Key highlights of concall by Capital Mkt;
The mgmt said that branded hair oil market is under stress. It has shown de-growth of 0.1% in volume term and 3% in value term. Light hair oil has shown 5% growth in Q3. The slow-down in hair oil is more than other categories from FMCG because in hair oil, growth mostly comes from conversion from unbranded to branded hair oil, from there to value added hair oil, which is slowing down. This situation is expected to be there for next 1 *C 2 quarters.
The net sales for Q3 has gone up by 7% to Rs 158.21 crore with volume growth of just 1% while net profit declined by 31% to Rs 29.1 crore. The reported net profit includes an amortization charge of Rs 9.4 crore (post-tax) towards NOMARKS, the brand it acquired recently.
The company reported a volume growth of mere 1% with the flagship brand Almond Drops Hail Oil de©)growing by 1.5%. Almond Drops Hail Oil volume declined for the first time ever. However, the offtake at the retail level i.e. the secondary level grew by 12%. The volume of Kailash Parbat was up 41% and Almond Shikakai up by 5%. Brahmi Amla Hair Oil volumes declined by 31%.
Gross margins improved by 180bps and gross profit grew by 10% on account of pricing and decline in LLP prices. During the quarter, average price of LLP decreased to Rs 75.85/Kg from Rs 78.63/Kg in corresponding quarter of previous year. Additional gain on account of decrease in LLP prices in current quarter is Rs 0.79 crore. The average price of Refined oil decreased to Rs 76.16/Kg from Rs 79.71/Kg in corresponding quarter of previous year. The additional gain on account of decrease in Oil prices in current quarter is Rs 0.28 crore.
The price of LLP is currently hovering at Rs 86 per kilogram. The mgmt is expecting a drop in LLP prices in the coming months. Also, the company is covered till the end of February 2014 as far as the low-cost LLP stock is concerned. As such, the mgmt has ruled out any price hike in the near term, but it has hinted at a price hike in April 2014.
Advertisement and Sale Promotion (ASP) rose by 340 bps in Q3. The mgmt said it will continue to investment behind brands even in this slowdown period, whose benefit it will reap once the upturn takes place.
The companyis OPM declined from 29.1% to 27.5% (YoY) mainly due to ASP spend. The mgmt said if OPM decline below 25%, it will take price hike even in this slow down scenario.
The recently acquired NOMARKS brand contributed around Rs 6 crore to the top line. This was from sales of less than 1.5 months without any advertisement spending. The gross profit margin for the NOMARKS business is about 61%. It is the second largest brand in the fast-growing antimark/ anti-blemish category. The brand has more than 12% market share in the Rs 342 crore anti-mark market, which is a very small niche market.
In Q3, Almond Drops Hail Oil derived 39% of its sales from rural India. The rural volume growth was 12%, which is much lower than the above 20% volume growth seen in the corresponding quarter of the last year. The mgmt said that difference between rural and urban growth has become nil.
The company has an extended distribution reach of 2.62 million retail outlets, which are serviced by 6889 direct distributors and 15122 wholesalers. The companyis rural distribution network currently stands at 1.57 million outlets which is about 60% of the companyis overall distribution reach. The van operations (91 vans for sales and 6 video vans for promotion) are covering around 6481 uncovered towns and villages on a monthly basis.
In December 2013, the company incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary in the UAE for trading in skin and hair care products. The operations of this subsidiary would commence from April 2014 and the company would cater to the Gulf Cooperation Council market.
The total cash balance with the company as on 31stDecember 2013 is Rs 408.64 crore.
The existing loan of Rs 100 crore taken for acquisition of the Brand NOMARKS will be repaid without any pre-payment penalty post 22ndFeb 2014 .
The company is not seeing any acquisition for next 12 - 24 months.