Guidance on Mutual Fund SIP Portfolio

Thanks all…
Now I have mirae asset emerging blue chip fund AND I got PPFAS Long term equity fund.

Wanted to check on any fund that invests in USA stocks preferably tech stocks…wanted suggestion for that mutual fund for sip as I wanted my 3rd fund to be that fund category with onshore exposure. Plz advice

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You already have it covered in PPFAS LTEF, so no need. However if your capital allocation for the US stock is going to be quite 30-40%, you may gauge in Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index fund.

I would not recommend to go for any other fund specially thematic fund that too from onshore countries.




Ok in dilemma between Kotak standard Multicap fund Vs Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 fund. Can both be taken or only 1 is suggested?
Need a multicap also in my portfolio.

Already have mirae asset emerging blue chip and PPFAS Long Term Equity.
Any advice?

Ok in dilemma between Kotak standard Multicap fund Vs Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 fund. Can both be taken or only 1 is suggested?
Need a multicap also in my portfolio.

Already have mirae asset emerging blue chip and PPFAS Long Term Equity.
Any advice?

Just leave both of them. Not required. You will not derive any benefit by adding them in your existing MF PF.

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