Corona Virus - Black Swan event


they found out the Antibodies are not providing long term immunity and can only survive 2-3 months for COVID19 that means those who recovered have no better chances and can get re-infected again.

@r13rk Source of this information?

this. :point_up_2:

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Level of antibody is not important
What matters is the sensitisation
First time when we get a infection our immune system learns to develop antibodies
Second time even if we donā€™t have antibodies we can quickly develop antibodies and hence prevent infection. Or he gets just mild symptoms


Very correct, thanks!

Mounting evidence demonstrates that live attenuated vaccines provide non-specific protection against lethal infections unrelated to the target pathogen of the vaccine by inducing trained nonspecific innate immune cells for improved host responses against subsequent infections.

The milder symptoms seen in the 955 sailors on the USS Roosevelt who tested positive for Covid-19 (only one hospitalization) may have been a consequence of the fact that the MMR vaccinations are given to all U.S. Navy recruits.


I humbly Disagree. the sensitization comes from the antibodies present in our body. if the antibodies dies/reduced below sufficient levels then we have the same type of defense as with a first time exposure. so presence of antibodies = sensitization.

full details here:

Corona virus is similar to common cold virusā€¦ We dont have vaccine for common cold and they occur again and again. This is also why we need to take flu shots ( vaccines ) every year. I hope corona doesnt mutate and evolve faster.


Yes, flu vaccines need to be renewed every year, due to rapidly mutating viruses similar to corona variety. On the other hand it has been observed the virulence/severity of disease almost always goes down with time/mutations. (not similar to but something like a herd immunity effect, which reduces the virus ā€œwavesā€ effects)

ICICI Direct - India Inc weathers Covid storm

Would this result into one time cold storage transport opportunity?
Can anyone share how are cold temperature medicines shipped across india today?


seems such low temperature unlikely. only one vaccine need -25 C as per below links.
all other can be kept at +2Ā°C to +8Ā°C.
Covid vaccine still yet to comeā€¦so no one can say what temperatures needed but should be closure to existing ones

refer below WHO documents;jsessionid=156FEE84954E66D6C3D5EBFB592AB660?sequence=1

How the Covid19 Pandemic will end ? There seems to be two possibilities!

Very interesting analysis !

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With Indian Economy in Complete Shambles, India needs China and itā€™s money more than ever- An Analysis

India needs China - says a Chinese economist based in Singapore and sends to editors from Pakistan and causes worry among Indians.:grinning:

Chinese raw materials are cheap and economical but who can guarantee their supply if a war breaks out. They will use it against us. It would be better to become self reliant in long term.


That is true. Self-reliance is a grandiose term that politicians use but in the current connected global economy is is very difficult for a country specifically the size of India to remain disconnected from China. That does not mean that we do not have a real issue with China. However things have to be looked at a little more rationally. Chinese firms have been huge contributors in the start up space in India. All of a sudden a lot of that money would be inaccessible. We depend on them for products like solar panels as an example and when large car manufacturers decide to invest in India, we benefit.

We are dependent also on a lot of hi-tech products from mobile phone components to laptops.

In my humble opinion, we need to improve our spend on educating people about science and technology so that generation later (it takes time for changes to happen) we are self dependent and have the ability to create our own high quality products (example chipsets, mobile processors to military aircraft etc.) We are still a country that lags in high-tech and are mostly present in the commodity space (whether apiā€™s or the it services industry).


I agree ā€¦Self reliance is the buzz word we have been hearing since decades ā€¦ but to put it in to action ā€¦A lot of Govt efforts/ supports, policy changes to create that kind of ecosystem neededā€¦if we work towards that ā€¦may be by another decade we can definitely become 100% self reliant ā€¦

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Only economists & journalists see economy in shambles. More than half the population depends on agriculture which is doing extremely well. Even among the rest, in almost all the concalls I listened to, there was a near unanimity that June was better than May, July is better than June, August is better than July and so on. The tone was almost universally positive. The worst is over and things are getting back to normal. A lot of cost cutting and efficiency gains that companies made during the corona period will remain permanent, long after the pandemic is gone. In retrospect, this may very well turn out to be a blessing in disguise.