Equity Investing as a full time career?

hi @kb_snn . Could you tell what you mean by "built software which could help me create alpha over benchmark ". Do you mean some sort of an algorithm for trading?

On the topic, I agree with you that one needs to be passionate. But I think, in the absence of earnings growth ( I mean corporate earnings/not stock price ) , it will be very confusing. Corporate governance, quality of business is also a problem in India. I was looking at tech space in US market. What I liked is that they have so many innovative companies with very high sales growth. But after covid, the valuation is ridiculous. Forget about PE, EV/EBIDTA etc. The P/S ratio is worse than 2000 dot com bubble. That makes investing very difficult
I posted a question in abhishek’s thread. AA - Abhishek's Attic (place to store stuff to clear my head)! . I would love to hear your views.