Fredun Pharmaceuticals - A good microcap with great potential?

The stock came to my radar due to high profit growth reported, though sales and profits are down quarter on quarter. Sales drop is much less than Mar 22-June 22.

Thank you @rajpapdeja for continuously tracking this and updating this thread. Technically, the stock price might have bottomed out as tripple bottom I feel.

This metrics looks good.

Quickly went through the thread, Investor presentations and concerns raised by @Leading_Nowhere in twitter.

hence, invested 0.5% of PF and plan to increase investment if I can see the stock turning bullish soon. Towards last 30 minutes of trading, it went down to 774 or so (very close to previous bottoms) and recovered to ~796.

Hello all, im being novice here… when compared to caplin fredun looks pricey… im just looking at screener of caplin and fredun… caplin numbers and ratios looks good compared to fredun… could you guys explain how fredun is better than caplin…

Not invested in caplin nor fredun…

In March 2020, when this thread started the author must be asking, will it travel the path Caplin took when it was of similar size. As of 2023 it is not apple to apple comparison on valuation. You need to look at Caplin when it was below 500 crore market cap and how it reached where it was in 2020. To avoid confusion took away the confusion from the title by removing Caplin link.

Disc: Invested 1.5 % of PF at an average 805.

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Why is the employee cost as% of sales is reducing and there AR says that the interest rate is 18% on loans. Why to borrow at such a high rate

18% is too high interest for loan. Could you please let me know where in AR is this detail provided? I tried searching the current AR but not able to find. Thanks.

This is a term loan which is secured but still carrying such high interest rates

I e-mailed them to get clairity on such high cost loan but got no reply yet.


Margin expansion seen YOY, Good set of Q2 numbers

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As per this recent announcement, the co plans to raise as much as 120 Cr for further CAPEX and other requirements. This could lead to 30-50% p.a growth for the next 3 years


Good results, 22% growth in PAT yoy


What keeps the stock.price depressed inspite of good earnings in multiple quarters.

Any insights ?,%202024_RR_337559.html

Crisil reaffirmed credit ratings

Disc:3% of PF

Did you get a reply on this and did you try to case you did not ?

No response from Fredun bu t another fellow investor gave the below info.
"Average secured loans which constitutes 95% of loans have interest rate of less than 10%. 5% of loans are unsecured with average interest rate of 18%. "

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Are you sure of this, why is the mgmt not replying?

I dont know why management is not replying. Please verify the debt consitution and ROI yourself.

Disc: Not invested in the company.

Any idea on why company’s last 5, 3 years profit and sales is way higher and CAGR for last 3 and 5 years is around 18%? Reviewing it from screener - Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd financial results and price chart - Screener

Great results from Fredun Pharma

Net profit growth of 30% YOY
Revenue growth of 20% YOY

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