Delisting Discussions

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Hi Naresh Sir,

It would be of great help if you can guide me on how to obtain the list of shareholders under section 94 of the Companies Act.

Thanks in advance.

Shreyas Shipping delisting reverse auction process started today. Does anyone have links to the NSE and BSE website pages respectively that shows the current number of shares tendered by shareholders and the associated price?

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Shreyas seemed it was a great bet. but the discovered price seems too high

Yes, indeed @kmukul at least by stock price movement. I completely missed it. I likely to see what are the ingredients that I missed to capture this. However, I stick with the view that it’s a highly cyclical industry and at the peak of it. Valuations were not giving comfort and the shareholding pattern was also scattered. Therefore, for me, it was passed from the margin of safety point of view. But at the end of the day, we all need to see the things that we missed. I believe I will identify if there is something I amiss and if yes, I’ll improve for the next one and if not, I will stick with the process irrespective of the outcome.


I don’t think you missed this. There just wasn’t enough margin of safety. The delisting barely scrapped through and the discovered price is too high. It is still quite touch and go if the delisting succeeds. Hoping for a reasonable counteroffer from the promoter and realistic expectations from the minority shareholders.

Faze three autofab has done a successful delisting at 65 per share

But last three days the share shot up and currently at 101 rupees.

What is happening .all shares are worth only 65 ,right?

Is it an opportunity to short?( Intraday)?
Can someone please explain.
I don’t know what I am missing here


Hi, if a delisting fails, is there any stipulated cool-off period before the company announces the next corporate action?
In the context of TTK healthcare, as the Co still holds the Cash, any insights on what can be the next course of action, distributing the cash in the form of dividends in the coming qtr?

No cooling off for any other corporate actions. For doing another Delisting attempt there is cooling off period.
Based on my interaction with the CS of the company, they do not intend to do buy back or special dividend and have plans to infuse the excess funds in the business strategically. This question was asked in their AGM as well and the same answer was given thereat.

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