of 1 - 10 ?
b) Current valuation stage (stage 1/2/3 etc).

)- Pavan Morishetty

Hi Hitesh,

How do you see Zensar Tech after Sept result?


regardingtubeinvestmentiagreethatthereispriceandvaluationmismatch.butwiththeepssolowhowdothesescriptscatchupto theirvaluation.!whyismarketvaluingitsolow.!iamnewtotheinvestmentworld.stilllearning.!


dear sta

see technical chart of the stock ,have rsi exp( 1,3) of day chart, when ever the rsi hits low of 20-10 buy blindly. in simple terms u can buy at whenever the stock make higher lows.

[ Comment too short ]

Hi Hitesh,

its been a while since we have heard from you, just your general thoughts on the markets currently or any particular sector or business that you like would be nice to hear :slight_smile:



Niranjan and other friends,

Coming to macro and market direction, I feel its often futile to think about these things bcos the sentiments for these change with every short term correction. Nobody knows when this short term correction can turn into medium or long term correction.

Coming to company specific queries, regarding tube investments i have already mentioned before that I am invested therein. Re valuations and conviction it is for individuals themselves to decide.

Coming to results season, I am quite impressed with results of CCL Products, MPS, Gruh etc. Disappointed with PI inds though management seems to be confident about maintaining its annual guidance. KPIT was a positive surprise. Zensar also seems okay to me.

The Lynch diktat about more money being lost in waiting for corrections seems to be holding true for our markets as well. The people who have made big bucks in this markets over past few years are those focussing on specific stocks and tracking their businesses.


i do not have the expertise to evaluate technical parameter. just started. still learning. could u suggest some book to understand technical.



i do not have the expertise to evaluate technical parameter. just started. still learning. could u suggest some book to understand technical.


Hitesh , Please comment on ajanta pharma result.