Fairchem Organics - Previously "Adi Finechem"

I attended the AGM of Fairchem. There were 15-20 analysts/investors. Sharing a summary (most of the discussions and insights are on Privi):

The company seems to be doing well due to their leadership in the aroma chemical space. They have the largest CST processing facility in Asia and perhaps the scale, size and process gives them cost advantage. They have excellent set of customers with very long and sticky relationships. They are leaders in the 3-4 key products they are preferred suppliers. They are already supplying to significant requirements of these customers. The competitors would be cos like DRT, IIF, and some Chinese name. They have been gaining market share from some of the cos.

Management said that they have roadmap for at least 15% CAGR growth over long term and if one looks at their track record then they have done better. Plan to continuously undertake capex of about 100 Cr+ pa and keep expanding to enable volume growth. Peak asset turn can be 3 to 3.25. Lot of focus and efforts on new product developments. Going forward they want to do value-added products (wherein the idea is to utilise the by-products/waste and do significant value addition). If successful and if they can get material turnover then margins can improve also. Else as of now broadly 16-17% looks sustainable. They have also been expanding the product basket. Got very good response and scale up from the new product they have been supplying to Reckitt Benkiser (basically used in Dettol).

They have yearly contract of sale and back to back yearly contracts for RM, hence there shouldn’t be much volatility. The products are used in making of flavours and fragrance which are used in day to day things like FMCG (soap, deodorant etc) and hence there is lot of stability and consistency and opportunity.

Co has also been investing into bio-technology where they have a pilot scale plant ready. They will be producing some products from biowaste. They have got some patents in US already. It’s a long term project and to make it commercial success in bigger way, it will take 3 years and more investment.

The 100 Cr CWIP we see on balance sheet should get operational in about Sept or December this year. The capex done during last year has brought volume growth of about 15-16%.

On the demerger - both Adi and Privi were being run independently and were not related so being demerged to bring respective focus. Also, promoters of Privi will get exit from the cross holding they have in Adi and will invest the money in Privi. So they will hold 37% stake and Fairfax will hold 38%.

Co is focused on improving the ROE of Privi and they feel they can go to say 18% in couple of years. They look to improve working capital management to do the same.


Extracts from Fairfax Shareholders Letter: https://s1.q4cdn.com/293822657/files/doc_financials/annual_reports/2018/Website-Fairfax-India-2018-Shareholders-Letter.pdf

Fairchem Speciality (Fairchem)
In March 2017, the previously announced merger of Fairchem Speciality and Privi Organics (Privi) was completed,
resulting in Fairfax India owning 48.8% of Fairchem. Fairfax India had earlier separately owned controlling interests
in both these companies.
Based on IFRS, for the year ended December 31, 2018 the consolidated Fairchem entity grew revenue by 37% to
$194 million and net income by 71% to $10 million. Shareholders’ equity grew 13% to $74 million, generating an
ROE of 13%.
While the two businesses have been merged into one corporate entity, they each continue to be managed
independently by their founders and existing management teams. We describe below the performance of the two
Fairchem (formerly Adi Finechem): Fairchem, led by Nahoosh Jariwala, is an oleochemicals company.
Oleochemicals are, broadly, chemicals that are derived from plant or animal fat, which can be used for making both
edible and non-edible products. In recent years the production of oleochemicals has been moving from the U.S. and
Europe to Asian countries because of the local availability of key raw materials.
Fairchem occupies a unique niche in this large global playing field. It has developed an in-house technology that uses
machinery manufactured by leading European companies to convert waste generated during the production of soya,
sunflower, corn and cotton oils into valuable chemicals. These chemicals include acids that go into non-edible
products like soaps, detergents, personal care products and paints, and other products that are used in the
manufacture of health foods and vitamin E. The company’s customers include major multinational companies
including BASF, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Arkema and Asian Paints. Fairchem operates out of a single plant in
Ahmedabad, the largest city in Gujarat, the home state of Prime Minister Modi: the plant has one of the largest
processing capacities for natural soft oil-based fatty acids in India. Over the last ten years Fairchem’s sales have grown
on average 24% per year, net earnings have grown on average 33% per year, and the average annual ROE was
around 19%.
Based on IFRS, for the year ended December 31, 2018 Fairchem revenue grew by 4% to $37 million, net earnings grew
by 65% to $3 million, and shareholders’ equity grew 22% to $14 million, generating an ROE of 24%.
In 2018, Fairchem implemented changes in its plant that further debottlenecked its operation and optimized the
production process. These changes have resulted in increasing installed capacity from 45,000 to 72,000 metric tons
per annum (MTPA) of raw material that can be processed. In 2018 Fairchem processed 39,000 MTPA implying a
capacity utilization to year end capacity of 54%. This provides considerable room to grow since the plant can operate
at up to 90% of installed capacity. Fairchem has also initiated two capital expenditure projects: both will be financed
by a mix of term borrowings and internal accruals and are expected to enter production in 2020:
• a plant to manufacture sterols and higher concentration tochopherols; and
• a plant to manufacture bio-diesel using three by-products of its manufacturing process: palmitic acid,
monomer acid and residue.
It has been a year of significant achievement for Fairchem.
Privi: Founded in 1992, Privi, led by Mahesh Babani and D. B. Rao, is one of India’s leading manufacturers of
aroma chemicals. Privi started manufacturing aroma chemicals with only two products, which it gradually expanded
to a range of over 50 products today, with a capacity of over 27,500 tonnes per annum. Its products are used as
fragrance additives in perfumes, soaps, shampoos and packaged food. Privi enjoys a dominant position and
economies of scale in its product categories. Privi also develops and produces custom-made aroma chemicals to
specific requirements of its customers. Privi sources most of its raw materials from pulp and paper companies globally
and competes primarily with pure play and niche suppliers such as IFF, DRT and Renessenz.
One of Privi’s significant strengths is its established research and development capabilities in aroma chemicals, with
a staff of 81 people comprised of PhDs in chemistry, chemical engineers and instrumentation engineers. The research
specialists continuously strive to develop new products and processes. Importantly, one of the R&D labs is
completely focused on developing, through biotechnology, green products and green technologies in technical
collaboration with the University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai.
Privi has made significant investments in manufacturing facilities that convert a waste product in pulp and paper
manufacturing, crude sulphated turpentine (CST), into aroma chemicals. CST, a more cost-effective raw material
than the more traditional plant-based gum turpentine oil (GTO), is procured through annual contracts, while GTO
has to be purchased on volatile spot markets.
Based on IFRS, for the year ended December 31, 2018 Privi revenue grew 48% to $157 million, net earnings grew 59%
to $6 million, and shareholders’ equity grew 11% to $60 million, generating an ROE of 10%.
This is quite a remarkable result when you consider that on April 26, 2018 there was a major fire at Privi’s main
production facility. While it is fortunate that there were no injuries as a result of the fire, the fire completely gutted
critical production units that impacted all production, all of the raw material and finished goods warehouses and the
administrative offices. The entire plant including the production units that were not affected by the fire had to be
temporarily shut down. However, Privi was able to open the facility and start operating the plants not affected by the
fire in a record time of 29 days. Using third party production facilities in combination with its own production units
unaffected by the fire, Privi was able to start supplying all of its products by June 2018.

Around the same time there were fires in two other plants that produce products similar to Privi’s, resulting in an acute shortage of certain aroma chemicals and consequently in much higher prices and margins.


Hi Harshit, How to get this prices on screener ? is there any premium membership to be availed to get this prices via screener.in ?

Yes you have to subscribe for the Active Investor services.

Came across this detailed article on the demergers and merger transactions of Fairchem. Tells a little it about its journey and Fairfax strategy for the company and subsidiaries - Fairfax-backed Fairchem Speciality to restructure business.

Results look good.
H1 19-20 bottom line is almost equal to FY 2018-19 bottom line, though buyoed by tax cut and insurance claim receipt.
Outcome141119.pdf (973.0 KB)

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Promoter quality?
Summary: Pulp mill sale at low price to defraud minority shareholders.
“Fairfax “was in a blatant conflict of interest situation,” the Quebec judge said.”
September 28, 2019

The case centered around Resolute’s December 2011 offer for Fibrek. Fairfax was the most important shareholder and insider of both Fibrek and Resolute.
Uncanny resemblance?

Disc: no position, but looking to invest

Wonderful article about the chemical industry and speciality chemical players like Fairchem.



It seems book value and PE are wrongly calculated on screener for Fairchem.

Also Utkarsh Bhikhoobhai Shah (Director) sold more than 5L shares in Q3 2008, wonder if that was an indication towards peaking out ?

Analysis of Privi Organics which seems to have better scalability than Adi Finechem.
Any Idea when would the demeger go through?

Geographical Diversification.gerogr

Demerger is expected to be through by next quarter i.e Q2FY and erstwhile ADI is expected to get separately listed by Q3FY.


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I loved your previous analysis on Adi fine chem, have you done a similar analysis on Privi Organics? And also what’s your take on the company now?

Privi is a good scalable business and it’s backward integration puts it apart from competition. It’s positioning in aroma chemical space is very strong and it’s an indirect bet on FMCG segment. However, it’s steady state ebitda margin we can assume to be at 13-14 % and it has to continuously invest in assets to remain strong in the market. Strong FCF generation might be quite a time away for this company. Hence, there will be a limit to its commanded valuation multiples and it will be it’s growth which will determine expansion/contraction in its valuation multiples.

In contrast, ADI, after being separately listed and with 60 % enhanced capacity and it’s new plants to manufacture sterols and higher concentration tocopherol going into stream in FY21, looks a far interesting bet in terms of its attractiveness to an investor especially because of its potential of good FCF generation. To me this business seems to be ripe for a good margin expansion as also has a relatively good scalable opportunity at this stage and with its reduced equity capital post listing, commanded valuation multiples expansion might be good that’s what I believe.



Yeah, Adi seems more of a matured business than privi, but privi if set up well and can grow their business with the help of the connections Fairfax has all over the globe, can really take it to other level. Next couple of years are crucial to see how they fare.

Relatively speaking, Privi is a mature business and not ADI as over the years, Privi has attained a reasonable scale of 1000+ cr., has established a strong backward integrated business model, formed long standing relationship with majority of large global F&F companies, has developed strong certified production and process development capabilities, established strong R&D team and infrastructure and therefore has a relatively stable diversified derisked profitable revenue visibility.

In contrast, ADI still can be said in an evolving phase with its nutraceutical business still even after these many years being in its toddler stage and therefore leaving wide scope for maturity. ADI is by far a niche business with high scope of scalability and expansion in margins if managed and handled well.



Q4FY20 results declared :


– After many dull quarters, Oleochemical and nutraceutical business seems to be finally getting traction since last two qrtr, with healthy margins particularly in Q4.

– Aroma Chemical business seems to be back to realistic margin scenario after some exceptional quarters. The business has posted highest CFO in its history ; whether its sustainable or not that is key monitorable and will decide the valuation matrix for this business once separated.

– Oleochemical/Nutraceutical business seems to be more interesting business which might deserve relatively higher valuation multiples because of its consistent cash generation and planned expansions which will get comissioned in FY21. With a lower equity base to serve at 1.3 cr shares and a larger Fairfax holding at 67 %, expansions and scalability might be quick for this business and on a larger scale this business might be able to generate a good amount of free cash.

– Final hearing for demerger scheduled on 30th June 2020 ; Q2FY20 might see business getting demerged and Q3FY20 might see listing of demerged business.


Discl. - Invested


Ideally, there is a place for one company in this business of Oleo Chemicals and Nutraceuticals in India due to limited availability of one of the raw materials within India. The import of the said raw material is not a very viable proposition at current prices of raw material as well as prime finished product obtained therefrom.

This is an extract from 18-19 Annual report. What are they referring to?

i) Oleo chem. Business: Capacity utilization has improved to 90%.

  • already lost 50days of Q1.
  • Demand inching towards pre-covid levels.
  • One of the prime product directly face competition from Chinese suppliers, therefore risk of pricewar is there.
    -Expect normalcy after DEC 2020.
    -Availed 1st moratorium
  • Doesn’t foresee any problems in meeting debt obligation.

ii)Aroma Chem Business(Privi Organics)

  • Beneficiary of Covid-19 as demands for its products hv inc due to antiseptics,handwash,handsanitizers,floorcleaners etc.
  • Hv not availed any moratorium & don’t see any issues in meeting debt obligations.
  • Working Capital Cycle will Improve.
  • Co. looking to increase its capacity due to high demand.

Overall Quite +ve outlook for Aroma but some slowdown in oleochem

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Any news of this demerger, Mahesh? I’ve looked at their website and on the BSE, nothing.

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NCLT has cleared the proposal. If management acts proactively then demerger should happen in Q2FY21 and demerged entity should get listed in Q3FY21.


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