Dewan Housing Finance Limited

The trustee would for claim with IRP on behalf of NCD holders. You can view this msg on the trustee website.

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there is good notion in the bank bazar at the end of the page i found the events if dhfl if one is invested it is worth to read

disc: this is not any recommendation one may consult own advisor before investing as the company is already in NCLT my view may be biased as i am invested and can change my view or sell without informing the forum .

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Final nail in the coffin

Regret holding this company since 2017


News Update

Expressions of interest (EoIs) were sought from potential resolution applicants under three categories. Under Option 1, EoIs were sought for the entire business of DHFL as a going concern.
Under Option 2A were retail assets, investments, unsecured loans and fixed assets etc;
under Option 2B were construction finance loans, mortgage loans, corporate loans, and inter-corporate deposits, pass through certificates (PTCs) or security receipts and
under Option 2C were loans to projects relating to Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA), Mumbai.

The administrator has received 14 EoIs for Option 1 and 21, 15, and 15 for Option 2A, 2B and 2C, respectively.
source : Fd, Bondholders Spar Over Dhfl Resolution | Mint


news update

Has anyone done an analysis of reports of DHFL in past(before 2018). I am curious if anyone spotted red flags in them. If so please share your analysis. It would be a great learning experience. @hitesh2710 sir @ayushmit sir @Donald sir any insights?

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Very confused with all th noise around the bids for DHFL. Is there any real value left in the business for old investors to hold on to shares? I have 2500 shares from 100 levels. If anyone understands how to value the business please help me out.

From what I understand, all of the funds generated from the sale of assets will go to the creditors. The shares wont be worth much.

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news share ;

Disc: invested


I am holding the share of DHFL , does someone know what will be fate of Share holder , if the some bidder buy this company ?

does value of share holders will lost or kept alive ?

Thanks i am looking for answer

news share :

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New share ; it interesting to see the different coverage by different media groups … What they WANT to FEED in to the MINDS of Retail investors … DHFL is Good case study of making and faking or different assumption based stories by the media …

Any thoughts on this ?

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Sharing company filling regarding fresh fraud

Is Piramal & Adani bidding for the entire company not just the entire assets ?
Meaning will there be equity value after the transaction is done ?
LVB was a case when whole equity was wiped out.

Looking forward for your inputs,


Isn’t a better strategy now to buy the company’s secured NCDs?

As mentioned in that shared tweet above the assets are valued @40% discount minimum and some of the NCDs are quoted at 20-30% of NAV.

My only query as a retail investor is how to identify which tranche NCD to buy. The DEMAT a/c shows tranche 4, 5 and 8.65 quoting at 66% discount while tranche 7 and tranche 6 - 8.56% at 0.

Pardon for asking as this might be more of a technical query bt it’ll be great if some debt investor can clarify on this?


Final nail on the coffin.

Disc - Exited after holding for 4 years

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