Hiteshji, what’s your view on Lincoln pharma? The company seems to be on a cusp of major growth and CMP at these levels seem attractive for long term investment. @hitesh2710
@hitesh2710 It would be great if you can share your views on current demonetization and impacts on various sectors HFCs, Consumer durables, NBFCs, MFI’s etc.
I think this demonetisation would have negative impact on consumer durable space esp in the short term. This could last for a couple of quarters.
In this period, there could be some impact on financials as well including HFCs bcos people would expect real estate prices to correct plus the black money needed to purchase property (wherever it is prevalent) would be a problem.
Over the longer term I think financials would gain a lot as more and more purchases happen through white money. We have been seeing short term impact on various sectors likely to be affected including autos, cement, FMCG, etc. Sectors less likely to be impacted could be pharma and software but these have their own problems to deal with.
Overall I feel current levels have removed froth from a lot of companies’ valuations and brought them to more realistic levels. Great time to buy anew or if no cash then remodel portfolio.
Do you still follow sonata
Hitesh Bhai, which are the stocks you are tracking that are available at reasonable valuation after the recent correction… Regards
Many companies which seem well placed in terms of business momentum like db corp, jagran, alembic, shilpa, avanti, allsec etc have also corrected and probably have become reasonably valued as compared to earlier levels.
I think the key thing during these times is to have a clear idea about what you want to keep holding in your portfolio. Whether there is anything you want to replace and with what.
The current fall is peculiar bcos its almost certain that some companies will be definitely impacted for 1-2 or may be 3 quarters and after that there could be tremendous rebound demand in their products as the situation limps back to normal. Most of these companies include the autos esp two wheelers, FMCG, consumer cos, just to name a few.
If the govt suceeds in reducing black money hoarding and transactions, then I see tremendous scope for some niche NBFCs catering to consumer segment and other segments where earlier purchasing by black money was predominant.
@sta, I do follow sonata but am disappointed with their margins esp in view of excellent revenue growth. Downside still seems protected due to div yield protection but upsides will emerge only if co can deliver bottomline growth along with topline growth.
@hitesh2710 sir - Not sure if you follow healthcare company ‘Indraprastha Medical Corp’- this is Delhi based promoted by Apollo group. Seems to be decently valued with good future outlook. Can you pls let us know your thoughts if you follow ?
I dont have any idea about indraprastha medical. U can start a thread on it with requisite details if u have done any work up on that.
Ok sure. I will try to provide a write-up soon on this company.
What are your views on PC Jewelers in medium to long term. Do you think they lose business because of demonetization ?
Also, any website that provides calendar (important dates) for both Indian and International events that you are aware of ? Earlier ICICI direct used to provide.
I dont own or track pc jewellers so no view on the same.
Hi @hitesh2710
Do you still track NIIT? Also what is your view on Greenply/Centuryply if you track these.
hi @hitesh2710
somehow i am not comfortable buying anything outside b2c ,financials and pharma. as we know there is a short term pain in the first two. and pharma has issues like fda etc. so i have zeroed in on mnc pharma. i know the growth is not high. but i am ok as long as its less volatile. abbott india caught my attention. numbers are impressive. by any chance do you track this? if yes could you share your views?
@nusmu, I exited NIIT some time back because of a better option and have not been able to keep track of the company closely. Not following greenply or centuryply.
@gautham, I like the products Abbott has but not much idea further than that.
A lot of Abbot products belong to unlisted entity e.g. Pediasure. So one needs to analyze that aspect also
Precisely the reason I did not buy Abbott. I first visited Abbott after looking at the sales at my father’s shop.
yah i know. not sure why some mncs follow this. same goes for P&G…
anyways for abbot, can you tell me if it has always been like this or its a recent change ?
Hiteshbhai - any idea on Intense Technologies and Fiberweb?
Do you still hold repco? How do you compare the sharp fall in stock price specifically for repco in comparison with Canfin or Gruh (which seem to be doing reasonably okay).