Commodity and Cyclical Plays

Other than standard project execution delays & copper cycle not coming to fruition, I can’t think of any. Its does sound too rosy

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  1. High price to book
  2. High price to earnings
  3. lots of Capex still needed (8000cr. If I heard right)
  4. Bad track record
  5. PSU, not a private company
  6. Driven by copper price, which is not in its control

Disc: I am invested, but not sure on valuations.


I see a big opportunity for Hindustan Copper to create lots of wealth for all the stakeholders and I’m hopeful that current govt will recognise the same and not let it wither away.

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Copper at an “Inflection point”…last week of December, the global copper prices have risen with thin volumes…and that has put a question mark over the sustainability of the rally…now its just below the middle forkline on weekly price charts… now it remains to be seen whether the copper prices pierces the middle forkline with strong momentum ( as indicated by a long price bar) and move towards 500 rupees …

On the other hand…The bollinger bands on weekly price charts suggest a resumption of rally in Copper prices in the next few weeks…may be in the next 1-4 weeks itself…

it will be interesting to watch the price movement around the long term breakout line…as of now the price is above the said breakout line…

Next few months are going to be quite interesting for copper price. The price of copper may first correct and then start rallying or it may start flying straight away.


Apart from Hind Copper, can we take a look at Precision Wires India Ltd, whose main RM is Copper and make enamelled strips and conductors? Won’t this be a good proxy play on copper?

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Does anyone track BHP. Rio T, SCCO stocks listed on NYSE? They seem to be in uptrend too. Any member or seniors tracking can throw some light on these stocks and if they can be added?

I read about ASX but its not listed on NYSE so unable to track or buy.

Hi sukhlani1, is the above observation for Beekay steel?

The above description is for Beekay Steel

@jiten parmar sir. Prakash industries looking very good to me now even seeing the price volume action and charts also looking good. Whats your view on it.

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Jiangxi Copper Co., China’s largest producer, had been ordered to stop output for at least a week. Earlier in the month, the No. 2 smelter, Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group, was asked to make similar cuts

@jitenp your views on Prakash Ind q3 result if you can share pl

Results are very good. Moreover, see the guidance for Q4 and FY19. Am very happy the way the steel cycle has played out. Cheers to all riding this cycle.

One more instance, that if done right, cyclical investing can pay rich dividends.


LME Lead which is at 6 year highs seems to have made a fresh 52 wk high and looks to be heading for a breakout.

Should be positive for Gravita India.

Hi Jiten, thanks for the wonderful thread. Really informative for newbies like me. :slight_smile:

Would like to have your input on Prakash industries and sunflag iron. I entered into Prakash just now at 220. I know this is pretty late in the cycle (compared to other members here), however I am pretty encouraged by company’s commentary and valuations are still not far fetched with mcap/sales ratio of 1.

Also regarding reliance capital, just from an indication point of view, what should be the fair value of stock considering that market is now re-rating ADAG companies.


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Hi Mehnaz, could you please update on the copper chart, The prices seem to have peaked, or is it temporary breather. your update would help


As the relcap is high beta scrip, it always react more than the overall mkt.

Now as mkt is coming down rapidly, what should be the strategy going forward

Hindustan Copper and Jindal Power & Steel have corrected a bit and personally feel like those who missed to enter earlier can enter now.

Hindustan Copper has been trading in a narrow range between 88 to 105, but this range is also around 10-12 % swing.

Views of Senior members invited.

Disc : Personally have added small qnty again today.

which one you added in correction @jitenp?