@crazymama please let me know if we have concall transcript for Mayur Uniquotors
Thanks Much
@crazymama please let me know if we have concall transcript for Mayur Uniquotors
Thanks Much
Is concall transcripts of Rallis India and Godrej Agrovet available now? Thanks.
@ramanhp: Have uploaded the transcript for Godrej Agrovet in plcoud. Rallis still not available.
@fundoo: Mayur Uniquoters generally do not upload their transcripts nor is it available from Thomson Reuters.
@crazymama hi Vishnu does ITC do quarterly concall ?
Can you share shakti pumps conference call transcript
Not available from the company or through other sources.
Is the conference call transcript of Khadim India available? They conducted the call on 7th Aug.
Nope. Will have to wait for the company to file it on the exchange or make it available on their site.
Q2 FY20 Concall Transcripts up and running. 16 uploaded so far.
Q2 FY20 Concall Highlights Count: 10
Appreciate your hard work How do you choose the companies to add to this list? Are these the companies which you yourselves follow?
Thanks. But these are companies which are tracked by Thomson Reuters and whose transcripts are available in Yahoo finance.
With respect to the highlights, as mentioned in the document as well the source is capitalmarket.com
No. I do not track most of these companies.
Hi, please upload concall transcript of Vaibhav Global if we have it.
Thanks Much
I think similar to Concall Transcript we should also build up a repository for Concall Audio where all members will contribute. Moderators should advise in this regard @ayushmit
Hi, i want shakti pumps conference call transcript/audio but it is not available on researchbytes, which are other sources to get it, please advice
You can try stockadda.com
Q2 FY20 Counts:
Transcripts: 360
Highlights: 89
Q3 FY20 is up with 3 transcripts so far.
Highlights: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAFM8shu8upphfUeZynC7Dx56DlbV9UMcEbVEXiqi90/edit?usp=sharing
Does anyone happen to know of a investor presentation repository on similar lines as above.
Thank you @crazymama for all your work.
Hi Abhinav, Glad that you find it useful.
Q3 FY20
Concall Transcripts updated count: 269
Concall Highlight count: 83
With respect to Investor Presentations, you may find the below site/twitter account useful:
Bookmark: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40fintechstats%20investor%20presentation&src=typed_query
Disc: No affiliation to above twitter account.
@crazymama have you collected Q4FY20 concalls this time?